Unexpectedly he caught the drama of her bust contour. Engrossed with his playing, there was no problem, but when his glance wandered below her throat, he was in trouble. The swelling stormed instantly and painfully against the front of his trunks and Celeste saw. She glanced, then stared. His penis, quadrupled and steel hard, ramrodded vertically against the white elastic. The fat crown trapped and contorted under the edge of the suit, threatened to burst free of the restraining cloth at any second.

Celeste could even see the hint of the trunks bulging away from his gut and a start of crimson flesh beginning to ooze through. Bryan was in obvious agony.

'Play some boogie with me,' she said softly, fingering the base keys and shifting closer to him oh the seat. So close their thighs touched.

'Shucks, I only know two finger melody. Nothing interesting.' He squirmed, but didn't dare move for fear of triggering the escape of his cock.

'Let's make it interesting.' Celeste's fingers traveled the base notes and the boogie rhythm was set. 'Come on, Bryan. You can do it.'

Somehow he managed to pick up the beat and finger through a few bars of Blue Boogie, then inadvertently his eyes drifted as he played. Devastating curvaceousness in polka dot bikini.

Nudged against him on the piano bench. And taut against two perfectly placed polka dots of the halter, urgent nipples were thrusting. The teeny halter was virtually no cover to her sunburst beautiful breasts.

'Play, Bryan!' she urged when he stumbled on a note and hesitated. 'You're good… good!'

He caught a glimpse of her shifting from right to left hand on the base and her right arm dropped from sight. Only for a moment. As he played familiar bars, he saw the lovely femininity of her hand, stroking lightly, high on her thigh as she accompanied him with her left.

The simple innocence of the act was in his eyes dramatically sexual. It was the way she had stroked herself the night of his surreptitious visit to her room. Then it had been several inches up and in… inside that magnet of her sex.

Suddenly it grabbed and forced a new ballooning of his already feverishly swollen prick.

The bright red glans tip squeezed into view above the top ledge of his trunks, dark and grotesquely distorted as it slithered into full view, followed by an inch… two… then three inches of visible bone-white shaft. Run, Bryan, hide! Panic stormed, but something overrode panic and held him.

Perspiration dotted his forehead as he struggled on with the boogie. She fingered the base notes effortlessly. Like the incredible dream he had masturbated to only the day before, her hand moved from her right thigh to his left thigh, paused for a minute, then fingertip walking, the hand moved up and over his spearing prick. When her fist closed on the erection, the boogie beat stopped. So did the pounding in his head that had thundered at him to run.

His eyes, bright and panicked, were on her face as her hand moved downward to force his trunks lower and expose most of his hard cock. She never lifted her glance, once her eyes focused on his penis, and her attention on his sex inflamed the prick still more.

All that was now visible with her head turned down was dark cascading hair, tumbling loosely across ivory smooth shoulders, curling, some over the front to partially conceal one breast, and some over the back, drifting almost to her tail.

She bent silently across his front. Incredulous that it was really happening, Bryan felt lips nibbling at his grossly swollen cock crown. It was her rightful due. She was the Goddess!

Moist, thirsty lips siphoned and munched. He could barely see the corner of her eye, then her face turned slightly and he was given full view of her profile.

A million years of living never would erase the memory of those eyes. Dark, bright and staring at his prick, now totally out of his swim trunks. He gaped at rich lips puckered to the tip of his penis. Lips of a princess licking the prick of her prince.

Bryan's fantasy flew wild, but reality was even better. He watched her tongue snake thirstily across the glistening thunderhead, then her mouth opened wide and a hint of lovely ivory was visible. What if she completely claimed what was her own? That was the mood of surrender that was his as she propelled the crimson corona past the gleam of her teeth, deep into the center of her mouth.

It was a fantastic sensation to the enchanted fifteen-year-old. No longer mere man. He felt total prick! His erect love organ was all he had to offer this darling princess of everything sexual. She could have his penis as her royal plaything. No longer was his cock an IT. It was a HIM! She could chew him with those beautiful teeth or whip herself with it like the girls next door had once done with the cat o' nine tails. Whatever Princess Celeste wanted of her slave prick was hers to do.

The passion in those puckered lips, now tight around his soaring penis, tore controls completely away. A fleeting memory of the last mouth that had sucked it came just as his ejaculation stormed up the tingling length of his erection. Pammy on the bus hadn't fooled him. His discharge into her lips had been too much and she'd grabbed in mid-climax for a hanky to take the full blast outside her mouth.

Even as his semen shot, Bryan knew Celeste was different about fellatio. She wasn't doing it for him alone. She wanted his offering.

Frantic little suck-thirsty sounds could be heard. Her lips clamped even tighter when his first drops flew. He knew Celeste loved the taste, that she was inflamed by the spray darting against the roof of her mouth and dripping to her throat. She milked and munched and siphoned, clearly in need of every drop he could offer.

Tiny rapture moans of her own coming synchronized with the height of his ejaculation and Bryan, eyes blurred with passion, saw her hips in urgent motion, her tail impatient on the bench. It was too much to ask of such a body to be still.

Celeste straightened suddenly and face profiled to him, she tilted her head upward and stroked the delicate loveliness of her throat as she swallowed. Fantastic thrill to know his semen was slipping down into her body! Different than if he had put it there in coitus. She had milked it from him of her own wanting.

She had a radiance even more breathtaking to Bryan than seen before in her lovely face. Dark hair lay softly now in repose across her shoulders; her breasts seemed momentarily quiet; even the centers against the polka dot cloth were flattened.

'Undo the bow of my halter.' Softly spoken command, not wanting a response.

His hand moved robot-like under beautiful hair to find the bow.

Without a sound, the twin diamonds of the polka dot cover drifted from her front. She was on bare display to his hungry eyes. Seeming not to notice his lust, she stood gracefully from the piano bench and her fingers found the thin nylon string bows at her hips. With a casual disregard for what she had done, Celeste extended her hand to the dumbfounded Bryan.

'Come.' It was an order from Eros, not an earthly invitation. Bryan stood from the piano bench.

'Show me all of your body.'

He bent to peel the rivieras and his cock was long and jutting, standing stiffly from the front of his frame.

When they stepped from the living room into the paneled den, walking hand in hand across the soft, yielding green carpet, Bryan felt he had stepped into the world of the Gods. She had chosen him from all mortals to be her lover.

As she pushed him gently to the edge of the cot, her eyes were intent on his. 'Is this our secret, truly our secret, no matter what happens?'

'Honest!' he gasped. 'I'd never tell a soul. No matter what!'

'My body needs yours today.'

Like some dancer performing for her king, Celeste spun away from a spellbound Bryan, sank to her knees, writhing and twisting and contorting, her intoxicating shapeliness in a fantastic drama in erotic choreography. Explosive breasts leaped high in response to the arching of her body and stood in jutting brazenness from her front. Taut nipples, almost translucent, rose crimson and hard, like tiny penises, from the centers.

Some deep primitive emotion seemed to grip her far inside as she undulated slowly, knees pressed together, calves flattened under her thighs, as she had been under the sheet the night before. This time on nude display and seeing Bryan's fixation at her crotch, Celeste squeezed her thighs tightly to force the pubes into even more dramatic prominence.

She seemed oblivious to her spectator as she performed before him. Her long dark lashes were lowered but

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