might have a place for you in my house."

I looked up; the back door of the building she had clearly come from emblazoned with a red feather. No, a Scarlet Feather. A pleasure house. My heart stuttered in my chest.

The Scarlet Feather was the most renowned pleasure house in the district. I had seen their girls around town, throwing money around like it was nothing. They sure as shit don't make that money sewing shirts.

I considered the mystery woman’s offer. What did she mean by ‘a place’ with her? Was I about to get myself into worse trouble than I already was? I looked at her kind-hearted face and knew she wasn’t lying to me. It wasn’t like I had much to lose. I took a deep breath. Well, if I couldn't sell my virginity to the aliens... this might work instead.

"It's me."

“Perfect. I’m Natalia. Welcome home.”



"Come on brother! It's time I showed you the wonders of this damned planet." I threw my arm around the golden skinned man to my left and led him down the darkened street.

This side of the vile smog filled city was surprisingly busy for this late at night, although there weren't as many off-world visitors as I had expected. Fine by me, less people to stop us and exchange gossip of travel amongst the stars and this planet's vile TerraLink Program.

The less people that knew we were here, the better.

Myro and I had only landed an hour or so ago, donned the business suits of this planet's males, and left. We would have been turning more heads if we looked less human, but other than the sheen of gold in our skin and eyes we looked just like the fragile creatures who inhabited the barren rock.

"I'm not your brother," Myro grumbled, shrugging off my arm as he stepped away.

I laughed, of course he wasn't my brother. He was as blonde and blue-eyed as I was dark and dangerous—and truth be told, I hated him. I hated his grin and refusal to do as we had been raised. I hated his foolhardy search for some perfect mate. Like there weren't a million women to love and bed in this solar system alone.

He was slowing me down from my true purpose as a Coxian male. Bring elite pleasure to those around me. It was more than a skill; it was part of our kind. That is, unless you were Myro, the bastard I was doomed to travel with, and his ridiculous need for monogamy.

"Fine, come to the whore house with me, you Coxian bastard." I threw my arm around him again, forcing him closer and closer to the black ebony door ahead of us. He had tried to get out of coming with me for the last few days, but now we were on earth, and I was going to enjoy myself.

The Scarlet Feather was the best place to do that. Or so I had heard in the whisperings at the last space station we had docked at. It was forbidden for our kind to walk the soil of this planet, seeing as the planet's atmosphere drained us of our health and ability. If what I had heard was true, however, it was worth the risk. An elite pleasure house with enough human women to please me, and for me to please. I was going to fill the house with screams tonight, and I was going to make Myro watch.

He had skill enough to send multiple women into orgasm with a look, but all of that beautiful skill was going to waste. I clicked my tongue and led us closer to that tantalizing door, through which all of my dirty thoughts would become a reality. The jewels on that door spread around the feather insignia like another opening I wished to conquer tonight.

"I'm as much a bastard as you are, Fey," Myro snapped, still trying to get out of my grip. I wasn't having it. He was going through this door one way or another.

"Coxians are bastards, no way around that. That's what you get when your fathers are gods who can control women's orgasms. They don't want to pleasure just one woman. Well, unless they are you," I grinned, blowing him a kiss, his handsome face curled up in distaste. Good. He could keep it that way for all I cared. Leave more of the beautiful ladies to me.

"Did it ever cross your mind that you can pleasure just one woman with those magic fingers of yours?"

"No. No. It did not." I didn't even look at him as we scaled the last step, the scarlet door swinging open before us as though it had been waiting for us. It probably was, the sight of a few Coxian's was maybe even driving them all crazy already.

I was sure the girls were shivering like a Baterdorian battle fish in the waves from hearing that we were heading their way. Practically yanking Myro in after me, I strutted into the building expecting to have at least twenty girls already proffering themselves to me. Instead I faced a small wooden table, a woman past her prime, and red and black wallpaper that gave off a smell like the Hydrin forest back home.

"Disappointed in the quality of puss?" Myro chuckled, noticing my face. I sucker punched him with my free hand and shoved his ugly face further into my armpit.

"Welcome, gentlemen," the older woman said with a voice like a moss fairy, rising to stand with a swish of skirts unusual for this planet. I straightened, keeping Myro restrained, and she grinned and pushed some of her black and grey-streaked hair back into place, her unnaturally purple eyes following us. "We are honored to have your kind join our party. It isn't often we see men from your planet..."

The woman trailed off, her eyes darting down to the hem of my pants as her throat visibly constricted. A smirk pulled up the corner of my lips

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