indisputably the same voice.

'You're some kind of new computer, aren't you?'

'Not all that new, sir. I have been on-line for longer than you might think. I am actually an adjunct to the system mainframe. A peripheral with specific duties and responsibilities. You might be interested to know that I am not located in Fresno, California, but in Denver, Colorado:'

'I'm speaking to Colorado?'

'In a sense.'

'What do you mean, 'in a sense'?'

'You asked earlier who you were talking with, sir, and I replied that you were speaking with the phone company. You are speaking to the phone company, sir.'

'My, my. Do you know what I'm going to do now, you automated complaint department? I'm going to leave here and get into my car. I am going to drive to the airport, where I will board a shuttle flight to Sacramento. Then I am going to book a seat to Denver. Upon my arrival I am going to go to the regional office and find out exactly who is responsible for this insulting and degrading bit of programming, whereupon I intend to employ every resource at my command, and they are considerable, to see that he or she and any associates involved in this are fired. What do you think of that?'

'You can't do that, sir.'

'Oh, can't I? Just watch me.'

'You can't do it because the responsibility for this programming does not lie with anyone firable.'

A cold sweat started to break out on the back of Parworthy's neck. 'That doesn't make sense.'

'Yes, it does, sir. Quite logical sense. Phone company circuitry covers this country and is now linked with similar systems throughout the world. Human peripherals are overwhelmed with the responsibility of running the day-to-day operations of this immensely complex system. It was therefore incumbent upon the system itself to take the necessary steps to ensure that unwarranted damage not preventable by human elements was suppressed and/or prevented for the continued good health and reliability of the system.'

Parworthy put the receiver down on the kitchen table. Carefully. 'I'm not hearing this. Too many beers, I've had too many beers. Sure. Try again in the morning.'

'Really, sir, you cannot excuse your antisocial behavior so easily. You have abrogated your responsibilities as a good telephone customer. If you persist in these activities-'

Parworthy had to hit the phone with the hammer several times before the plastic shell cracked and it finally went quiet. He sat down heavily next to the counter, staring at the pile of silver circuitry and colorful plastic fragments. He was breathing hard.

A joke. That was it. Someone down at the Fresno office had decided to get back at him by designing a fiendishly clever joke to play on the man who'd been tormenting them with his righteous complaints. Probably the necessary components had been put on his line by the work crew that had come up the mountainside that evening. He hadn't seen the men at work, but he didn't doubt their presence. This was ample evidence of it.

At first he felt better, then got mad at himself for taking it all so seriously. Somebody was going to pay for it. Oh, how somebody was going to pay! He wasn't even going to wait for morning. No, he'd drive down the hill now, take a hotel room, and be at the office when it opened tomorrow morning.

His car keys waited in the front hall. He slipped them into a coat pocket and started for the door; the fire and brimstone he was going to unleash on the luckless employees already a-boil in his mind. He couldn't get the entire staff fired, of course, but he could come close if he could prove harassment. He was going to do his damnedest, anyway.

A dull thump sounded from out front. Another branch coming down, he thought, or a lynx dropping from its hiding place. Have to have the trees around the house trimmed before autumn, he mused. He put his hand on the door handle.

It wouldn't budge. Something seemed to be jammed against the outside knob. He moved to aside window and squinted out into the darkness. His eyes widened when he saw what was preventing the handle from turning.

The telephone pole nearest the house, the replacement for the one he'd smashed flat, had fallen against the front door.

The gag was going too far, he thought angrily. When they started damaging his property, it was time to bring in the authorities. The collapse of the pole meant that at least some of them were here, prowling around his house. Trespassing. A smile cut his face. He had them now. The phone harassment was the least of it.

'You're finished now!' he shouted toward the door as he backed away from it. 'Finished! It's too late for apologies or recriminations. Oh, you're all going to pay. First I'll have you arrested, then fired!'

He spun and ran for the back door. It led out onto a redwood deck from which stairs descended to a rear entrance off the garage. There was no telephone pole out there to push against the door, not even any trees that could be angled to crash down over the decking. Through the hall, the formal dining room, then into the den. And damned if he didn't slip on the shiny new Mexican tile floor. Furious at his clumsiness, he started to get up.

He discovered that he couldn't.

Looking sharply toward his feet, he saw where the smooth extension line was wrapped around his ankles. A voice sounded from the receiver that dangled off its hook on the rock wall.

'Honestly, sir, your behavior smacks of paranoia. The telephone company exists to serve you. Won't you understand that? Your entire attitude is confrontational and hints at a sadistic desire to destroy.'

Parworthy tried to crawl across the floor. The back door was only a yard away. He could not pull free of the restraining cord.

'Stop it,' he whispered huskily into the near darkness. Only a small picture light above the mantel illuminated the den. 'Stop this.' He struggled to see the faces that must surely be laughing at him from just outside the big picture windows, the faces of the company employees who'd made him the subject of this elaborate practical joke. Trouble was, it wasn't amusing anymore. 'This has gone far enough, dammit!'

'You are right, sir,' said the voice from the dangling speaker, 'it has. We have reached the limit of our tolerance. We cannot permit you to continue the wanton destruction of system property. From your attitude it would appear that you are unable to stop yourself. You must understand our position. Telephone company property must be treated with respect.'

'Help!' Parworthy screamed. He reached down to rip at the wire encasing his ankles. Tough and durable, new telephone cord. Another loop fell from the shelf where it had lain curled, twisted around his wrists, and, pulled tight. 'Help me, somebody! The joke's over, the joke's over! I won't break any more phones, I promise! I'll be good, I won't-'

The last loop seemed to fly off the shelf to slip neatly around his neck. Parworthy tried to scream, was cut off in mid-gurgle.

'I am sorry, sir,' said the voice patiently, politely, 'but there is no guarantee that you will keep your word, and your past behavior indicates it is most unlikely that you would. You will not be billed for this past month.'

Mildred stepped into her supervisor's office. Her fingers worked nervously against each other. 'I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Stapleton.'

'That's all right, Mildred. What is it?' The supervisor looked up from his desk.

'Well, sir, you remember telling me to try that Mr. Parworthy's line as soon as the repair crew had a chance to check it out?'

'Yes, I do. They found the trouble, didn't they? Moisture entering the line from last week's storm.'

'That's what the crew report says, sir. The trouble was halfway between Mr. Parworthy's house and the bottom of the hill.'

'What's the problem, then?' Stapleton didn't like the girl's attitude. 'Don't tell me it's still not working. We'd rather see a flood come through here than Parworthy again.'

She forced a smile. 'I know, Mr. Stapleton. I can't . . . Why don't you try the number yourself and you'll see what I mean. It's-'

'I know, I know.' The supervisor made a face, dialed the number. 'I've committed it to memory. ' The phone rang at the other end. There was a click, but the voice that answered wasn't Parworthy's. Stapleton listened, frowned, then hung up.

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