Rome, 262 A.D: It had been the capital of the greatest civilization on Earth. Now both city and civilization are dying. Imperial unity has shattered as separatist and usurpers squabble among themselves and greater enemies gather to swallow them all. One man stands between humanity and the Long Night, matching his savage determination against a hopeless future. He is Aulus Perennius, an Imperial secret agent as tough and ruthless as the age in which he lives. Until now, though, his enemies have all been human. Review 'A convincingly detailed sense of ancient history...the sense of historical detail is the book's greatest strength.' --Fantasy Review on Birds of Prey 'His world, his journey and his adventures are described with the avidity and single-mindedness of a history...
Rome, 262 A.D: It had been the capital of the greatest civilization on Earth. Now both city and civilization are dying. Imperial unity has shattered as separatist and usurpers squabble among themselves and greater enemies gather to swallow them all. One man stands between humanity and the Long Night, matching his savage determination against a hopeless future. He is Aulus Perennius, an Imperial secret agent as tough and ruthless as the age in which he lives. Until now, though, his enemies have all been human. Review 'A convincingly detailed sense of ancient history...the sense of historical detail is the book's greatest strength.' --Fantasy Review on Birds of Prey 'His world, his journey and his adventures are described with the avidity and single-mindedness of a history buff...Drake's feeling for the era and his dramatic flair do breathe life into the story.' --Publishers Weekly 'Blood and thunder need not be thud and blunder if done with intelligence and flair, and David Drake has proven that he can do it that way.' --Asimov’s SF Magazine
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