there is sufficient of that, too. I shall be late for Madam's soiree now and will surely feel the birch across my bottom! In much haste and with many kisses (everywhere!).

Your Loving Blanche


Editor's Note: At this point we turn-I trust not to the disappointment or inconvenience of the reader-to comb other epistles which were or had been written at this time. It was not many weeks after the date of Blanches last letter that a certain personage made himself present at Madam's establishment, he being what we would nowadays call a School Inspector. French law required such official visits to be made once every two years at least to private educational establishments. Madam's had not long reached that anniversary, but-as we shall see-that remarkable lady was perfectly able to deal with such an intrusion. The following letter is from her to an obviously very intimate friend.

My dear Henri, I have the most amusing news to Convey to you, but pray-as you have always done before- hide this letter from the view of all eyes save your own and those of your adorable wife. Two weeks ago I received a most pompous letter from the Department of Education advising me of a forthcoming visit by an Inspector, which news, of course, put the girls all a-flutter.

Immediately this intelligence reached me, I of course took such precautions as I thought necessary and had put away in the safest places all our naughty books and such illustrations as you and dear Antoinette have oftimes seen-thereafter indulging before my very eyes in some of the postures while I myself was being attended to in like wise by Raphael. Enough however of such reminiscences, for we shall soon enough again be enjoying the realities when I bring one of my pupils to visit you both. I shall not tell you which one and so you will be kept in glorious suspense at the thought of initiating her between you both. It was but yesterday that the Inspector, a certain Monsieur Delfond, made his presence felt. Finding him a man in middle years with a fussy though not too sombre air, I received him graciously in my sitting room, which he took to be my study and so was quite bemused with the air of luxury it affords as equally he was taken with the fine wine I dispensed. Even so, he remembered his duties quickly enough, went through the register of pupils-observing with some curiosity as he did that the majority come from England-and then expressed a desire to tour the establishment. Being as well prepared as I was, and all the girls in knowledge of his presence and well rehearsed, he found nothing in the first instance but several groups of demure and most properly attired young ladies in various rooms intent on their studies. All of course gave him the shyest of looks, though not forgetting to flutter their eyelashes at him in a mildly coquettish manner, which I felt happily certain had drawn his interest. That may explain perhaps why he listened to a reading by several of the girls of some rather dull passages from Lamartine's works, nodding as he did from time to time as though to say that he himself was a master of classical literature! Having guided him similarly to two other groups of girls, I then advised him that the last were to be found doing their physical exercises in the gymnasium.

Much as he endeavoured to appear learnedly interested in this news, I observed his eyes flickering not a little at my murmured hesitation that in allowing him to view them he would find them in a certain state of light undress- such as gave freedom to their limbs, as I put it. “I do not wish to offend your modesty, sir, nor theirs,” said I while even so turning the handle of the door which leads into the exercise room. Opening it a foot or so, I allowed him to peep within, at which his cheeks grew slightly flushed! For the occasion I had attired Blanche, Julie and three others in what are styled Grecian robes, which is to say that they are light and gauzy in the extreme and permitted his eyes to feast upon their thighs, the lilting of their breasts beneath the almost transparent veils, and their undoubtedly most fetching knickered bottoms. Indeed, he gulped, the while that I opened the door more. At this juncture-and I having well arranged the thing-Sylvia, who is one of my more promising pupils, came upon the scene from along the corridor and advised me that I was required urgently at the entrance by an enquirer.

“Monsieur, you will forgive me, for I must to my duties. Pray go within and see for yourself how excellently the young ladies comport themselves,” I said, at which his face assumed an even pinker hue which I affected not to notice and departed in company with Sylvia, who was naturally perfectly in the picture and knew of no other visitor whatever. Hearing the door to the exercise room close, we then quietly retraced our steps and entered an adjoining room, where, as you know, I have had the good sense to create several small apertures in the wall through which one may peep. These have benefited a number of discreet gentlemen who have entered the house quietly, and now they much benefited me. Little did the Inspector, who now stood open-eyed in the long exercise room, know his fate-nor that Blanche had been promised her first sight of an erect penis! I did not doubt that Monsieur Delfond would soon have one since the girls' only attire beneath their gauzy robes were their frilly drawers, which had been purposely loosened at the waist so that with every jump and twist they slid lower and lower! Blanche's were the first to descend fully, and the artful minx so arranged matters as to find herself in close proximity to the Inspector as they descended to her ankles, whereat his eyes all but popped out of his head. Blanche, I should say, is well endowed in all respects. Her titties are full and rosy-nippled, her belly is sleek and has just the slightest curve, which gives an attractive female such a voluptuous air. Her legs-oh, what long and lovely legs she has! Her thighs are columns of ivory bliss, dear Henri, and will soon fall victim to your own and to Antoinette's artful tongue. Between them, at their juncture, nests her cunt, which is well-furred for her age, plumping up its proud curls all around to form an enticing mound. “Oh, Monsieur, pray assist me!” gasped Blanche, falling against him in such wise that her belly pressed to his and her firm pumpkins wobbled to his chest. “I shall f… f… fall if I try to pull my drawers up now! Oh, girls, go out please while the Monsieur assists me!” I had warned the girls not to giggle at this, though several were on the point of doing so. Indeed, so well disciplined are they that scarce a glance went the way of the seemingly enlaced pair as they demurely and swiftly went to the door and passed beyond, closing it behind them. Thus left with her prey-if such he may be called-Blanche managed to blush very prettily. One must remember after all that this was her first “engagement”! “Please assist me, but I will turn my back on you in all modesty,” she declared winningly and then turned cautiously about with her ankles still somewhat trapped. Her robe flapped gently as she did so, and one could not help but remark the superb development of her bottom, which is exactly at that stage that most gentlemen admire, which is to say that it retains its girlish chubbiness while giving the full promise of maturing female bliss. No sooner in fact did Monsieur Delmond so perceive it, orbed before his very eyes, than a considerable protuberance appeared at the front of his trousers which gave no doubt to his state of virility. This of course Blanche did not perceive since she now had her back to him. “Ass… ass… assist you?” he stammered. “Please, yes, will you bend and draw them up while I raise my robe? It will take but seconds and then the other girls may return,” replied Blanche glibly. In what state of mind that gentleman took this invitation one will never know, for it was uttered in such perfect innocence that I do not doubt that his cock quivered all the more! I have frequently told my girls that an air of girlish innocence combined with a fetching state of dishabille is the surest way to bring a prick up to its most hopeful stance, and so it was then.

With something of a grunt and a groan-perhaps even a hint of a sigh!-Monsieur Delfond fell to his knees behind the entrancing girl in the very moment that she commenced to raise her robe. With what delicacy and apparent hesitancy she did so! Were I to award gold medals, Blanche would certainly have one! First her calves were revealed, then the sweet indipping of her knees, then her swelling thighs until at last (glory of glories!) her luscious orb was fully bared for his attention. Peeping through an adjacent aperture in the wall as she was, Sylvia uttered a little sigh which I doubted not stemmed from the fact that she does not share the same dormitory as Blanche, but would dearly wish to. Making a mental note that the two must be brought together privately as amourously as possible, I passed my nearest hand up beneath the attractive girl's skirt and fondled her own warm derriere, much to her delight, for she wriggled it in order to accommodate my enquiring fingers the better! What a perfect pleasure it is, as we well know between us, to toy amourously with a companion while viewing the indiscreet pleasures of others! “Bend forward a little, my dear,” now murmured Monsieur Delfond huskily.

“Yes, sir,” replied Blanche dutifully and, so doing, placed her hands upon her knees whereat, of course, her ardent bottom made immediate contact with the gentleman's nose, which found itself most happily, I am sure, pressed between her springy cheeks. Drawing then his face back, and one that was all aglow, the Inspector reached up and clasped Blanche's hips lightly as though bidding her be still, though Blanche was as a very nubile statue and in a most enticing pose. “You… you… you have, I believe, a speck of dirt on your b… b… bottom,”

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