Her mane almost moved on its own to clear my view of the side of her resplendent face.  I had seen her ears briefly before.  The point was considerably more rounded than Aeren's, and not near as long.  It remained mostly human in form whereas her patient's ears were more animal like in appearance.

When Aeren reached forward with her bewitchingly long fingers I was surprised to see Vanilla lean in and turn her head.  My breath caught in my chest as I watched her gently trace the shape of the doctor's ear.  As soon as she pulled her hand back she reciprocated by leaning forward and gesturing for Vanilla to touch hers.  The medical expert didn't even hesitate.  I was beginning to get dizzy as I watched her slowly run one fingertip around the full length of the alien's exquisite ear.

"May I?" I croaked out the breath that I was holding.

"Perhaps later," Aeren said to me with a flirtatious smile.

It was in that moment that I realized the full potential of my new elfish friend.  Her charm was beyond even that of Strawberry's.  She could be very persuasive in negotiations.  We should also train her in communications to replace Cinnamon eventually.  Her hypnotizing voice could be beneficial as well.  But mostly, I was fantasizing about her bedroom manner.  What kind of lover would she be?  Based on what I had just seen take place before me, my testicles were shivering with anticipation of that potential opportunity.

When Vanilla's hands went to the elegant beauty's shoulders, I wasn't sure what was going to happen.  Aeren was staring attentively at the doctor's face, but did not appeared to be overly concerned.  Vanilla's eyes, however, went straight to those perfect large breasts.

"Oh," the doctor finally said as she pulled back and reached for her scanner.  "I'm very sorry about that.  Let me get on with the examination."

Aeren stood there with new confidence as the doctor ran the scanner slowly just inches from the slightly greenish skin.  Though she remained motionless, I imagined a gyration in her hips and heaving breasts that were simply fantasy.  Her bush had gone almost blonde by the time Vanilla's scanner reached her belly.  I had assumed that it was neatly trimmed, but in reality the hair probably didn't grow any longer than that.

The doctor pulled her scanner back and stared at it with confusion.  I was immediately worried that there was a problem.  Perhaps there was a danger in having these aliens among us.  Or Aeren had become injured internally during our escape.

"Is there a problem, doctor?" I asked.

"My scanner seems to be malfunctioning," she answered.  "I'm picking up very limited readings."

"Is it because she is of an unknown species?"

"No," she replied as she tapped through a menu system on the screen.  "The device will collect data from all living things regardless.  There must be something wrong.  Let me run a diagnostic."

"Have I done something wrong?" Aeren asked, noticeably unsure about what was happening.

Of course, we both assured her that she hadn't.  But her question got me thinking.  Aeren was able to step through the doorway of my underground chamber without needing a ring to block the pain inducing crystal above.  Her species, the Xotico, were naturally resistant to the magical gems.

"Aeren," I said as Vanilla continued to examine her device.  "Do you think that your ability to block the effect of those crystals could be a reason for this?"

"Oh," Aeren registered surprise.  "I'm very sorry, Kash and Vanilla.  Can we try again?"

Vanilla was confused by the exchange, but after some encouragement she ceased the diagnostic on her scanner and gave it another attempt.

"It is working now," the doctor exclaimed.  Her scientific curiosity was easily readable.  "How did you do that?"

Aeren apologized again before saying, "It is something that happens naturally.  I was not aware that it would cause an issue with your medical equipment.  I do have some control over it."

"A defense mechanism," I suggested.  After receiving blank stares, I explained.  "You are in a strange place, unsure of your future and being examined by a doctor from another world.  Your guard is up.  Your body's defense mechanism kicked in automatically."

Vanilla agreed with my theory as she completed the medical scan.  I couldn't take my eyes off Aeren's elegant form as the device received all the required readings without touching her skin.  I was hoping that there would be more contact.  A fantasy of my new elfish friend having an orgasm from the touch of the loving doctor forced its way into my mind.  It couldn't be all that far-fetched if it happened to me.

When the device moved onto the second patient I suddenly had another female form to examine.  After seeing the device in action with her friend, Mixi appeared to be less concerned about the examination.  She turned her little body agreeably as Vanilla got her readings and adjusted her position slightly when requested.

I estimated that the alien fairy couldn't be much more than four feet tall and weigh sixty pounds.  Her soft skin was light blue on her torso but transformed to a creamy white for her limbs and face.  Or should I say her head, since she had no hair whatsoever.  Anywhere on her body.

She raised her arms carefully when instructed to do so which in turn extended her wings.  There wasn't enough room to see them in their full glory, but Vanilla claimed that the exposure was significant for her needs.

The beautiful bald girl was tiny in almost every way.  Petite build with slim hips and small breasts.  Only her toes were exceptionally long, with blue nails to match her fingers.  As a winged creature I assumed the feature helped her cling to branches on a tree like a bird.  I knew that her fingers were considerably shorter from my experience in the underground sex chamber.  She could

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