You're nutty, Bryan. Nutty! She's Celeste, your mom's best friend, superstar of concert stage. The lecture inside went on, but his curiosity was now runaway wild to steal a peek.

He reached very gently to the sheet, not daring to breathe, and tugged the edge carefully away from her chin. Slowly exposing her nudity, his chest thundering to his boldness, Bryan slid the white sheet downward.

The tease of the cotton percale moving against her breasts sent the nipples to rock-hard points and sensual electricity rifled to every erogenous tip of Celeste's body. He saw one arm move, then the other, but now he was unafraid. She had to be in a deep sleep and he was lost in total worship of the phenomenal body he was exposing.

The luscious breasts leaped from their hiding place under the sheet and that startled him, for breasts, he thought, always lay in repose when a woman lay relaxed. But like every other stunning thing about Celeste, her beautiful boobs jutted full and firm and hard-tipped. God, to kiss those sweet dark aureoles… to suck and lick there… and there… and down there!

His hand drew the sheet rapidly now, down over the indentation of her navel, across the flat smoothness of her tummy to the rise of her pubes. The provocative lift of her mons stopped the sheet's movement and he straightened, gawking at the partially uncovered vee.

A fringe of dark pubic down showed. Clearly and undeniably he could see the rise and fall of the love hillock. A pulsing urgency made the edge of the sheet ripple and impetuously he dragged the cover down the full length of her. Perfectly tapered legs! All that wonderful female now exposed. Her magic center was shadowed by the half- light and the torture of seeing her thighs parted, one leg turned under at the knee, was almost too much.

He dropped to a knee and leaned brazenly across her thigh and stared, his eyes trying to penetrate the dark valley of her crotch. Frustration! All it gave him was a hint of lightly fragrant perfume. Strange, he was almost sure he caught the suggestion of a sexy smell mingled with the cologne, or whatever it was, but no way could there be that. Bryan knew. This Goddess of super body perfection must be without sex in her life. It was the price of fame.

A sweeping headiness took him for an instant and he fought the frenzy to burrow into that shadowed cleft and kiss and love the need that must be there. Then… all unexpected, totally terrifying, he felt the brush of her fingers across his hair as her arm drifted down across her tummy plateau. Her hand lay cupped across the curve of her pubic mound!

Stunned and enchanted in the same frightening second, knowing it was an unconscious act in her sleep, he didn't dare move. The back of her hand actually touched the side of his head and any movement could wake her. He was trapped within inches of her most personal self.


A low, inarticulate moan slipped from her lips and he saw the movement of her fingers as her hand slipped further over the curve of her pubes. The fingers must be penetrating her pussy slit, even as he watched. Damn the darkness! A once-in-a-lifetime chance to see what a girl did in her sleep when she didn't even know it… like a guy with his wet dreams, maybe… and he couldn't see! He stared feverishly at the dark triangle and felt the mattress under his elbows quiver in a kind of electric pulsing.

Now Celeste's lower arm was moving in a kind of urgency and he could see the hand bent more dramatically against the vulva. She was playing with her vagina as she slept!

Fantastic first for any man, Bryan was sure, to be stealing a peek at the Goddess' most intimate behavior.

His cock was rock-rigid as he dropped by the bedside and began to masturbate in quick, urgent strokes, letting the want mount in himself and seeing it even more pronounced in the curvaceous nudity, writhing and straining now against the mattress as she strummed herself.

'Uh… uh… uhhhh!' Little cries burst half-muffled from her lips and as he gawked at her passion, Bryan was driven to his feet, pumping in frantic need to match her climax with his own. And with lightning swiftness, her hand shot to his cock. Fierce fingers circled the steely shaft, clutching possessively… taking over the stroke… dragging demandingly even as her other hand continued to grind at her own sex center.

The heady, runaway thrill of imminent orgasm stormed Bryan. A gagging cry of disbelief broke from his lips as her pretty little fist ripped the prick stem in violent up-and-down frig madness. Her shapeliness was on full nude display, every curve straining, breasts jutting explosively to the emotion, tearing her from her own self-play. She writhed against the happiness her fingers were giving her pussy flesh and as she wriggled against the sheets, her head turned and the light of the moon was full on her face.

Her eyes were shut. She was still asleep! Bryan, sure till that instant that she had awakened, gawked at the closed eyelids and the curve of dark lashes that announced the miracle. She was playing with herself and playing with him while she slept! Goddess of love so highly sexed that she could go nutty with herself and with a man's erection and never know it was happening.

A certainty took Bryan. Celeste, unlike married women, manless and constantly on some music tour, was reacting to girl instincts. Anyone that sexily stacked was built for cock around the clock. It came naturally. And she must starve for it with her damned career. But it still bugged her, psyched her for sex maybe, especially when she slept.

'Oh… guh… golly!' His cry rasped low in his throat. Her fist, clenched around his prick, pistoned furiously now, keeping time to the frenzy of the fingers she had driven into her cunty lips. He tried to angle himself away as he felt his climax soaring, but she gripped him even more fiercely.

The spray of his semen was a splattershot shower of sparkle joy, leaping from the tortured glans tip and squirting into her face and across her spasm-whipped body. It was unbelievable ecstasy to Bryan to gape openly at a girl he believed totally unconscious to her actions and to let his sperm shoot freely at the lovely inviting flesh. The come hit Celeste on her vee mound, sparkling into the dark pubic triangle. It splashed across the contours of her brazen breasts and a few drops went directly into her parted lips. Some of his semen had gotten into that pretty mouth!

Even as her hand drifted from his outrageous prick to fall limply to her side, Bryan was swept by the magic of what had happened. She had masturbated both of them! Never known it! Never knew even now as the milk- white residue of his discharge puddled at the low points of her gorgeous hills and vales. He saw it glisten at her navel and in the cleft of her boobs… even one droplet sparkled in the corner of a closed eyelid.

Staring down at his unrelenting erection, stiffened again almost immediately after a momentary sag when his climax ended, he was driven by a new thought. She was deep in sleep, but still so psyched that her body quivered in light, involuntary spasms. It was time for more.

And something much more daring dogged his possessed thoughts. Why not give her the ultimate in sleep sex? Fuck that torrid, desire-ridden body of hers right as she slept!

The impulse swept and commandeered Bryan, driving him over the edge of the bed and into the valley of her legs before common sense could stop him. Suddenly he was there, on his knees between her parted thighs, one palm resting his weight as the other hand steered his formidable cock into the shadow at the meeting place of her legs.

Celeste felt the delicious pressure of the determined prick nudging her labia and already spreading the pussy tissue open in bold intrusion into her vagina. With a barely perceptible thrust of her pelvis she urged upward at the hungered-for man spike and drove herself onto its darkly swollen tip just as Bryan's courage began to fail.

He was mounted before he knew it. Inside the most gorgeous girl in the world. Fucking into her tight snatch. Feeling the grabbing quim muscles clutch at his cock as he ground himself deeper and deeper into – CELESTE!

Every raw nerve in his body was part of their copulation. He stared into the beauty of her face, clearly visible as she twisted under his thrusts.

Still her eyelids never fluttered to give a hint that she was awake. That she was going wild inside to his plunging prick was plain from the ecstasy in her expression. Even asleep, her eyebrows arched and her nostrils dilated and cute crinkles marked a furrow in her brow as climax neared.

Her lips were the giveaway her orgasm was near. Their dark satin richness was a pretty pucker at first as she tried to contain the emotion she felt far down. Then all at once the lips parted prettily… a little… then a little more, till they were almost wide enough to take a cock's head, thought Bryan, feeling a weird momentary detachment as he watched the phenomenon of a girl about to come.

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