being brought out in increasing numbers from underneath the water. “Any theories on what happened to them?”

Sam shook his head, “Obviously we’re dealing with a serial killer but nobody knows what the sick fucker who did this is all about… I mean, I have reviewed every bloody serial killings case in the past fifteen years and nothing like this comes close”.

His insight struck Jake, who slowly turned around and smiled before dipping his hands into his pockets. “Really? You have?”

Sam nodded intensely. “Yes and this is different… almost like the killer never wanted these to be found”.

Jake couldn’t believe his ears but the young man was indeed right.

“Shit!” he thought to himself. “How many bodies in total have been found?” he asked.

Responding with another large black bag, tied around its neck was a lady donning body fit swimming gears as some more men appeared from beneath the water. “We have ten… ten total kill and that might just be all”.

Jake looked around and counted the large black bags by himself to conviction. “Ten victims”.

The numbers added up but to a good distaste to his belly as the revelations about to come pouring in threatened to collapse his stomach walls.

“We will have our forensics comb through everybody here to determine what sick maniac we are dealing with and whether there are evidences left behind”, she noted.

Jake reached out his hand to meet hers halfway, “I am Detective Jake Sullivan NYPD”.

Replying with a soft snort and subtle smile, she answered. “Sarah Connell. I know who you are Detective Jake. Your reputation in the department is hardly something anyone can breeze past”.

He could tell she was flirting with him. The signs were there, from the smile on her face to the unwillingness to let go of his hand and not to mention her absolutely relaxed pose for someone who had just dived into deep water to get out bodies of dead people dumped there by the most vicious serial killer they might have come to see for years.

“I am glad we’d be working together on this”, she continued.

He was going to ask why and had already parted his lips open before he halted. He needed to refrain himself from speaking too much and especially when he still could not grasp how they had come to find the bodies.

“I’m guessing you and I will be working a lot together on this case”, she added. “I am the profiler assigned to the case”.

With a raised brow, Jake asked. “And the swimming?”

She shrugged, looked back at the swimming gear and smiled. “An extracurricular activity that came in handy I’d say. It pays to be the states swimming champion for three years in a row”.

Her charm exuded highly from within her and he could feel himself almost neglecting the pressing issues that brought him to the crime scene. On a normal day, he would make his move and see an end to their dalliance over an expensive bottle of wine and the rose-laden bed of his at his condo, but not today; not now or anytime in the future if he could help it.

“I need everything you have on this and get it ready for me within the day”, he ordered with a smile. “You will be working with Sam here and I’m sure he’d have good theories to help you get into the mind of whoever did this”.

With a subtle wave and tiredness in his limbs while he stood and watched his works of art get unraveled, Detective Jake turned back around and began walking away. He needed the fresh air after all and anything else he could get to calm his nerves would be more than welcomed.

“They found them all… ten freaking bodies!” he muttered to himself incoherently with each step furthering him away from the crime scene.

He was never one to believe in bad luck but something about the week didn’t feel right. Just the other day, he almost got rammed through by a large truck and had barely escaped with the help of his handbrake and now, his life’s work in the shadows and the belly of the dark was about to get blown into the open. His secrets were laid bare on the muddy swamp grounds he had often stood to watch and acknowledge to himself that they could never come to light.

“Who did this?” he queried himself before catching sight of a man being tended to by the medics.

Looking shabby and baldy shaken by what he had seen, Detective Jake couldn’t have imagined any normal person would look any different from the man.

“Are you the one who called this in?” he raised his voice and waved from afar while the man nodded in attestation.

Detective Jake drew closer, feeling his breath heighten with each passing second and his heart racing wildly from underneath his rib cage like it would tear out anytime soon.

“Hello! I am Detective Jake from the NYPD”, the Detective reached for the shaken man’s hand before retracting his from the cold and shaky frail one of his witness.

Stuttering and barley able to let the words out, the man sniffed. “I… I… the… the leg touched my face… a freaking decapitated leg touched my face and I might have swallowed some hair too”.

Listening to his rambling only made the Detective pity the witness and what he had seen. For one with experience on such sightings, he knew too well just how many never recovered from such findings.

“I need you to calm down Sir… I need you to tell me exactly what you saw”, he encouraged the startled and frightened looking fellow.

His face had turned white and his lips continued to tremble to no end. His accent, majorly Caucasian meant he wasn’t from around, and his sandy hair did well to just about cover his eyes as they dropped down over his face.

“I come here to swim once or twice a year, seeing it is far from the beach or any of those places filled with people”, he finally explained in

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