between her buttocks, the mounting pressure in her belly and vagina signaling that the dog was raising her excitement to the point of the orgasm she hopelessly craved…
Suddenly Scott Phillips screamed shrilly: 'I… I'm going to cum, Mrs. Hamilton! I… I'm cummmiinnng!'
In her quest for her own climax, Lisa sucked as never before, while the boy's pummeling cock fused with her mouth until his testicles bounced off her chin. Then, as his climax rolled out from his scrotum like a bursting dam, young Scott lurched upwards off the bed, arching his lean buttocks to drive the last remaining inch of his penis deep into his teacher's throat. The end of his stiffened erection spewed hot, thin jets of virile sperm directly into her ovalled cavern, the creamy seed streaming from his cock like milk from a cow's udder, overflowing her eagerly waiting mouth. Lisa swallowed desperately, afraid of losing a single droplet of the delicious, lust-inciting liquid, her throat working rapidly in its attempt to keep up with the wild ejaculations.
The gushing torrent of adolescent semen was a billowing wave of ambrosia to the older woman, and she buffeted back on Atilla's brutish shaft, gulping her first taste of male fluid as her vaginal muscles milked the dog's superbly expanding cock like a slippery glove. She spluttered through her mouthful of sperm: 'Fuck me! Fuck me, you wretched dog! Fuck meee!'
Oh Lord, he'd tongued her almost into Gumming before, and now this…! She was rapidly approaching that elusive orgasm again, and her wildly aroused body was becoming more animal than Atilla! She spread her thighs wider apart, her toes curling into the soles of her feet while rocking to and fro to spur the dog on with his wonderfully pistoning cock. Oh Lord, oh Lord, she was so close to climax, and with this in her it wouldn't take long! With the thick, expanding animal-penis digging into her gripping cunt, the cords on her neck suddenly tightened in an unmistakable sign.
'I… I'm cumming tooo!' she cried out, raising her head to let Scott's deflated penis slip from her glistening mouth. 'I'm cumming at last!'
Her hands darted back to clutch her driving buttocks, pulling them farther apart so the dog could hump into her with maniacal frenzy. Her vaginal juices flowed wetly out around the German shepherd's still-pounding hardness, flowing down the crevice of her vagina and flooding over his bouncing testicles as they rubbed rhythmically against her sensitive cuntal lips.
Hunched above the writhing woman's back, Atilla salivated over her naked flesh, digging his forepaws tightly around her waist. The dog fucked into her as she continued to groan out her long-awaited climax, and then suddenly he stiffened, lifting his head to give a great long howl. Lisa could feel the hot waves of his bestial seed suddenly shooting deep up inside her dilating womb, mixing lasciviously with her own secretions in a depraved pool of sensuality. Her head whirled as the hot, powerful squirts of dog-cum filled her to the bursting point with its sticky hotness. The searing walls of her vagina clasped and unclasped desperately, sucking at the jerking organ as her mouth had sucked on Scott's young penis.
The boy was still beneath her, transfixed in awe when his naked teacher began contracting her buttocks in uncontrollable ecstasy, squealing like a stuck pig from the eruption of her orgasm. The thick animal sperm from his father's pet oozed from around the lips of her ravaged pussy and trickled down the upraised columns of her legs, when she suddenly pitched forward over the boy in final satiation.
The German shepherd's quickly deflating cock slipped from her mauled cunt with a lewd sucking sound which echoed obscenely through the stunned silence of the bedroom. The dog calmly sat on its haunches and licked its dangling cock clean, then lowered his head and lapped up the remaining cum fluids which covered Lisa's vaginal crevice. He pistoned his tongue greedily into her soaked pubic hair and pink pussy flesh while she moaned and quivered on top of the boy, her legs still splayed wide apart. When there was only the gleaming trail of his saliva along her inner thighs and buttocks, the huge dog bounded off the bed and wandered from the room. In a few moments there came distinctive slobbering noise as he drank some water from the dish in the kitchen.
But while Atilla might act blase about his tumultuous fucking of her, Lisa Hamilton could not accept it quite so blandly. The tremendous passions which had overwhelmed her only moments before were receding in the aftermath, her mind returning to some semblance of sanity. Shamefully she glanced down at the obscene portrait she and little Scott Phillips made together — her, old enough to be his mother, lying with her arms and legs wide apart while her naked body pressed down against his. A wave of guilt poured through her, along with the temporarily forgotten pangs of horror and dread. She began to feel a deep despair, a mental anguish born of the realization of what she'd instigated this evening, and the resolve that it must never happen again… and then the wretched terror that perhaps it was too late already. That perhaps in her seduction of young Scott and her succumbing to Atilla, she had sown the seeds of her own destruction. As in the case of Marge Spanner, one single damning word could ruin her; and this time it would all be too true. Should Scott ever brag to his friends or tearfully confess to his parents what the three of them had performed here today, she'd be lucky to get out of town alive!
She felt the youngster's body stirring beneath her now, and she rolled over to lie on her back beside him, uncaring any longer that her legs were limply apart, the glistening, flattened plane of her dog-raped cunt presented to his scrutiny. Scott swiveled around and crawled up to sit on his knees, a thin trail of his fresh sperm dribbling from the end of his boyish penis. His mature teacher lay unmoving with her eyes clenched tightly shut, and inwardly she cringed when he said with a contented sigh:
'Man, that was something, wasn't it?'
Lisa placed an arm over her eyes, blotting out the lewd sight of her teenaged lover's naked body beside her. Dear Lord, how could she admit it wasn't something? How could she deny it after the way she'd trapped him and then responded to that hellish German shepherd? But she had to, for her own safety! To admit how much fun this had been would only encourage the child to want her again, and she knew deep in her soul that if he insisted, she wouldn't have the will power to resist.
'When can we do it again?' he asked, almost as if he'd read her mind. 'Boy, I can hardly wait!'
'I… I think you'd better get your clothes on and leave,' she told him in a deliberately cool voice. 'Please… just dress and leave, Scott, and forget that this ever happened.'
'But… I thought you wanted me, Mrs. Hamilton? You said I was handsome and… and everything!' His vulnerable adolescent ego, already on the defensive because of his age and the fact this had been his first experience, wilted under the humiliation of being rejected. Crap! He'd done his best, but he guessed he hadn't pleased her after all! 'G-golly, and y-you even promised you'd fuck me!'
Lisa shivered from his mention of the obscenity she'd so easily spoken to him before. She could sense the anguish in the innocent boy's tone, and she felt truly sorry for him, but there was no other way. As long as she kept it to just this once, there was a chance that in time he'd forget it ever took place. She too would try to seal it away in a dark recess of her mind, where, she hoped it would eventually deteriorate. Time was a great healer, and possibly a day would come when there would be only a minor scar to remind them both of this fearful incident. But to do it again would only confirm and compound the sin, forever and indelibly branding it on their lives.
'I… I'm sorry, Scott, but there will never be a next time. I should never have said you could… make love to me. It was a mistake, a terrible, tragic mistake. Do you understand?'
'S-sure, Mrs. Hamilton,' he murmured, 'you d-don't want me no more.' Blinking back tears of humiliation and disgrace, her fourteen year old student slowly got off the bed and scooped up his clothes from the floor. Slowly he put them on, dejectedly looking at his lovely teacher as she lay in wanton repose on her bed. A thick lump formed in his throat as he studied her long alabaster legs and rounded titties and the warm, soft triangle of pubic curls where he'd wanted to dip his cock, only the dog had gotten there first. And now he'd never have the chance! Mrs. Hamilton was all finished with him, and he felt so ashamed he wished the ground would open up and swallow him!
'G-Goodbye, Mrs. Hamilton,' he finally said in a dull, sodden voice. 'I… I guess I'll see you on Monday in school.'
'That's a good boy,' Lisa replied, choking back a sob of her own. God, what a lewd and corrupting woman she'd become! 'You'll go out the back door, won't you? And… and for heaven's sake take that horrid dog with you when you leave!'
'Yes, ma'am.' He stumbled out of the bedroom, hardly pausing to grab Atilla by the leather collar and drag him out of the kitchen. He slammed the side door behind him, and together the boy and his dog started the long, lonely walk home.
Stiff-legged and slightly sore, Scott moped along, racking his brain to try to figure out why Mrs. Hamilton had suddenly rejected him and Atilla. Jesus, and she seemed to be having lots of fun, too! Well, he must've done