shoulders were slumped, and seen through the drifting lens of the low fog, he might almost have been eleven again. If he had been able to send Ben a thought, Bill would have sent this one: It doesn’t matter, Ben. The love is what matters, the caring… it’s always the desire, never the time. Maybe that’s all we get to take with us when we go out of the blue and into the black. Cold comfort, maybe, but better than no comfort at all.

“My father knew,” Beverly said suddenly. “I came home one day from the Barrens and he just knew. Did I ever tell you what he used to say to me when he was mad?”


“I worry about you, Bevvie.” That’s what he used to say. “I worry a lot.” She laughed and shivered at the same time. “I think he meant to hurt me, Bill. I mean… he’d hurt me before, but that last time was different. He was… well, in many ways he was a strange man. I loved him. I loved him very much, but-”

She looked at him, perhaps wanting him to say it for her. He wouldn’t; it was something she was going to have to say for herself, sooner or later. Lies and self-deceptions had become a ballast they could not afford.

“I hated him, too,” she said, and her hand bore down convulsively upon Bill’s for a long second. “I never told that to anyone in my life before. I thought God would strike me dead if I ever said it out loud.”

“Say it again, then.”

“No, I-”

“Go on. It’ll hurt, but maybe it’s festered in there long enough. Say it.”

“I hated my dad,” she said, and began to sob helplessly. “I hated him, I was scared of him, I hated him, I could never be a good enough girl to suit him and I hated him, I did, but I loved him, too.”

He stopped and held her tight. Her arms went around him in a panicky grip. Her tears wet the side of his neck. He was very conscious of her body, ripe and firm. He moved his torso away from hers slightly, not wanting her to feel the erection he was getting… but she moved against him again.

“We’d spent the morning down there,” she said, “playing tag or something like that. Something harmless. We hadn’t even talked about It that day, at least not then… we usually talked about It every day, at some point, though. Remember?”

“Yes,” he said. “At some p-p-point. I remember.”

“It was overcast… hot. We played most of the morning. I went home around eleven-thirty. I thought I’d have a sandwich and a bowl of soup after I took a shower. And then I’d go back and play some more. My parents were both working. But he was there. He was home. He



threw her across the room before she had even gotten all the way through the door. A startled scream was jerked out of her and then cut off as she hit the wall with shoulder-numbing force. She collapsed onto their sagging sofa, looking around wildly. The door to the front hall banged shut. Her father had been standing behind it.

“I worry about you, Bevvie,” he said. “sometimes I worry a lot. You know that. I tell you that, don’t I? You bet I do.”

“Daddy what-”

He was walking slowly toward her across the living room, his face thoughtful, sad, deadly. She didn’t want to see that last, but it was there, like the blind shine of dirt on still water. He was nibbling reflectively on a knuckle of his right hand. He was dressed in his khakis, and when she glanced down she saw that his high-topped shoes were leaving tracks on her mother’s carpet. I’ll have to get the vacuum out, she thought incoherently. Vacuum that up. If he leaves me able to vacuum. If he -

It was mud.Black mud. Her mind sideslipped alarmingly. She was back in the Barrens with Bill, Richie, Eddie, and the others. There was black, viscous mud like the kind on Daddy’s shoes down there in the Barrens, in the swampy place where the stuff Richie called bamboo stood in a skeletal white grove. When the wind blew the stalks rattled together hollowly, producing a sound like voodoo drums, and had her father been down in the Barrens? Had her father -


His hand rocketed down in a wide sweeping orbit and struck her face. Her head thudded back against the wall. He hooked his thumbs in his belt and looked at her with that expression of deadly disconnected curiosity. She felt a trickle of blood running warmly from the left corner of her lower lip.

“I have seen you getting big,” he said, and she thought he would say something more, but for the time being that seemed to be all.

“Daddy, what are you talking about?” she asked in a low trembling voice.

“If you lie to me, I’ll beat you within an inch of your life, Bevvie,” he said, and she realized with horror that he wasn’t looking at her; he was looking at the Currier and Ives picture over her head, on the wall above the sofa. Her mind sideslipped crazily again and she was four, sitting in the bathtub with her blue plastic boat and her Popeye soap; her father, so big and so well-loved, was kneeling beside her, dressed in gray twill pants and a strappy tee-shirt, a washcloth in one hand and a glass of orange soda in the other, soaping her back and saying, Lemme see those ears, Bevvie; your ma needs taters for supper. And she could hear her small self giggling, looking up at his slightly grizzled face, which she had then believed must be eternal.

“I… I won’t lie, Daddy,” she said. “What’s wrong?” Her view of him was gradually shivering apart as the tears came.

“You been down there in the Bar’ns with a gang of boys?”

Her heart leaped; her eyes dropped to his mud-caked shoes again. That black, clingy mud. If you stepped into it too deep it would suck your sneaker or your loafer right off… and both Richie and Bill believed that, if you went in all the way, it turned to quickmud.

“I play down there somet-”

Whap! the hand, covered with hard calluses, rocketing down again. She cried out hurt, afraid. That look on his face scared her, and the way he wouldn’t look at her scared her, too. There was something wrong with him. He had been getting worse… What if he meant to kill her? What if

(oh stop it Beverly he’s your FATHER and FATHERS don’t kill DAUGHTERS)

he lost control, then? What if -

’What have you let them do to you?”

“Do? What-” She had no idea what he meant.

“Take your pants off.”

Her confusion increased. Nothing he said seemed connected to anything else. Trying to follow him made her feel… seasick, almost.

“What… why…?”

His hand rose; she flinched back. “Take them off, Bevvie. I want to see if you are intact.”

Now there was a new image, crazier than the rest: she saw herself pulling her jeans off, and one of her legs coming off with them. Her father belting her around the room as she tried to hop away from him on her one good leg, Daddy shouting: I knew you wasn’t intact! I knew it! I knew it!

“Daddy, I don’t know what-”

His hand came down, not slapping this time but clutching. It bit into her shoulder with furious strength. She screamed. He pulled her up, and for the first time looked directly into her eyes. She screamed again at what she saw there. It was… nothing. Her father was gone. And Beverly suddenly understood that she was alone in the apartment with It, alone with It on this dozey August morning. There was not the thick sense of power and untinctured evil she had felt in the house on Neibolt Street a week and a half ago-It had been diluted somehow by her father’s essential humanity-but It was here, working through him.

He threw her aside. She struck the coffee table, tripped over it, and went sprawling on the floor with a cry. This is how it happens, she thought. I’ll tell Bill so he understands. It’s everywhere in Derry. It just… It just fills the hollow places, that’s all.

She rolled over. Her father was walking toward her. She skidded away from him on the seat of her jeans, her hair in her eyes.

“I know you been down there,” he said. “I was told. I didn’t believe it. I didn’t believe my Bevvie would be hanging around with a gang of boys. Then I seen you myself this morning. My Bevvie with a bunch of boys. Not even twelve and hanging around with a bunch of boys!” This latter thought seemed to send him into a fresh rage; it trembled through his scrawny frame like volts. “Not even twelve years old!” he shouted, and fetched a kick at her thigh that made her scream. His jaws snapped over this fact or concept or whatever it was to him like the jaws of a hungry dog worrying a piece of meat. “Not even twelve! Not even twelve! Not even TWELVE!”

He kicked. Beverly scrambled away. They had worked their way into the kitchen area of the apartment now. His workboot struck the drawer under the stove, making the pots and pans inside jangle.

“Don’t you run from me, Bevvie,” he said. “You don’t want to do that or it’ll be the worse for you. Believe me, now. Believe your dad. This is serious. Hanging around with the boys, letting them do God knows what to you-not even twelve-that’s serious, Christ knows.” He grabbed her and jerked her to her feet by her shoulder.

“You’re a pretty girl,” he said. “There’s plenty of people happy to roon a pretty girl. Plenty of pretty girls willing to be roont. You been a slutchild to them boys, Bevvie?”

At last she understood what It had put in his head… except part of her knew the thought might almost have been there all along; that It might only have used the tools that had been there just lying around, waiting to be picked up.

“No Daddy. No Daddy-”

“I seen you smoking!” he bellowed. This time he struck her with the palm of his hand, hard enough to send her reeling back in drunken strides to the kitchen table where she sprawled, a flare of agony in the small of her back. The salt and pepper shakers fell to the floor. The pepper shaker broke. Black flowers bloomed and disappeared before her eyes. Sounds seemed too deep. She saw his face. Something in his face. He was looking at her chest. She was suddenly aware that her blouse had come untucked, that some of the buttons had popped off, and that she wasn’t wearing a bra… as of yet, she owned only one, a training bra. Her mind sideslipped back to the house at Neibolt Street, when Bill had given her his shirt. She had been aware of the way her breasts poked at the thin cotton material, but their occasional, skittering glances had not bothered her; these had seemed perfectly natural. And Bill’s look had seemed more than natural-it had seemed warm and wanted, if deeply dangerous.

Now she felt guilt mix with her terror. Was her father so wrong? Hadn’t she had

(you been a slutchild to them)

thoughts? Bad thoughts? Thoughts of whatever it was that he was talking about?

It’s not the same thing! It’s not the same thing as the way

(you been a slutchild)

he’s looking at me now! Not the same!

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