to run towards the hoop. James passed the ball back and Big put the ball in for an easy layup.

"That's game, assholes," Big grinned, high-fiving James. "Tony, you might want to work on your smack talk since you clearly suck at hoops."

"Eat a dick, Big," Tony retorted with a laugh, flipping him off.

Big wiped the beads of sweat off his brow with the back of his hand and looked over when the door opened. "Hey, Jerry! You come out here to get your ass beat in hoops, too?"

"I'd school your ass, Biggerman," Jerry said. "Someone's here to see you."

"Oh, yeah?" Big asked curiously. "And who might that be?"

"Dunno what her name is. Pretty though. Not sure what the hell she wants with you," he joked.

"Maybe she's come to tell him about a kid he knows nothing about," Tony said.

Big went momentarily ashen. "Fuck off, dude. That's not even in the vicinity of funny. I handle my business, thanks."

James and the other guys laughed. "I wish you could see your face right now."

He flipped them the bird and grabbed his discarded t-shirt. "You all suck," he bit out, and walked inside.

"Cookies inside, gentlemen," Jerry told them, and was nearly bowled over as the other three ran for the door.

When Big walked back into the station, he saw the rest of the crew gathered around a woman with long, dark hair. "No way! I do not believe you!" She threw her head back and laughed. It was a rich, hearty laugh that had his lips twitching upward. He didn't recognize her, but hey, if a hot woman was looking for him, who was he to complain?

"You shouldn't. About ninety percent of what comes out of his mouth is pure bullshit," Big said, making the woman turn around. To say he was surprised to see the woman from the fire would be an understatement. She was also about a hundred times better looking than he remembered. Fuck. "You," he said, almost like an accusation.

Alisha was rendered speechless at the sweaty and shirtless man before her. She most certainly hadn't noticed the chiseled jaw or the hazel eyes the other night. Damn the fire and his prickly attitude for blinding her and leaving her at a total disadvantage. She heard him clear his throat and she lifted her eyes up to his; found him smirking deeply at her. She had been openly ogling him and he'd caught her. Life was so not golden at the moment. "Me," Alisha concurred, rising to her feet.

Amused by her staring and curious as to why she was there, he folded his arms across his chest and arched a dark eyebrow at her. "What are you doing here?"

She grabbed the tin of cookies and held it out for him. "I made these for you—as a thank you." Swallowing the lump that had mysteriously formed in her throat, she added, "And I'm sorry."

Big stared at her for a beat, then took the proffered tin, his fingers quickly brushing against hers. He ignored the little jolt of electricity he felt in his fingertips. "Sorry, huh?" He looked pointedly at her. "For what?"

Alisha fought the urge to narrow her eyes. You were the idiot, Alisha. Suck it up. "I'm sorry for the unwise decision of running into a burning building for my neighbor's cat. I know that I held you up from doing your job…so, I apologize."

"Unwise? I'd call it pretty damn stupid, personally," he shot back.

Her eyes did narrow this time and she pressed her lips together tightly. He may be good looking, but he was still a jerk. "Yes, you charmingly said as much the other night. I won't take up any more of your time—enjoy the cookies." She turned to stalk away.

"Wait—um," he trailed off.

"Alisha," she told him.

Big nodded and opened up the tin. He pulled out an oatmeal raisin cookie and took a big bite. It was heavenly—the perfect blend of sweet with a hint of spice and it was even better than the ones his grandma used to make. "Not bad," he said, swallowing.

She frowned. Everyone had always raved about her cookies before.

"Don't be such a jerk, Big," James said approaching. "I just had a few and they're really good." He smiled at her. "Thanks for bringing these by. We appreciate it."

Alisha smiled at the tall man with the boyishly handsome face and the kind manners. "You're welcome." There was something so familiar about him, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. She angled her head and studied him curiously. "I know you from somewhere," she told him finally.

Big frowned and looked at his best friend as he looked back at Alisha with his trademark goofy grin.

"You do?"

"Yes," Alisha nodded. "I never forget a face, but I cannot place where I've seen you before."

James shrugged, feeling a little put on the spot by her intense gaze and reached for a cookie from Big's tin.

"Get your own, James," Big snapped, slapping his hand away.

Alisha snapped her fingers. "James Keller!" she blurted excitedly. "Right?" Both men looked at her with raised brows.

"Y-yes," he stammered.

"You played football for Vista Verde High in Staten Island."

Big exchanged a quick glance with James. He was half worried that in addition to rushing into burning buildings that this chick had a special pot for boiling bunnies at home.

"Yes," he drawled out.

"Oh, my God, this is hilarious," Alisha said laughing.

"Mind clueing the rest of us in on the joke?" Big asked shortly. He didn't know why he was annoyed that she'd come to see him and now was making cow eyes at James.

"Sorry, of course. You probably think I'm completely crazy." Alisha beamed a huge smile at both men. "I'm from Findlay. I went to Findlay Prep and my best friends had such a crush on you."

James smiled then while Big rolled his eyes. "Friends, huh?" he asked.

"Yes. My friends, Maggie and Russell."

Big snorted out a laugh.

"Russell?" James asked, his flaming red.

Alisha giggled, "It was mostly my friend, Maggie. She met you at a party once

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