General Sir John Hackett,

Air Chief Marshal Sir John Barraclough,

Sir Bernard Burrows,

Brigadier Kenneth Hunt,

Vice-Admiral Sir Ian McGeoch,

Norman Macrae,

Major-General John Strawson

The Third World War: August 1985


AAFCE Allied Air Forces Central Europe

A/C aircraft

ACLANT Allied Command Atlantic

ADP automatic data processing

AEW airborne early warning

AFCENT Allied Forces Central Europe

AFNORTH Allied Forces Northern Europe

AFSOUTH Allied Forces Southern Europe

AFV armoured fighting vehicle(s)

AIRCENT Allied Air Forces Central Europe

AIRSOUTH Allied Air Forces Southern Europe

ALCM air-launched cruise missile(s)

AOC Air Officer Commanding

AOC-in-C Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief

APC armoured personnel-carrier(s)

A/S anti-submarine

ASW anti-submarine warfare

ATAF Allied Tactical Air Force

ATGW anti-tank guided weapon(s)

AWACS airborne warning and control system

BAOR British Army of the Rhine

BMEWS ballistic missile early warning system

BMP boevaya mashina pekhoty (Soviet infantry combat vehicle)

BREMCO Branscombe Emergency Committee

BREMPLAN Branscombe Emergency Plan

CAP combat air patrol(s)

CASPA Confederation of Africa South People’s Army

CD Civil Defence

CDU Christian Democratic Union

CENTAG Central Army Group

CINCHAN Commander-in-Chief, Channel

CINCENT Commander-in-Chief, Central Region

CINCNORTH Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Northern Europe

CINCSOUTH Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe

CINCUKAIR Commander-in-Chief, United Kingdom Air Forces

CLGP cannon-launched guided projectile

COMAAFCE Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe

COMBALTAP Commander Allied Forces Baltic Approaches

COMCENTAG Commander Central Army Group

COMNORTHAG Commander Northern Army Group

COMWAS Commander Western Approaches South

CPR Chinese People’s Republic

CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union

DEW distant early warning

DF direction-finding

EASTLANT Eastern Atlantic

ECM electronic counter-measures

ECCM electronic counter-counter- measures

ELINT electronic intelligence

EMP electro-magnetic pulse

ENG electronic newsgathering

EUROSAM European surface-to-air missile(s)

FEBA forward edge of the battle area

FLEETSATCOM Fleet satellite communications

FNLA Angolan National Liberation Front

FOSMEF Flag Officer Soviet Middle East Forces

FPB fast patrol boat(s)

FRELIMO Mozambique Liberation Front

FRG Federal Republic of Germany

FUMO Mozambique United Front

GAF German Air Force

GDR/DDR German Democratic Republic/Deutsche Demokratische Republik

GLCM ground-launched cruise missile(s)

GNP gross national product

GS General Staff

GSFG Group of Soviet Forces in Germany Group

HDG Home Defence Groups (of the Federal German Territorial Army)

HE high-explosive

I (or INT) Intelligence

ICBM inter-continental ballistic missile(s)

IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile(s)

IRR Individual Ready Reserve

JACWA Joint Allied Command Western Approaches

JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System

LSI large-scale integration

MBFR mutual and balanced force reductions

MICV Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle(s)

MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola

MR maritime reconnaissance

MRBM medium-range ballistic missile(s)

MRCA multi-role combat aircraft

MSI medium-scale integration

MT megaton

MTLB (Soviet universal combat vehicle)

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