side and heard our lecturer,

“Everyone hear me okay up the back?” He shouted and a reverberating sound of miserable 19/20 year olds mumbled in reply.

“He’s hot…” Nance smirked as she looked at the professor at the front of the class. Honestly these girls had no filter. When would they stop?

I left the lecture completely lost in thought, my feet dragged me towards the large water fountain in the middle of the campus. I watched the water trickle and land in the pool beneath and took a large breath. Nancy had another lecture. I on the other hand had the afternoon free. The thought had crossed my mind about getting a coffee but I felt exhausted. A shiver ran through me as the breeze picked up. I took a seat on the side of the fountain and heard the familiar deep voice.

"Avaya Louree Holt". What the... I quickly turned in the direction the voice was coming from. My breath came to an immediate halt. It’s him! I knew the frown on my face was visible. How had he found me? How did he know my name? Was he some kind of stalker? Should I scream? I shook my thoughts away and stared up at him. "C'mon we are going for a coffee..." He reached out for my arm and I instantly snatched it away.

"How did you even?"

"What? Know where you were." His smile widened as he pulled out my uni lanyard from his pocket. My eyes studied it. "You should really be more careful where you leave things, they could fall into the wrong hands?" His dark eyes were gleaming and I quickly snatched my badge from his grip. The feeling of his fingertips brushing mine made my face fill with blood again.

"So that's how you knew where I was." The sarcasm in my voice made me cringe, stop Av just walk away, my head screamed. I decided that this was my best course of action. There was no way I was going anywhere with this creep. I stood quickly and started to walk towards the gates of the campus. I heard him jogging behind me and forced myself not to look in his direction. I was fucking smiling. I shook my head again before my feet stopped in their tracks.

“You know you’re not even supposed to be allowed in here with no badge?” I waved it in his face and watched as the corners of his arrow shaped lips turned upwards.

“I have my ways and anyway you weren’t wearing a badge this morning and you got in here?” I scoffed at his statement. He’s unbelievable. It was only now I noticed that there was a crowd of people staring in our direction.

"Okay so really, what do you want?" I snarled at him kind of shocking myself.

"To take you for coffee." He grined in my direction and flashed his brillliant whites in my direction, that coupled with his stupid muddy brown eyes maked it harder for em to say no. No, no and No! Don’t you dare say yes… are you an impulsive 16 year old Avaya!?.

"What's your name?" I snapped once again. "I'm not going for coffee with some random, nameless guy I met in a pub. Who may I add stalked me into my university campus!" - That’s it you tell him! My feet had once again stopped moving and I am now stood examining his muddy brown eyes like a puppy dog.

"Conway." He stated. A small smile crossed my face as I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing. Surely you’re not serious?

"Conway? Seriously?"

"Yes, and that's all you're ever going to find out if you don't agree to come for this coffee." I do quite like this lad. I sighed, it was heavier than I intended it to be.

"I don't drink coffee." I suppressed a smirk as he frowned.

"What kind of weirdo doesn’t like coffee?" He sounded exhausted as he spoke and I held in my grin. “Fucking hell fine a tea? Hot chocolate whatever you want?” I shook my head in utter disbelief in the remarkable way this 'Conway' had such a big ego.

"Fine I'll go." The ability to say no to anyone remained and I started walking again.

We made our way, in awkward silence a short distance across the campus to Costa. The awkward silence not ending as we arrived. I took a seat as did he, he was smiling now. Probably thinking that he’d won. Big headed idiot. I glanced over at a pretty middle aged blonde lady stumbling around with cups staring in our direction, he too glanced over and I watched as he smirked at her. A small laugh escaped my mouth.

"You are unbelievable..." I muttered, more to myself that to him.

"What do you mean?" His face seemed more serious now and the same glare from the night before returned to his handsome face. He was not so carefree now...

"Nothing never mind." I cleared my throat and pointed at what I wanted from the small drinks menu, he simply nodded and walked off to order. What are you doing? Why do you find this cocky, sure of himself guy sort of attractive? My bra burning attitude towards men should have been kicking in by now. Please kick in, please, please, please!  My eyes followed him as he worked his magic on the middle aged blonde behind the counter. I watched as she moved her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. She had the same look on her face that Nancy had the night before when she had seen him. Her face grew redder the more she spoke to him. I examined his attire. He had relaxed jeans on and a navy jumper. He looked way too casual to be a university tutor. Shit! He’s not is he? I gulped down the lump growing in my throat and tried to look anywhere but at him as he carried the cups of hot chocolate over towards us. He moves so

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