Читать книгу The Sea-Wolf
The Sea-Wolf
Jack London
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Jack London wrote The Sea-Wolf in 1904 following the success of his previous novel The Call of the Wild, and it has..." data-title="Книга The Sea-Wolf">
Description After a ferry accident on San Francisco Bay, literary critic Humphrey Van Weyden is swept out to sea only to be rescued by the seal-hunting schooner Ghost. Wolf Larsen, the captain of the Ghost, is brutal and cynical but also highly intelligent, and he has no intention of returning Van Weyden to shore. Van Weyden is forced to serve on the Ghost, leaving behind his comfortable world ashore and entering into a psychological battle with Larsen on the sea. Jack London wrote The Sea-Wolf in 1904 following the success of his previous novel The Call of the Wild, and it has...
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