of those in the future.”

I climb in the car and stare shamelessly at his butt as he walks off whistling.

* * *

“What the fuck, Lani!” Prue slams into the store and slaps her hand on the counter in front of me. “I had to hear it from Mrs. Sampson at the diner that your building fucking burnt down last night!”

I shake my head rolling my eyes. “It’s not that dramatic. It was only one apartment and a whole lot of smoke damage. Barely a fire, really.”

Her shoulders fall, all the steam leaving her sails. “Sorry… you know I just worry.”

I wrap her up in a big hug. “I know, honey. I love that you worry. Everything really is okay.”

Ever since her dad died a couple years ago, she’s been extra protective of anyone she loves. Not that I can blame her. He went to the city to speak to his lawyer about his will, and on the way back to his car, he was killed in a mugging. Ironic that he went to get his affairs in order and died the very same day.

“So, where are you staying?”

I knew this was going to come up. Of course, my bestie would want to know. “Oh, I’m just staying here.” I shrug. “It’ll only be a couple days.”

“What?! That’s ridiculous! You’re going to stay with me.”

“You know I can’t do that. Cujo would eat Mr. Grey… or try to.”

Prue crosses her arms. “Her name is Lollipop.”

I snort. “Yeah, she’s not one bit sweet, no matter what you call her.”

“She’s just loud.”

She isn’t wrong. Cujo is a sweet… to people. Cats? Not so much. Which is why there is no way Mr. Grey and I could ever stay with her.

“So why don’t you stay with Ana?”

“You know she’s allergic to cats. And before you even suggest it, you know exactly why I can’t stay with Margo. She has her hands full with her granny. I don’t mind staying here. It’s not like I don’t spend most of the time here anyway.”

She lets out a gusty breath. “I know. I won’t put up a fight, but if it’s any longer than a few days, we’re going to talk again.”

I roll my eyes. “Yes, mommy.”

Prue’s beeper goes off. “Duty calls. Let me know if you need anything.”

“I will. Now go save the world from all the clogged pipes.”

She laughs, flipping me off as she leaves.

4 Torin

It’s been three days since I saw Lani. I can’t get the image of her standing barefoot in the chilly dawn morning, holding her cat with tears streaming down her face out of my head. Every time I think of it, my heart hurts. She’s so sweet and innocent. She doesn’t deserve something like that. She shouldn’t ever have a reason to cry.

I want to wrap her up in my arms and keep her safe. To make sure she knows how precious and loved she is. That kiss we shared has replayed on repeat over and over in my mind. It was only a small taste of what I want from her, and more than I ever thought I would have. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but the moment was perfect, and there wasn’t any denying myself. She lit up like the Fourth of July and returned my kiss with fervor.

It’s the first sign she’s ever given me that says she sees me as more than just the guy that grew up next door. We’ve been friendly, but never friends. I’ve always been here, though. Waiting. I’d wait forever if I had to.

The bells ding as I open the door to Sweet Reads. Lani’s cat jumps up on the counter, hissing and swatting the air between us. Definitely going to have to work on getting on his good side. Espeically if I want to make his mistress fall in love with me as deeply as I’m in love with her.

“Be there in just a second!” Lani calls from the back.

Instead of waiting with the cat, I decide to meet her in the back—no reason for her to have to stop what she’s doing when it’s just me. I come to an abrupt stop when I see the bare length of her back just before she pulls her shirt on. My pants are noticeably tighter at the sight.

She turns and jumps back a step with a little cry. “You startled me. You must be half-cat or something. I should put a bell on you.”

I laugh. “Whatever makes you happy, beautiful.”

She leans down and slips on her shoes then gives me a curious look. “What are you doing here? Do you need a book?”

I shake my head. “Just wanted to check on you.”

“Oh…” she says with a blush. I fucking love when Lani blushes. It’s adorable and sexy as fuck. “I’m fine. You don’t have to check on me.”

“I don’t have to… I want to.”

She turns to grab her phone from her desk, and I notice the duffle bag I helped back open on the floor beside it… I take in the rest of the office and realize she’s been living here.

“Are you sleeping here?” I bark, unable to hold in my anger at my girl sleeping on a way too small couch in her office.

“I… well.” She chews on her lip, weighing her words carefully. “Yes?”

“You said you were staying with one of your friends,” I accuse.

Lani shakes her head. “No, I said I had somewhere to stay. Not that I would be staying with someone.”

I growl at her words. “You can’t stay here like this. It’s going to be at least two more weeks until Phizer has that hellhole up to code.”

“Hey! That place isn’t a hellhole, it’s my home.” Her lower lip sticks out in a pout, and she looks genuinely hurt by my words. My heart clenches in my chest. I never want to be the cause of pain for her, no matter how small. Without thinking, I

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