‘Oh, please,’ Sally said, rolling her eyes. ‘This isn’t some Hammer horror movie. Where’s the damn castle?’

‘Take the path behind the pub. It leads into the woods all the way to Slaybury Castle. You can look around the ruined parts of the castle but don’t try to get into the parts that are still standing and have their doors closed.’

‘Thanks,’ Sally said, turning to the door. ‘Let’s go, Amy.’

‘It’s noon now,’ the barman said. ‘It’ll be getting dark in a few hours. Be in your car and on your way by teatime.’

Sally rolled her eyes again. ‘You guys have seen too many bad horror movies.’

Outside, the sunlight seemed bright after the dark dingy interior of The Broken Cross. They found the tiny path leading into the woods and started along it.

‘What do you think the bartender was trying to warn us about?’ Amy asked. The happenings at the pub had unnerved her and she was no longer so sure she wanted to investigate too deeply into the village and the castle. Right now, a large hotel room in London sounded very inviting. And a few drinks in the hotel bar, which would be civilized and nothing like the Broken Cross pub in Slaybury.

They walked for an hour before they came upon the ruins of Slaybury Castle. It was just like Amy’s dad had told her; a collection of ruined stone walls and battlements around a central building that still stood solid and proud even as its defensive walls had crumbled around it. Her dad had said there were even rumours that the castle dungeons were still intact beneath the site but no one had ever found the entrance to them. The thought of rooms underground beneath her feet made Amy shudder. People used to be tortured in castle dungeons. Perhaps there were still bones down there, manacled to the cold stone walls.

‘Pretty cool,’ Sally said, climbing over a ruined wall to get closer to the standing building.

‘Yeah, it’s hard to believe my dad came here when he was a kid even before I was born and now here I am, all grown up and standing here too.’

‘Hey, look there’s a door,’ Sally said, pointing at a stout wooden door set into the stone wall of the one good part of the castle.

‘We should leave that alone,’ Amy said, ‘and stick to the ruins. It’s probably dangerous in there. The floor could have collapsed, or be unsafe or something.’ She really didn’t want Sally to open that door and the fear that rose inside her was irrational but there just the same, making her mind imagine all sorts of bad things behind that door.

‘Yeah, whatever,’ Sally said. ‘I’ve come all the way out here to a no-guy zone so I’m going to try and find some kind of fun.’ She braced herself against the heavy door, turned the iron ring that served as a door handle, and pushed with all her might.

The door opened and Sally fell through the opening.

‘Sally!’ Amy ran over to make sure her friend was OK.

Sally sat on her butt in the middle of a large room. She got up and brushed dust off her jeans and denim jacket. ‘Wow, look at this place!’

Curiosity overcame Amy’s fear and she stepped inside. The room was large with a high beamed ceiling. The walls were hung with old tapestries and a large stone fireplace dominated one wall.

‘We need to get out of here,’ Amy said, suddenly panicking.

‘What? Why?’

‘Because there’s a fire burning in the fireplace. Someone lives here!’

Sally looked over at the pile of logs burning with bright orange flames. Then both girls saw a high-backed leather chair near the fire and a man sitting in the chair. He stood up and stared at them. Well over six feet tall and dressed in a dark blue jacket and pants over a waistcoat and white open collared shirt, he was thin and graceful. His face was bordered with a closely trimmed black beard and moustache that matched his collar length hair. His eyes were dark and piercing. In one hand he held a gold-topped walking stick.

‘Ladies,’ he said, ‘welcome to Slaybury Castle.’

Amy and Sally looked at each other. ‘What do we do now?’ Amy asked.

Sally shrugged. ‘He seems harmless enough. A little odd maybe.’

The man stepped forward, bowing slightly. ‘I am Grayson Highfield. Pleased to make your acquaintance.’

‘I’m Sally and this is Amy,’ Sally said. ‘Do you live here?’

‘I do. I look after the beasts in the dungeon.’

Sally laughed but to Amy it sounded nervous. ‘Yeah, right,’ she said.

‘Oh I’m not joking, my dear. In fact, your arrival is perfectly timed. My pets need to breed, you see, but we have a shortage of women breeders. And we can’t just put an ad on the internet. My beasts really are quite beastly. So we have to go hunting every now and then for females. But here you two come literally knocking on my door. Quite fortunate.’

‘Let’s get out of here,’ Amy said to her friend. Grayson Highfield was obviously a madman. She turned around and shrieked with disgust and fear when she saw the creature standing in the doorway. It was huge and muscled and green. It had tusks and an ugly face. It let out a low guttural growl that sounded primal and animalistic and it came forward with a lumbering gait. Amy screamed and Sally joined her before Grayson’s walking stick rapped them both on the back of the neck and the girls were knocked unconscious.

When Amy woke up, she was in a cell. The walls were made of stone and her wrists were manacled in heavy iron bracelets attached to short chains that passed through an iron ring set into the stone. The only light came from a flickering torch in the corridor beyond the barred door. She was naked.

Scared and embarrassed, she struggled against the chains. They rattled and clinked together but she was restrained securely.

‘Amy?’ Sally was chained to the wall across the cell. She was also naked and in the torchlight, she looked beautiful with her perky breasts and neatly trimmed dark pussy. Amy realized that Sally could see her too and she blushed and pressed her thighs together to protect her modesty. Her own breasts were larger than Sally’s and with her hands chained above her head, she had no way of hiding them.

‘Where are we?’ Sally whispered.

‘I think we’re in the dungeon beneath the castle.’

‘Indeed you are,’ said Grayson Highfield, stepping into the cell with a click of his walking stick on the stone floor. Behind him stood the creature Amy had seen in the doorway upstairs. It was huge. Its skin looked leathery and it was mottled gray and green. The beast’s face looked ugly and squat, like the face of a troll in a children’s storybook. Its body was stocky and muscular. It was naked and between its legs hung a long thick cock and a pair of heavy balls in a leathery scrotum. Amy looked away, disgusted.

‘What the hell is that?’ Sally asked. Amy could detect both fear and loathing in her friend’s voice.

‘This is Gnarl,’ Grayson replied. ‘He is one of my beasts. And he is pleased that you two lovely girls are here because Gnarl needs to breed.’

The beast grunted. His beady green eyes flickered from Amy to Sally as if choosing a meal from a menu.

‘No fucking way,’ Sally said, trying to sound brave. But Amy knew that both of them were helpless. Chained and naked, they couldn’t escape the fate about to befall them.

Grayson looked up at the beast. ‘She has spirit, Gnarl. Perhaps you should break that spirit and take her first.’

The creature moved forward toward Sally. The beautiful naked dark-haired girl writhed helplessly in her chains. ‘No…please…’

Amy was unable to tear her eyes away as the hideous beast reached out a huge strong hand and stroked his fingers across Sally’s breasts. Despite her fear, Sally’s nipples rose obediently beneath the creature’s fingers, becoming hard like two excited fleshy towers. The creature used both hands to maul the pair of breasts. Amy noticed his huge member thickening and rising. His leathery balls seemed to become tighter and his cock grew erect until it looked like a small arm with a fist at the end. Amy gasped.

Grayson looked at her and smiled. ‘Don’t worry, my dear, your time will come. After we see how Gnarl treats your friend, I’ll get a beast to breed with you. Or maybe you’d like two. Hmmm, taken by two of my dungeon beasts…now that would be quite a sight.’

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