Federal Farm L o a n Board: 477
C u n a r d Lines: 246-247,262
Federal H o u s i n g A u t h o r i t y (FHA): 68
Federal Reserve Act: 463-465,468,472,
Dabney, M o r g a n & Company: 412
D a d d y Warbucks: 18
Federal Reserve Board: 69,71, 73
Dall, Curtis: 500
Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Cor-
Davison, H e n r y P.: 5, 8-11,24,275,434
poration (FSLIC): 68,73-74, 77
Ferrell, Robert: 238
Deficit spending: 479,484,486,501,507
Fiat money: 155,157-160,162-165,169-
Dillon, Read & Company: 295
Disarmament: 514, 518,526
309-312, 314-316,324,352,409,419-
Discount W i n d o w : 44,54,193,201,477-
420,429,566,573-574, 582
479,483, 489
Financial Institutions Reform and
Disraeli, Benjamin: 227-228
Recovery Act: 74,80
Dixon, Donald: 78
First Arabian Corporation: 52
Dodge, Cleveland H.: 239,447, 453-454,
First Bank of the United States: 325,328,
330-333, 335,338-339
Douglas, Stephen: 370, 385
First National Bank: 433
Drachma: 149
First National Bank of Boston: 482
Drexel Burnham Lambert: 79, 81
First National Bank of Chicago: 115,127
Drexel, A n t h o n y : 412
First National Bank of Los Ajigeles: 482
Duane, William: 353
First National Bank of N e w York: 5
Dulles, John Foster: 110
First National Bank of St. Louis: 482
Duncan, Sherman & Company: 412
First National C i t y Bank: 41
D u t c h East Indies Company: 173
First Pennsylvania Bank of Philadelphia:
53-54,64, 327