'I don't know. But if she were mine, and I were going to use her on a mission like this one, I would have installed in her the most powerful unit I could lay my hands on.'

'Ah,' said Glevan, 'then she will be well ahead of us. Now, supposing that we're a little late…can we jump back again?'

They all knew what he meant. Out of range of the Doomstar.

'Not immediately,' Sekma said.

Glevan nodded. 'If I'm not mistaken, you have on this cruiser an electronic check system which is much faster than the type we use, and an improved system of recharging, so that you can service your unit in, say, half the time it takes a poor merchantman.'

'Less than half, if we forget some of the regulations. But you had still better hope we're not that late.'

Because if we are, thought Kettrick, what happens to the Cluster afterward will be of no concern to us.

Sekma spoke into an intercom and then motioned them all out.

'You'll have to clear the chartroom, we've got work to do. And there'll be plenty of time to talk while we're in jump. Don't forget there's a lot I don't understand, either.'

VarKovan, the Shargonese, was waiting for them in the corridor. He smiled, his teeth startlingly white against the glossy purple-red of his skin. 'You'll have to sleep watch-and-watch-about, I'm afraid. Having the lady aboard makes problems.'

They followed him to a cabin the size of a broom closet, with two stacked bunks, normally assigned to any extra personnel who might be riding the big cruiser.

'It's fine,' Boker said, 'Except for one thing. It's dry.'

'The I–C thinks of everything,' said VarKovan, and produced two bottles from a locker. 'Sekma's instructions.'

He refused to join them and left. They sat on the bunks and the floor and Boker served out the liquor. Then he looked at Kettrick.

'I am damned glad you got away, Johnny. The I–C boys had us loose just fifteen minutes after you called.'

'Before that,' said Glevan, 'it was a long afternoon, trying to convince those children of perdition that Boker was an old friend of Seri's and only wanted to say hello.'

The cruiser went into jump before they had emptied half the bottle.


Later that night, or what passed for night, after Larith had gone to her cabin and they had the wardroom to themselves, Sekma listened to the full account of Kettrick's meeting with Seri and what had happened afterward.

And he asked, 'Why didn't you get in touch with me?'

'Because I wanted to go to the White Sun. I wanted that million credits. I didn't believe in the Doomstar, and I didn't connect Seri with it even then. Not till Gurra.'

Boker said, 'You were following us when you came to Thwayn.' Sekma nodded. 'How?'

'I was keeping a close eye on everything that moved from Ree Darva. Seri took off in Starbird, and a few days later you took off in Grellah on the identical course. If you'd been anybody else I might not have thought much about it except you'd have poor pickings. But being Johnny's old friend and shipmate Boker, I thought it a remarkable coincidence. Particularly after it developed that you had suddenly come into money and laid in a stock of trade goods that were pronouncedly Kettrick in choice.'

He turned a cold eye on Kettrick. 'You're lucky I didn't catch up to you at Gurra. Because I knew what you were up to.'

Boker looked curiously at Sekma. 'Then you knew all the time he was with us at Thwayn. Why didn't you say something about it? You must have known Flay was hiding him.'

'When I was at Gurra,' Sekma said, 'I talked to Nillaine. She told me that Johnny had been there, and that he was on his way to the White Sun to rob the Krinn. She wanted to be very sure that I would go after him and catch him quickly. It didn't seem right, remembering how Nillaine had used to love him.'

Kettrick winced, and Sekma nodded. 'It is a pity. There was something wrong about the whole village, something scared and secret. They wouldn't talk about Seri, but they wanted Johnny caught. I suppose they believed that even though you would tell me about the Doomstar, the delay would be enough to guarantee that Seri could accomplish his mission. On top of that, like spiteful children, they wanted you punished.'

He turned again to Boker. 'When I did find you at Thwayn, and you told that lie about Pellin which you must have known I'd catch, and you had Flay's three sons breathing down your neck, it was not so difficult to imagine what was going on.'

He smiled briefly. 'At that point, to be blunt about it, you became unimportant. The vital thing was for me to get after Starbird, which I did at the earliest possible moment. I was prepared to fight it out with Flay, using the whole ship's armament if necessary, even though it would have meant the end of you. Fortunately he believed my story.'

'Even so,' said Kettrick, 'you got to Kirnanoc too late.'

'That's right. Silverwing didn't even enter into the picture then. She was gone. All I had was Starbird in the repair dock, her cargo just sold, her crew sitting around waiting for the work to be finished, and Seri…well, Seri was supposedly on his way elsewhere as a passenger on an Achernan ship, to arrange for new ladings so Starbird wouldn't go home empty. We were shown his name on the list. I began to wonder if I were wrong. I was hoping the Firgals hadn't killed you because there were an awful lot of questions I wanted to ask.'

'Then why,' said Kettrick, 'the hell weren't you watching for us?'

'I was. But the minute they got Boker at the board asking for Starbird, they caught his listing and withdrew it, so that it didn't come through. We had no way of knowing that you had landed, or that Boker and the others had been picked up. Under normal circumstances I would have asked Port Authority to let me know directly you requested a landing, and not have waited for the official teletype. As it was, I didn't dare to call attention to you.

'The Achernans had done everything they could to block and hamper us. They spied on us, tapped our communicator lines and bugged our offices…there were excellent reasons for my being in such a hurry to get away. If they'd caught you, Johnny, or if Ssessorn had had just a little more time to add up all the items…the man Chai knocked out under the ship, the cut fence, what you were doing in the Market…I don't think he'd have let us take off, I–C or not.'

Hurth had been listening, frowning, occasionally rubbing the still tender scar on his side. Now he said, 'Why is it only us, Sekma? Only us against the Doomstar? There's the whole Cluster, and it's their necks as well.'

Kettrick said, 'Something must have been done since we talked on Earth. Through official channels, I mean…planetary security forces, the I–C, the general intelligence network. You certainly were not depending entirely on one weak reed named Kettrick.'

'We've done what we could,' Sekma said, 'but you know how it goes. On every civilized world the politicians are worrying about the next election, and the intellectuals are terribly busy with their theories on the perfectibility of mankind, and mankind itself is sitting on its broad duff, stuffing its face and procreating, and none of them want to be bothered with nasty things like Doomstars. They refuse to believe, just as you did. And the people who do believe in the Doomstar and are actively working for it simply smile blandly and lie to us. So the most we've had is the repetition of rumors we had already heard, and a few leads that didn't go anywhere, or at least were not conclusive enough to warrant any action. Oftentimes the local authorities haven't been too eager to give us information.'

He sighed, the weariness and frustration of the past months showing clearly in his face.

'And all the time you're walking on eggshells, because you don't know. The official, the security man, the tribesman, the semiape you're talking to, the governor or the curodai…any one of them may be the enemy, and you don't know, not even in the I–C. I can swear that more than once our enquiries have

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