our bridge, and you don’t have the credits to pay the fee... you’re going to have to fight me," John said.

     There was more laughter from the man’s companions and Robin Hood rolled his eyes, running a hand over his smooth, square jaw.

     “Oh very well,” Robin started, whirling the staff around and smacking John across the face. John's companions laughed as he rubbed the red Mark where Robin had struck. Robin grinned cheekily.

     “I’m sorry, I thought the fight had started... John Little. Cute name by the way! Can I call you Little John?” Robin asked as John’s companions burst into laughter.

     “You might regret that little man!” John said, lashing out with his staff, the two weapons smacking together over and over as Robin parried his moves perfectly, stepping back along the bridge and avoiding each blow. John brought his staff up quickly, a swift attack which could have taken Robin’s head off, but he smacked the staff away with his own.

     “You’ve got some skill, Robin Hood. But I was born with a staff in my hand, lad!” John smiled, whirling his staff around so fast that Robin couldn’t even see it.

     Robin watched as the staff spun around and around, hypnotized by the spinning. John took full advantage, kicking Robin hard in the gut and sending him flying off the bridge, crashing into the water. John's companions erupted with laughter and John smiled, looking down into the stream at Robin, who stood up suddenly in the cold water, soaked to the skin. Robin looked up at John, spitting water out of his mouth.

     “You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to beat me, son. I’ve been doing this dance for years,” John said with a smug voice. Robin nodded his head, looking around for his staff but seeing it nowhere. Finally, he grabbed hold of John’s legs.

     “So have I," Robin said, pulling John off the bridge and sending him crashing into the water. Robin sighed as John splashed around in the cold water, gasping and panting.

     “The water’s bloody freezing!” John screamed and Robin laughed, helping the man out of the water and over to where his companions were waiting.

     “Bugger me!” John exclaimed as Robin helped him sit down by the fire. The two of them laughing as they struggled to get warm.

     “You are one determined little bastard! Why you out here anyway?” John asked with a laugh. Robin smiled, nodding his head.

     “I fought in the crusades on the planet Loxley. I’ve come back to make things right for the people of Sherwood. End homelessness and put a stop to the injustice," Robin said. John didn’t laugh, he simply exchanged glances with his companions and stared deep into Robin's eyes.

     “You’re serious?” John asked and Robin nodded.

     “Yes I am," Robin replied and John shook his head.

     “We are fugitives from the Sheriff of Nottingham. We refused to pay his ridiculous taxes and fled the city. They hunted us down like dogs, but we came here. The machines don’t bother searching the forest... heck no one does. All the trees and shit messes with their surveillance equipment,” John said and Robin nodded.

     “The sheriff has got machines doing the work of men. The cops, the guards... even the army are all robots. The bloody war taught the king and all his bloody horses nothing! Machines don’t have bloody feelings! They just hunt you down and they’ll put you down! The sheriff might as well be a machine himself the way he bloody bows to the every barking order of the king too! The King’s bloody half his age!” John said and Robin nodded in agreement. One of the other men spoke up, a younger man in a red leather outfit.

     “People are forced to pay rent and taxes they can’t possibly afford and when they can’t, they are thrown out of their homes and onto the streets. It doesn’t matter if they have families or not. The king doesn’t care about the poor! The rich get treated like kings while the poor suffer and get kicked to the curb!” The younger man said. Robin nodded his head, looking at the younger man.

     “What’s your name, son?” Robin asked and the younger man smiled.

     “Will Scarlet,” he replied and Robin nodded, rubbing his chin.

     “Well, Will Scarlet.. you’re absolutely right. The king doesn’t care. The sheriff doesn’t care. They want to keep the wealthy fat and giggly, while the poor fight to live on scraps. I can’t allow it to continue. The law has become lawlessness and people are hungry. I promise you we can make a difference,” Robin said and John suddenly raised an eyebrow.

     “We? How in the blazes can the three of us make a difference?” John asked and Robin sighed.

     “We fight,” Robin replied. The third man finally spoke up seeming unsure.

     “We are but three men!” The man said and Robin nodded.

“What’s your name?” Robin asked and the man lit a cigarette.

     “Gilbert Whitehand. I’m an archer, sir" Gilbert said and Robin nodded.

     “Gil, we are but four and we can be more. We will seek others to join our rebellion. We will rob the rich. Give back to the poor. We will overthrow the sheriff's machines and give the planet of Sherwood back to the people. If we don’t act now, soon it will be too late. Others will die, I promise you. More people will senselessly starve. That’s why I’ve come back. Will you join me?” Robin asked glancing at each of the three men in turn.

     “I’ll join ya," John said, turning to Will and Gilbert who both nodded in agreement. Robin smiled and the four men sat around the fire eating and talking.

Chapter three: the good friar


Friar Tuck was once a

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