During the summer of 1993, Andy Koenig came to teach a C++ course at Stanford. I showed him some of our stuff, and I think he was genuinely excited about it. He arranged an invitation for me to give a talk at the November meeting of the ANSI/ISO C++ Standards Committee in San Jose. I gave a talk entitled 'The Science of C++ Programming.' The talk was rather theoretical. The main point was that there are fundamental laws connecting basic operations on elements of C++ which have to be obeyed. I showed a set of laws that connect very primitive operations such as constructors, assignment, and equality. C++ as a language does not impose any constraints. You can define your equality operator to do multiplication. But equality should be equality, and it should be a reflexive operation. A should be equal to A. It should be symmetric. If A is equal to B, then B should be equal to A. And it should be transitive. Standard mathematical axioms. Equality is essential for other operations. There are axioms that connect constructors and equality. If you construct an object with a copy constructor out of another object, the two objects should be equal. C++ does not mandate this, but this is one of the fundamental laws that we must obey. Assignment has to create equal objects. So I presented a bunch of axioms that connected these basic operations. I talked a little bit about axioms of iterators and showed some of the generic algorithms working on iterators. It was a two-hour talk and, I thought, rather dry. However, it was very well received. I didn't think at that time about using this thing as a part of the standard because it was commonly perceived that this was some kind of advanced programming technique which would not be used in the 'real world'. I thought there was no interest at all in any of this work by practical people.

I gave this talk in November, and I didn't think about ANSI at all until January. On January 6 I got a mail message from Andy Koenig, who is the project editor of the standard document, saying that if I wanted to make my library a part of the standard, I should submit a proposal by January 25. My answer was, 'Andy, are you crazy?' to which he answered, 'Well, yes I am crazy, but why not try it?'

At that point there was a lot of code but there was no documentation, much less a formal proposal. Meng and I spent 80-hour weeks to come up with a proposal in time for the mailing deadline. During that time the only person who knew it was coming was Andy. He was the only supporter and he did help a lot during this period. We sent the proposal out, and waited. While doing the proposal we defined a lot of things. When you write things down, especially when you propose them as a standard, you discover all kinds of flaws with your design. We had to re-implement every single piece of code in the library, several hundred components, between the January mailing and the next meeting in March in San Diego. Then we had to revise the proposal, because while writing the code, we discovered many flaws.

Can you characterize the discussions and debate in the committee following the proposal? Was there immediate support? Opposition?

We did not believe that anything would come out of it. I gave a talk, which was very well received. There were a lot of objections, most of which took this form: this is a huge proposal, it's way too late, a resolution had been passed at the previous meeting not to accept any major proposals, and here is this enormous thing, the largest proposal ever, with a lot of totally new things. The vote was taken, and, interestingly enough, an overwhelming majority voted to review the proposal at the next meeting and put it to a vote at the next meeting in Waterloo, Ontario.

Bjarne Stroustrup became a strong supporter of STL. A lot of people helped with suggestions, modifications, and revisions. Bjarne came here for a week to work with us. Andy helped constantly. C++ is a complex language, so it is not always clear what a given construct means. Almost daily I called Andy or Bjarne to ask whether such-and-such was doable in C++. I should give Andy special credit. He conceived of STL as part of the standard library. Bjarne became the main pusher of STL on the committee. There were other people who were helpful: Mike Vilot, the head of the library group, Nathan Myers of Rogue Wave, Larry Podmolik of Andersen Consulting. There were many others.

The STL as we proposed it in San Diego was written in present C++. We were asked to rewrite it using the new ANSI/ISO language features, some of which are not implemented. There was an enormous demand on Bjarne's and Andy's time trying to verify that we were using these non-implemented features correctly.

People wanted containers independent of the memory model, which was somewhat excessive because the language doesn't include memory models. People wanted the library to provide some mechanism for abstracting memory models. Earlier versions of STL assumed that the size of the container is expressible as an integer of type size_t and that the distance between two iterators is of type ptrdiff_t. And now we were told, why don't you abstract from that? It's a tall order because the language does not abstract from that; C and C++ arrays are not parameterized by these types. We invented a mechanism called 'allocator,' which encapsulates information about the memory model. That caused grave consequences for every component in the library. You might wonder what memory models have to do with algorithms or the container interfaces. If you cannot use things like size_t, you also cannot use things like T* because of different pointer types (T*, T huge *, etc.). Then you cannot use references because with different memory models you have different reference types. There were tremendous ramifications on the library.

The second major thing was to extend our original set of data structures with associative data structures. That was easier, but coming up with a standard is always hard because we needed something which people would use for years to come for their containers. STL has from the point of view of containers, a very clean dichotomy. It provides two fundamental kinds of container classes: sequences and associative containers. They are like regular memory and content-addressable memory. It has a clean semantics explaining what these containers do.

When I arrived at Waterloo, Bjarne spent a lot of time explaining to me that I shouldn't be concerned, that most likely it was going to fail, but that we did our best, we tried, and we should be brave. The level of expectation was low. We expected major opposition. There was some opposition but it was minor. When the vote was taken in Waterloo, it was totally surprising because it was maybe 80% in favor and 20% against. Everybody expected a battle, everybody expected controversy. There was a battle, but the vote was overwhelming.

What effect does STL have on the class libraries published in the ANSI/ISO February 1994 working paper?

STL was incorporated into the working paper in Waterloo. The STL document is split apart, and put in different places of the library parts of the working paper. Mile Vilot is responsible for doing that. I do not take active part in the editorial activities. I am not a member of the committee but every time an STL-related change is proposed, it is run by me. The committee is very considerate.

Several template changes have been accepted by the committee. Which ones have impact on STL?

Prior to the acceptance of STL there were two changes that were used by the revised STL. One is the ability to have template member functions. STL uses them extensively to allow you to construct any kind of a container from any other kind of a container. There is a single constructor that allows you to construct vectors out of lists or out of other containers. There is a templatized constructor which is templatized on the iterator, so if you give a pair of iterators to a container constructor, the container is constructed out of the elements which are specified by this range. A range is a set of elements specified by a pair of iterators, generalized pointers, or addresses. The second significant new feature used in STL was template arguments which are templates themselves, and that's how allocators, as originally proposed, were done.

Did the requirements of STL influence any of the proposed template changes?

In Valley Forge, Bjarne proposed a significant addition to templates called 'partial specialization,' which would allow many of the algorithms and classes to be much more efficient and which would address a problem of code size. I worked with Bjarne on the proposal and it was driven by the need of making STL even more efficient. Let me explain what partial specialization is. At present you can have a template function parameterized by class T called swap(T&, T&) and swaps them. This is the most generic possible swap. If you want to specialize swap and do something different for a particular type, you can have a function swap(int&, int&), and which does integer swapping in some different way. However it was not possible to have an intermediate partial specialization, that is, to provide a template function of the following form:

template <class T>

void swap(vector<T>&, vector<T>&);

This form provides a special way to swap vectors. This is an important problem from an efficiency point of view. If you swap vectors with the most generic swap, which uses three assignments, vectors are copied three times, which takes linear time. However, if we have this partial specialization of swap for vectors that swap two vectors, then you can have a fast, constant time operation, that moves a couple of pointers in the vector headers.

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