Here I am, he thought, thirty meters below the ground in the middle of Manhattan, shaking hands with a character who claims to be out of the Brothers Grimm named Van Groot who wears Brooks Brothers suits.

But he had seen him walk out of a wall.

This suggested two possibilities.

One, it was really happening and there were indeed such creatures as .gnomes. Two, he'd been breathing subway exhaust fumes too long and was operating on only one cylinder. At the moment he inclined to the latter explanation.

'I know how you must feel,' said Van Groot sympathetically. 'Come along with me for a bit. The exercise should clear your head. Even if, De Puyster knows, there's probably not much in it, anyway. '

'Sure. Why not? Oh, wait a minute. I've got to find and clear that blocked switch.'

'Which switchover is it?' the gnome inquired.

'Four-six-three. It's been jumped to indicate a blocked track, and thus the computer automatically-'

'I know.'

'-several alternate programs . . .you know?'

'Sure. I'm the one who set it.'

'You reset it? You can't do that!'

Van Groot said 'Ha!' again, and Charlie decided that if nothing else he was not overwhelming this creature with his precision of thought.

'Okay. Why did you move it?'

'It was interfering with the smooth running of our mine carts.'

'Mine carts! There aren't any mi-' he hesitated. 'I see. It was interfering with your mine carts.' Van Groot nodded approvingly. Charlie had to hop and skip occasionally to keep up with the gnome's short but brisk stride.

'Uh, why couldn't your mine carts just go over the switch when it was correctly set?'

'Because,' the gnome explained, as one would to a child, 'that way, the metal kept whispering 'blocked! blocked!' This upset the miners. They work very closely with metal, and they're sensitive to it. With the switch thrown this way, the rails murmur 'open, open,' and the boys feel better.'

'But that seems like such a small thing.'

'It is,' said Van Groot.

'That's not very polite.'

'Now, why should we be polite? Do you ever hear anyone say, 'Let's take up a collection for needy gnomes'? Is there a Save the Gnomes League? Or a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Gnomes? When was the last time you heard of someone doing something for a gnome; any gnome!' Van Groot was getting excited. His ears flapped, and his whiskers bristled. 'Canaries and fruit-fly researchers can get government money, but us? All we ask are our unalienable rights to life, liberty, plenty of fights, and booze!'

This isn't getting me anywhere, thought Charlie cogently.

'I admit it seems inequitable.' Van Groot seemed to calm down a little. 'But I'd still appreciate it if you'd let me shift-the track back the way it belongs.'

'I told you, it would be inconvenient. You humans never learn. Still, you seem like such a nice, pleasant sort . . . for a human. Properly deferential, too. I may consider it. Just consider it, mind.'

'That's very decent of you. Uh (how does one make small talk with a gnome?), nice weather we're having, isn't it?' Someone had thrown a beer can out of a subway car window. Charlie stepped down off the walkway to remove the can from the tracks.

'Not particularly.'

'I thought all you people lived in Ireland and places like that.'

'Ireland, my myopic friend, is cold, wet, rainy, uncivilized, and full of crazy American emigres. About the only thing you can mine there in quantity is peat. Speaking as a miner, let me tell you that it's pretty hard to take pride in your profession when all you mine is peat. Did you ever see a necklace made of peat? A queen's tiara? And it takes a lousy facet. Ireland! That's our trade, you know. We're mostly miners and smiths.'


'That's about the stupidest question I've ever heard.'

'Sorry. '

'Do you think we'd ignore a whole new world and leave it to you humans? When your noisy, sloppy, righteous ancestors paddled across, we came, too. Unobtrusively, of course. Why, there were gnomes with Washington at Valley Forge! With Jones on the-'

'Well, I can certainly understand that,' said Charlie hastily, 'but I thought you preferred the country life.'

'By and large most of us do. But you know how it is. The world's becoming an urban society. We have to change, too. I've got relatives upstate you wouldn't believe. They still think they can live like it's Washington Irving's day. Reactionaries.'

Charlie tried to conceive of a reactionary gnome and failed.

'And good gem mines are getting harder and harder to find out in the country. All the surface ones are being turned into tourist traps. It's hard enough to find a decent place to sleep anymore, what with one petroleum engineer after another doing seismic dowsing. Any idiot could tell you there's no oil at ninety percent of the places they try. But will they learn? No! So it's boom, boom, boom, night after night. The subways are mild and consistent by contrast.'

'Whoa. You mean you do mining . . . right here in Manhattan?'

''Under Manhattan. Oh, we've found some excellent spots! Go down a little ways and the gem-bearing rock is plentiful. Check your New York history. Excavators often turn up fair-quality stones. But no one bothers to dig farther because their glass tomb or pyramid or whatever is on a deadline. Tourmaline, beryl, the quartz gems . . . they've turned up in the foundations of some pretty famous buildings. The rarer, more valuable stuff is buried farther down. Even so, the Empire State Building almost did become a mine. But we got to the driller who found the diamonds.'

Charlie swallowed.

'And there's plenty of scrap metal. We turn it into scepters and things. Mostly to keep in practice. There isn't much of a market for cast-iron scepters.'

'I can imagine,' said Charlie sympathetically.

'Still, you never know when you'll need a good scepter. Or a proper Flagan-flange.'

'Pardon my ignorance-'

'I've been doing that for half an hour.'

'-but what is a Flagan-flange?'

'Oh, they're used to attract . . . but never mind About that scrap metal and such. We're very concerned about our environment. Gnomes are good for the ecology.'

'Uh.' Charlie was running a possible scenario through his mind. He saw himself reporting to Undercommissioner Broadhare. 'I've fixed that jammed switch, sir. The gnomes moved it because it was interfering with their mine carts. But I don't want you to prosecute them because they're good for the ecology.'

'Right, Dimsdale. Just stand there. Everything's going to be all right.'

Oh, yeah.

'But I would have imagined . . .' He waved an uncertain hand at Van Groot. 'Well, just look at yourself!'

The gnome did. 'What did you expect? Green leaves, lederhosen, and a feather cap? You know, Manhattan is one of the few places in the world where we can occasionally slip out and mix with humans without starting a riot. Always at night, of course. Are you sure you haven't seen any of us? We're very common around Tines Square and the theater district.'

Charlie thought. Below the Flatiron Building at one A.M.? On a bench in Washington Square? A glimpse here, a reflection in a window there? Who would notice?

After all, this was New York.

'I see. Do all you city gnomes-'

'Metrognomes,' corrected Van Groot placidly.

'Do all you metrognomes dress like that?'

'Sharp, isn't it? Cost me a pretty penny, too. Double knit, special cut, of course. I can't exactly wear

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