barely get them around my impressive manhood when she stroked me in preparation for the bunny girl to mount me.  Those toes were freaky looking, but they could possibly serve a sexual purpose.  My perverted mind could barely concentrate on anything but sex while looking at them.

I never had a foot fetish back on Earth.  I couldn't really say that I did now, either.  But there had always been something sexy about Honeysuckle running around barefooted.  A closer relationship with Mixi might just encourage more interest in bedroom foot play.  They would have to be clean before they touched my privates, though.  The bottom of our mechanic’s feet tended to be a darker shade from treading around downstairs.  Perhaps a foot washing ceremony would be a means of foreplay.

I wasn't sure how long I had been staring at those toes until they wiggled.  I looked up to see Mixi glaring at me with those incredible sapphire eyes.

"Both of you have some unusual features to your anatomy," the doctor declared when she was done.  "Aeren's ability to block things probably accounts for some of hers.  Mixi, your body appears to have some rapid growth capability.  Are you full grown?"

"Yes, I am," Mixi answered respectfully.  "However, as a Divinifae, I am able to adjust my size at times."

"What?" I asked in shock.

"For short periods of time I can enlarge parts or even my entire body," she explained.  "I can make my wings bigger to flee a predator.  I can lengthen my legs to run faster through a narrow tunnel.  Things like that."

The doctor and I were in awe of this new revelation.  I was certain that she was seeing it in a completely different light than me, though.  Mixi’s minute form was totally hot, but almost unapproachable sexually.

"Can you make your vagina larger?" I asked shamelessly.  "More accommodating?"

"Kash!" both Vanilla and Aeren said in outraged disapproval.

Without even the hint of a smile, Mixi nodded.  "Yes, Kash.  I can."


I decided to exercise my new found authority and give my sexy alien friends a tour of the top level of our ship.  Aeren pulled her hair back down while Mixi covered much of her front with her winged arms.  I believed the action to be for the benefit of the other females onboard more so than out of modesty.  They were trying to fit in as best as they could.  If I picked up on the reprehensive vibe coming from our human females seeing them strutting around in the nude, they certainly did.

"This was Coffee's quarters," I told them as I opened the door.  It would soon belong to someone else.  There was no sense in keeping it untouched for nostalgia’s sake.  To my knowledge no one had entered the room since my precious lover had been killed by an orange dragon.

"I sense sadness," Mixi said as she peered in.

"Yes," I replied, taking a deep breath.  "She was special to me."

"A mate?" Aeren asked.  I knew that her understanding of human relationships was limited.

"Yes, she was.  And a good friend to both Honey and Cinnamon," I told them.  Then getting my emotions in check, I said, "So, this room is available now."

"We'll be sleeping in this room from this point forward?" Aeren asked.  "It is very nice.  We are honored to receive such luxury.  Are you sure that you don't mind?"

"Actually, I was thinking that you could each have your own room," I answered.  "If you are comfortable with being separated already.  It's totally up to you.  In that case this would be Mixi's quarters.  Honey has already requested that you, Aeren take Strawberry's old room since she'll be moving to the front.  That places you right beside our common friend.  How does that sound?"

"Very nice," Aeren replied with a genuine smile.  "I would like that.  It will be delightful to have someone I know close by, but how about Mixi?  To whom do the adjacent two rooms belong?"

"Vanilla to the front," I answered.  "You should be comfortable with her by now.  And Cinnamon toward the rear.  She is the nicest woman that you will ever meet, and my favorite crew member until just recently.  Now she shares that honor with Honey."

"Are you okay with that?" Aeren asked her friend.  Sometimes they came across so human.  I envisioned them debating on which table they preferred at a restaurant.

"I have no problem with my neighbors," Mixi responded.  "Cinnamon and I already shared a bonding moment."

She was referring to her dash to save my girl's life when she fell from Dawynda’s back in the caves.  They hadn’t officially met yet, but I could see how knowledge of the act could form an instant bond.

"My concern is replacing Coffee," she told us.  "You were incredibly fond of her, Kash.  I can tell.  This room may be all that you have to remember her by.  I cannot take this assignment lightly.  If you wish it, I will sleep here.  But I must know more about her."

I took another deep breath.  I wasn't expecting to have to battle all the emotions that came along with remembering Coffee's death.  Grief, guilt, and overwhelming sadness.  But in a way I was glad that Mixi was asking.  Having a moment of closure before giving up her room seemed like a good idea.  The fact that the lovely blue fairy girl suggested it said a great deal about her character.

"Fun," I squeaked out, desperately trying to hold back the pain.  "She was very fun.  Loving and care free.  She had no ambition or ulterior motives.  Coffee just enjoyed life.  And for a time, we enjoyed it together.  I will never forget her.  This room holds some memories, but I'll be keeping those in my heart from here on.  I'm fine with you taking her room, Mixi."

"Thank you," the Divinifae said as she climbed up

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