
"We're going to Anthony's!" she shrieked, the excitement almost tangible.

I processed what she said for a moment.

I blinked. "Tonight's the party?"

"Yessssss," her smile growing even bigger.

Before I could ask her about what to do, she spoke up. "We're dressing up at your place. I

bought a gift for the both of us, so you don't need to worry about that," she said.

"Thanks. I'll make up to you," I said.

"A treat or a sleepover would do," she winked.


School was over before I knew it.

We waited at the parking lot for Mr. Champ, while Kris and Anthony were at practice.

"Err. Do you think they'll make it in time for the party?" I asked Kristine, referring to Kris and Anthony.

"Kris and Anthony? Sure they will. You just don't know how fast those boys can dress up," she said confidently.

Just then Mr. Champ pulled into the parking lot and Kristine and I climbed inside. We dropped

by her house first, to fetch her things and the gifts, then we went home.

I left Kristine at my room and I went to the kitchen to ask Nanny if she could fix us a snack when

my phone rang.


"Drei? Anthony," he whispered.

"Oh. Is practice over?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as I could.

"Almost. Are you getting ready?" He whispered again.

"Yea. Kristine's here at my house now. Wait, why are you whispering?" I managed to ask.

"This is Kris's phone," I could almost hear the mischievous smile in his voice.

"Oh. Return it before he finds out. We'll call later when we're ready," I said, then I hung up.

I smiled as I entered the kitchen, which surprised Nanny.

"Something funny, Andrea?" she asked.

"No, nothing Nanny. A friend just called," I answered honestly.

"A friend," she repeated, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked, getting the hint.

"Nothing dear. Need me to do anything for you?" she asked, still with the teasing tone.

"Uhh. I was wondering if you could fix us a snack before we dress up," I smiled shyly. Though Nanny took care of me since birth, I respect her like a second Mom.

"Of course, of course." She answered and was off to the fridge immediately.

"Thanks Nanny!" I called out, then climbed upstairs again.


"Where are you?" Kristine was booming to her phone. She was calling Kris for a good fifteen minutes and he picked up just now.

"Good. Ring me up when you've arrived. You understand the directions right?" She demanded to her twin. I assumed he just affirmed then hung up.

I just looked at her, and was hiding my amusement while doing so. Her big fuss about this event

was very obvious. She really likes Anthony.

"They're on the way. He actually said that they were coming any minute----"

A car honked.

"Now," she finished then literally dragged me downstairs.

She set our things on the table in the living room while Nanny and I let Kris and Anthony in.

I didn't meet Anthony's eyes when I saw the both of them. I didn't know what I was so shy about.

We entered the house, then Anthony and Kris looked at me like they've never seen me outside.

"Wow Drei. You look---"

"Beautiful," Kris finished the sentence for Anthony.

Noticing that Kris was still looking at me, Anthony moved toward the living room, finding Kristine

fixing the gifts.

"Hey Kristine. You look pretty tonight," I heard him say. Pretty? Was that what he wanted to say to me too? I thought.

I smiled at Kris shyly. Kristine and Anthony were right beside us seconds later.

"Ready?" Kristine asked us excitedly.

The three of us nodded and we went outside to Kris's car.

I entered the passenger's seat and Kris rounded the car and climbed on the seat behind the

wheel. Kristine and Anthony were still chatting when I entered and I was surprised when

Anthony was suddenly beside me.

He settled himself in his seat while Kristine climbed in, with a look that made me think she didn't like the seat plan.

Kris glanced at us, but said nothing. When Kristine was settled, Anthony placed the gifts on the

empty front seat.


The party was filled by distinguished guests. I saw businessmen here and there, and even

caught a glimpse of a celebrity or two.

Anthony's parents were ideal. They were celebrating their silver anniversary tonight.

"You ready to go?" Anthony approached our table.

"Where?" I asked, clueless.

"We're going somewhere fun," Kris told me with a mischievous smile.

"We're ready!" Kristine beamed then tugged at my hand.

I raised my eyebrows and the twins stood up. I looked at Anthony and he smiled. "Let's go," he called out to everyone, but eyes still on mine.


"Where's Kris?" Anthony asked Kristine and me, as we settled ourselves in the backseat.

I shrugged. "I don't know," Kristine answered for me.

Just then someone knocked on the window, and I looked up to see he was on my side.

I was shocked when I recognized him.

"Jonathan?" I said, and he knocked again, gesturing me to open the window.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Drew told me you were here and---" he trailed off.

I rolled my eyes. "He asked you to follow me."

"Well, yea. Kind of," he answered shyly.

"Hi Jonathan! Come with us," Kristine suddenly tugged at his arm, pulling him in.

He closed the door and sat beside me.

"Let's go Anthony. Let's just call Kris when we get there. Besides, he can use his car." Kristine had a point. We were using Anthony's car anyway. But wouldn't that seem like we left Kris


Reluctantly, Anthony started the engine and we were on our way.


Kristine and Anthony didn't give me even the slightest hint about where we were actually going.

When I saw the place, I couldn't believe my eyes. An Amusement Park.

"Wow," Jonathan and I said, sounding like little kids again.

Anthony cut off the engine and we climbed out of the car. "Kristine, would you hold this for me?

I'm leaving my coat in the car." Anthony tossed the keys to Kristine, and she slid them in her pouch.

Jonathan was so excited, he pulled Kristine toward a ride. I looked at him, a little confused.

Maybe he thought I was the one he was pulling away.

That left Anthony and me, standing

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