I smiled at her.

She made eye contact with me and grinned before starting her way towards me. However, when she was only about ten feet away, she noticed the two girls standing with me, and walked right passed me instead.

I knew that look in her eyes, as she avoided my gaze and walked by. It was the same look she gave me when my parents bought me my BMX bike for my twelfth birthday, the one she’d been begging for.

She was jealous, but why?

I didn’t get a chance to chase her down, or set things straight, before the bell rang. So, instead I met up with her after class when I saw her by Tyson’s locker.

She ignored me as I walked up, talking to our friend Tyson about some tool in her last class like she didn’t even notice me yet.

It was obvious she was hesitant in accepting the growth of our social circle. Most of the guys still had girlfriend's from last year and, even though I wasn’t dating anyone, there were still girls that tried to hangout.

I couldn’t really blame Ryder for being uncomfortable with them. They sure didn’t waste time questioning my friendship with Ryder.

Plus, any of them that had interest in me weren't shy about letting me know they didn't like how close Ryder and I were. Not that I cared about what they thought.

In fact, right now, I didn’t care about much of anything. Not when I was too preoccupied with what I was overhearing Ryder mentioning to Tyson, and the other guys.  

Apparently, some guy caught her attention in English literature class, and I wasn't sure if I liked the idea of her dating yet.

She was only a freshman, and I knew what went on in the minds of my male peers. I didn’t want her to get wrapped up in a relationship. Especially, one that would only hurt her in the end.

It was my job, as her friend, to protect her from the regret of a meaningless relationship. She deserved better than the tools our high school had to offer.


After fifth period, I finally caught up with Ryder while she was alone and we headed to meet up with the guys for lunch.

She blew off my attempt to find out what was bothering her and, like clockwork, I saw my friend Kara coming down the hall towards Ryder and I.

I swear, girls had to have some kind of sixth sense about when the guy they liked was around another girl.

As Kara passed, she grazed my arm and smiled.

I felt Ryder's eyes dart to me instantly.

“Who’s that?” She asked, and we kept walking.

“Kara, she’s one of the cheerleaders for our varsity team.”

Ryder only nodded.

I nudged her playfully. “Is my best friend jealous?” I grinned.

She rolled her eyes. “Unlikely, I pity her actually. She obviously has yet to endure a night of your obnoxious snoring.”

“You love when I snore. It helps you sleep.” I teased. “Plus, I could always have her sleepover and test out her true potential. You know, to see if she can handle it.” I laughed, but Ryder didn’t this time.

A few more girls offered me a smile as we rounded the corner to the cafeteria, then looked at Ryder in annoyance.

“You seem to have a lot of admirers, and it seems to be making me a lot of enemies.”

I laughed. “Any enemy of yours, is an enemy of mine.”

She smiled. “Am I supposed to feel honored?”

I stopped at the doors to the cafeteria, pulling Ryder off to the side with me, letting the busy traffic of students pass by us.

I wasn’t oblivious to all the eyes being cast towards us, and they weren’t all for me either. I wasn’t stupid, I'd heard the guys talking about her in class. Some making crude comments about her, and how they’d love to taste if she was as innocent as she looked.

I shut it down pretty quickly, at least with the guys in my grade, but I knew my pull didn’t reach the upper classmen. That’s what concerned me.

“What?” she questioned, letting me drag her away from the moving crowd.

“Are you going to be bothered by me dating?”

I’d been putting the question off all summer, and for the last few days. It was an awkward question, considering we were best friends, because it shouldn’t bother either of us if the other dated. Yet, jealousy was a well-kept secret between us.

We’d never been great about sharing the others time with anyone else. It was just newer to me since she’d been home schooled for so long.

She laughed. “I mean as long as she doesn’t try to give me a make over or demand we stop being friends, I’ll survive.”

I grinned. “Deal. I think I’m going to ask Kara out after school, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t weird for you.”

Her smile faded. “Oh.”

“What?” I eyed her. “Do you not like her?”

“I don’t even know her, I’m sure she’s great.” She spoke softly, looking down at the ground.

I used my finger to nudge her chin up to look at me. “Don't make me embarrass you,” I warned. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

She shot me a glare. “Don’t you dare, I’m fine.”

I leaned in and nudged her ear with my lips. “Tell me what you’re thinking.” I whispered, pulling her up against me.

Everyone turned to look at us as they walked by, and I was very aware of the tinted blush on Ryder's cheeks. It was so easy to embarrass her, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think she was enjoying my little display of ownership.

The thought made me feel

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