
I didn't know much about the city, but I knew it didn't have smog that choked the air, garbage and rot that choked the ground, and the ever-present scent of death. I.E. better than here. I wasn't going to let this guy mess that up for me. Or anyone else. Which is why I was here and not strutting my way back to the single room I shared with two other families.

"Eighteen?" he repeated, obviously disappointed. They always were. They handed me notes, detailing how they wanted to ravage me, thinking I was a child, thinking they were about to enjoy a rare delicacy. Instead, I cut off their dicks.

Screw the creepiness of this dude, I was back to smiling.

"Yeah, why?" His dick was already sagging in his hand, even though I was still fidgeting with my waistband. "Expect something different?"

"Yes," he growled, already moving to put his dick away.

Not so fast, buster.

"What were you expecting?" I asked, reaching out to wrap my hand around his cock, tightening my grip so that he couldn't pull the thing away. Although, I was pretty sure he didn't want to. His cock was already hardening in my hand. "What did you want to fuck?"

I squeezed tighter and he moaned, closing his eyes and resting his head against the grimy stone of the alley.

"I'm still the same girl you saw on the street," I leaned in, gripping his cock harder as I unsnapped the button of the leather sheath on my belt. "I'm still just as tight."

He moaned, pressing himself against the wall as he attempted to thrust against my palm. I was gripping him so tight, however, that his cock didn't budge.

"If your pussy is as tight as your hand..." He didn't finish as I squeezed harder, pulling his cock toward me and straightening it. Exposing it.

He moaned until the sharp side of my blade hit the base of his cock, until it sliced the skin and his moans became a scream. The beautiful sound was nowhere near a pleasurable moan, but I was still going to enjoy it.

"Shut up you bastard or I'll give you more than a nick," I hissed, still gripping his cock as I pressed my blade against his skin. His initial scream turned into a whimper as he shook beneath me, his watery eyes darting to the opening of the alley in prayer of a savior. He was much bigger than me, though not fit by any definition. He probably could have fought me off, but was too scared to realize it.

"Why should I?" He asked, trying to sound brave beneath his shivers. I almost laughed, my blade sliding in and making him whimper pathetically. "One. One scream and the Gurgs will come."

Gurgs. Those vile red-skinned monsters from a distant planet that prowled our streets weren’t out there for him. They were there to protect women, the only real product this planet had to sell anymore.

"Gurgs would rather rip off your cock for what you do to young girls. At least I will give you a clean cut." I slid the blade again and he gasped, flattening himself against the wall in a foolish attempt to get away from my blade. The head of his cock was purple from how hard I was gripping it.

"You really don't know what you are doing..."

"I'm cutting off your cock," I was smug, a half smile pulling the freckled cheek that often caused so many heads to turn.

"One scream..." I was really getting tired of this guy. I hadn't really cut off a cock before, but he was pushing my buttons.

"No one is going to save you. They will be as glad to have you gone as I’ll be."

"You should tell that to the girl that I..." he leaned in as though I would be interested to hear the twisted dribble that was spewing from his mouth. It coated me with as much disgusting mucus as the spit that flew from his mouth.

"Fuck this." I snapped. I snapped as loud as my blade did against the soft skin of his member. I snapped like his scream against the stone wall. Snapped like the light of his ident band as he hit the emergency number.

Snapped like the blood that coated my front.

Red, peppery sprays that now covered the grey smock from work. They blended with my freckles, proof of a different kind of sin.

"What the fuck?" I screamed, soft skin falling from my hand as the man fell to his knees, as his scream lessened and the cool female voice of the operator in his ident band burst to life.

"How can we assist you Ambassador Murray..." Ambassador... oh my god, did she say ambassador? "WHAT THE FUCK?"

The woman took the words right out of my mouth.

My heart stopped as the hologram of the service he had called burst from his wrist, as the smoothed and pressed woman looked from the blood that poured from his groin to me. She looked at the blood that covered the walls and me… with a bloodied knife in my hand.

At least I wasn't holding his severed dick in my hands.

The thought brought a wicked smile to my blood-tinted lips. Which was, quite clearly the last thing I needed to be doing right then. Yes, smiling while holding a knife spoke only of one's sanity.

"Computer! Identify!" The woman screamed, the ident on the fucking ambassador’s wrist popping to life, sending streams of blue light out as it attempted to locate my ident band.

I held it behind my back. Thank gods I had turned it off before coming down here, not that that would keep me safe. She had seen my face, a face that was already logged and registered in TerraLink's files. A face that the Gurgs would easily track down, and they were already on the way. The sirens of their damn cars were always buzzing in the streets. But now they were coming closer.

Holy bat shit on the sun. I was fucked.

My stomach dropped to my

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