never do, we both need the sleep.”

Heat tore through Caitlin, but she nodded demurely. Ryan gave her one of his glamour smiles.               “See you bright and early.” With that, he disappeared from the room, the front door softly clicking shut. A moment later.”

Chapter Three

Caitlin looked at the tiny fields below, seeing everything in miniature made her problems smaller somehow. True to his word, Ryan had appeared the next morning in his limousine and driven directly to a private airstrip, where his pilot met them and made them comfortable on his jet.

Caitlin had done some research on Ryan overnight and discovered he was highly esteemed in the oil industry. He managed to keep a large company together and garnered useful reports from many of the shareholders on the board. It was impressive, the price of his shares continued to rise astronomically, even during troubled financial times. He was a businessman with a superior intellect, Caitlin couldn’t help but linger over his portfolio, which featured a headshot of him looking irresistibly handsome.

Now flying high above the ground, she turned to face him, watching him finish some last-minute communications on his laptop. The lounge area was spacious, apart from the two pilots, they were the only passengers on board. He noticed her gaze and glanced up from his laptop.

“Normally I have waiting staff, but as this business trip was last-minute, you’ll have to rely on me for service. Can I get you a drink?”

Conscious of the new life within her still flat belly, Caitlin shook her head. “I’m okay, I get a little nauseous on flights, I don’t want to push my luck.” She smiled ruefully, quietly congratulating herself for coming up with an excellent excuse for the morning sickness, which was starting to become a daily occurrence.

“Sure, let me know if you need anything, all this business can wait till later anyway.”

Ryan clicked a few buttons and snapped the lid of his laptop shop. He leaned back on the spacious leather lounge and watched her with hooded eyes. His face was impassive and enigmatic. Yet his eyes had such a come-fuck-me look, Caitlin started to squirm in her seat opposite him. A slick shiver went down her spine. Did he know how he affected her? She wondered. Caitlin squeezed her thighs together, seeking relief from the heat within her groin. Her porcelain skin, translucently pale under the artificial overhead lights

“I have meetings and business to attend to this afternoon, but first, I will get you settled in your suite at the hotel. Perhaps tonight you will join me for dinner at 8pm?”

Ryan put on his best charming smile. A switch flipped in Caitlin’s belly as her erogenous zones lit up like Christmas lights.

Get a grip. Caitlin, you’re meant to be in control of yourself, don’t let him know how turned on he makes you.

She shifted in his seat and straightened her spine, took a deep breath, and nodded, not quite ready to speak, lest she stammers like a schoolgirl.

“It’s a date,” Ryan answered confidently. He chattered away, filling the silence with relevant details about his business and his ideas for expansion into new areas to search for oil on home territory.

An hour passed pleasantly enough, Caitlin’s stomach settled, and she decided that she was getting used to the air travel after all.

“Excuse me while I powder my nose,” she said demurely and gracefully stood up, and coquettishly she shimmied past Ryan, conscious of his proximity. Following his gesture, she headed to the bathroom.

Caitlin splashed water on her face and faced her reflection in the mirror; she was flushed and pink. Arousal clearly leaving a hue across her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, she stepped back into the hallway and clicked the bathroom door shut behind. A voice called out from above;

“I’m up here now, in the upstairs suite, won’t you come to join me?” Ryan called out. His gravelly voice leading her up a narrow staircase.

Caitlin quietly made her way up the stairs, which opened into a magnificent bedroom and lounge area. Comfortable chairs at the front of the room, and a large decedent looking bed that was beautifully made up with luscious, shiny fabrics at the end of the long and narrow area. Ryan was sitting at the armchair and rose to greet her.

“I hope your stomach has settled now?” He gently enquired. His hands smoothly coming to rest on her hips.

“Oh, yes, I’m acclimated to being so high in the air now, but I could easily forget I was even on a plane, looking at all this.” Caitlin waved her hand at the luxury before her.

“I have more to show you and to share with you.” Ryan grinned mischievously. “I think it’s time you became my student for the day and joined my mile-high club.”

A rush of wetness flooded Caitlin's groin as he was extremely tempting. For once, she just wanted to forget her problems and give herself up to the guidance of another. She saw the look of an Alpha male in his eyes, he was clearly ready to lead this little show onward. She gave the slightest of nods, a green light to his wicked invitation, it was the sign he was waiting for, he needed a willing accomplice, he needed to know that she was his for the taking.

Ryan slid his hands around her waist and moved them up, brushing against her breast, a thumb pushed against her nipple. He scooped her up as if she was weightless, his strong arms rippled, sinewy muscles evident through his business shirt. Ryan carried her a few feet honeymoon style and gently laid her on the bed, rolling her over to unzip her skirt, Ryan slowly slid her navy pencil skirt over her hips, big hands scooping the curvy flesh of her buttocks. He made a sound, low and deep, a command to present her curves for his inspection. Caitlin understood what he wanted and did as she was told.

Caitlin moved

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