Fisher, Irving: 188
Harper & Brothers: 244
Forbes, B.C.: 9
Harriman, W. Averell: 293
Forbes, John: 412
Harris Forbes & Company: 295
Ford M o t o r Corporation: 49
Harvey, George: 454
Forrestal, James: 295
Hayes, Everis: 439
Forrester, Izola: 393
Hazard Circular: 386
Fractional money: 165,167,169-170,174
Hazlitt, Henry: 585
Fractional-reserve banking: 155,167,197,
H e m p h i l l , Robert: 188
219,341,343, 362-363,368,375,409,
Hepburn, A. Barton: 19,440
Herzog, Jesus Silva: 116
Frame, A n d r e w : 462
Hitler: 295,546
Franklin, Benjamin: 158,162
H o m e Savings Bank of Cincinnati: 71
Free banking: 366-367,375,576
Hoover Institution for War, Revolution
Free coinage: 321,324
and Peace: 22
Friedman, M i l t o n : 570
Hoover, Herbert: 68,293,474, 495, 501
Horan, James: 381
Galbraith, John Kenneth: 17, 86,179,330,
House, E d w a r d Mandell: 213,239-245,
334,343,351,368-369,387,404, 425,
253,255,257,260-261,266,273, 281,
Gallatin, Albert: 383
H u d s o n Institute: 516,524
Gardner, Richard: 111
Hussein, Saddam: 304,305
Garn-St. Germain Act: 72
H u n t i n g t o n , Samuel: 111
Gates, Fred: 556
Gelb, Leslie H.: 129
I.G. Farben: 295,482
Gelzer, Heinrich: 150
Illuminati: 392
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Income tax: 204-205,382,508-509,511,