both chuckle. The street lights were edging closer to us now and this was a sure sign we were nearly home. I breathed a sigh of relief. Nancy’s comforting arm reached for mine.

“You’ll be sighing like that after he’s fucked you senseless.” The words left her sweet mouth and I recoiled.

I gasped “God no!” She did the same thing that Soph had done earlier. Wiggled her eyebrows.

“Why not!? I wish he’d fuck me senseless.” She admitted and I grimaced.

“She liked the blonde… we all know blondes are her type.” Soph had now popped up and gripped my other arm. Please don’t bring up.

“Ben.” They said in unison and I frowned deeply as they both laughed. Why? Why did they bring him up. I had checked my phone countless times to see if he had texted me before we left for my gig. He sent nothing which didn’t surprise me but it still hurt. I thought he understood when I said I wanted to take things slow. I gripped their arms tighter and felt Nancy rest her head against my shoulder.

“Honestly he’s a fucking tool Av. Forget about him.” Her words were softer now but not soft enough. In that moment I thought I was going to combust.

“Yeah just get under the hottie at the bar that’ll fix everything.”

“Soph you’re such a slut.” I grinned at her and watched as she licked her lips.

“Nothing better than a bit of dick… once you’ve had it I swear to you, you’ll be the slut.” I laughed with Nancy and shook my head. Your so dirty.

Holt - Monday

I woke the next morning to the extremely rude sound of my alarm clock, reaching across to my side table to turn it off, I slipped and rubbed my eyes. Now more awake than I was I groaned and slammed the alarm off.

“Shit…” I muttered inwardly to myself as I rolled out of my bed and glanced at myself in the mirror.

“Avaya! You are going to be late again! If you insist on doing these gigs you need to learn to wake up the next day!” My mother… She continued to harass me throughout the morning, not leaving well enough alone and followed me around the upstairs of my house rambling about how I need to get a grip on my life if I’m ever to succeed. Stubbing my toe as I made my way to the bathroom, I gripped it tightly and hissed. This in turn received a look of dismay from my mother. Her boss must have seriously pissed her off this morning. I gave her a ‘please now leave me alone’ look and slammed the bathroom door behind me. I looked down towards my throbbing toe to find there was no blood drawn. Stubbing toes has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world. I don't do mornings.

I pulled faces in the mirror, examining every imperfection.  I looked tired today more than normal. It must have been something to do with the fact that I couldn’t get Mr. Mysterious out of my head. I knew that there was something fishy about him and yet the thought crossed my mind that he could be good to have some fun with and would almost definitely piss Ben off. I grabbed my long sleeved turtleneck jumper and shoved it over my head. It did absolutely nothing to tame the mass of waves. I brushed my teeth frantically and scraped my hair up into a high messy bun. I caught a glimpse of the girl stood looking back at me and let out a sigh. One more year of this Av, one more year. I threw on my dark slightly worn skinny denim jeans and rushed down the stairs towards my front door.

“Gotta go gonna be late!” Literally my lecture started in 15 minutes… I watched as her shoulders rose and fell along with her chest.

“You are always late Avaya.” She muttered as she turned away from me. She can be such a cow sometimes… Her sarcasm never goes amiss and somehow her voice always seems tainted by a faint tone of it even when she is being serious. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her scolding me and started to jog towards the university campus. One more year Av. I ran. I knew if I ran I could make it in 10 minutes which would give me plenty of time to settle for the lecture. I could hear the faint sound of my mobile buzzing in my pocket. I went to reach for it and realised I didn’t have my lanyard around my neck.

“Oh christ sake where the hell did I put that!?” I muttered as my face scrunched. My phone eventually stopped buzzing.

I took my seat next to Nancy in the huge hall which was brimming with students. She flashed me her killer Hollywood smile and heard the guy sat next to us suck in his breath.

“Everytime you smile you give somebody a slight heart attack,” I paused “you know that right?” I watched as she shook her head and nudged me.

“Don’t be so ridiculous,” I leant down to gather my things from my bag. My notepad and a pen would be a great start. “Anyway where were you until now?” Her tone was teasing. “Did Mr. Mysterious come and meet you after we left?” The thought of the tall, dark and handsome man flashed in my brain and I could feel my face fill with blood.

“Oh piss off Nance.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me again and a sigh escaped my lips. I glanced towards the guy sat next to us. He was such a sweet and innocent looking young man. I swore he’d had a crush on Nance since we started taking this class 2 years ago. Part of me wished he’d say something. He wouldn’t. Only the cocky arseholes ever make the first move. I knew that all too well. Ben… I pushed my thoughts to one

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