very simple people: if we like what we see, we're coming over there. If we don't want anything from you, we're not coming over there. Period. Please highlight this part right here so you can always remind yourself the next time a man steps to you: a man always wants something. Always. And when it comes to women, that plan is always to.nd out two things: (1) if you're willing to sleep with him, and (2) if you are, how much it will cost to get you to sleep with him.

That's his mission in the club.

That's his charge in the lunchroom at the of.ce.

That's what he's up to when he skips past all those seats at the church and sits down in the pew right next to you.

If a man sees you and asks you how you're doing, what do you think he came over there for? He didn't come over to learn anything from you, to.nd out about your interests and likes and wants. That's what women do when they're interested in getting to know someone. For a man, it's really less complicated: he liked what he saw from across the room and now he's going to go over there and get it. He doesn't care anything about your personality or what you do for a living; your friends mean nothing to him, and whether you know Jesus is irrelevant. He just wants to know if he might be able to sleep with you, and he's talking to you to determine exactly how much he has to invest to get what he wants.

When I say, invest, I'm not talking solely about monetary values; I'm talking about your values your requirements. He's trying to see if your price is too high, if it's affordable, if he can get it on credit, whether he can get it tonight. If you don't lay out any requirements, then you're free game on. He knows he can get you to the bed with minimal effort. But if you tell him up front you have requirements that you need his time, his respect, his attention then he knows you're expensive, that he's going to need to put in work to get the cookie. For some men, that cost may be too high they're just looking for a good time and have no interest in investing time and respect and a commitment. One man may assess right away, Man, I got to go by there two or three times a week, gas dollars a gallon, I got this other woman I'm hollering at, I'm going to have to call her and all of that. No, that price is out of my range. For another man, your sticker price may be affordable.

This is useful information to you because now you know when a man approaches you, you can cut through the riffraff, lay down your requirements (which I'll talk about later), and determine right away whether he's willing to pay for what it is he's looking for. Okay, so ladies: it's no secret now and you can act accordingly. When you're not aware that all men have plans, you're not placing requirements on him, and if you're not setting any ground rules, then you're essentially telling him that you're open for his rules. You've established that you don't care how often he calls, when he comes by, how often you all talk, and whether he opens your door; this means that he'll call you when he gets ready, he won't be opening any of your doors, and even though you asked him to be there at seven, he won't show up until eight all because you didn't (a) acknowledge that a man always has a plan and (b) act accordingly.

This is precisely what was on my father-in-law's mind when one of my daughters brought home her alleged boyfriend to the house for a family dinner. You should know that my fatherin-law is one of the smartest men I ever met in my life he's a man I look up to, and I look up to very few men. The things that come out of his mouth are usually, if not always, on point and make me think. The same was true this particular evening when he lined up this boy on the living room couch and asked him plain as day, So, what's your plan with my granddaughter?

The young man, about thirty, asked very simply, What do you mean by that?

I mean just what I asked, my father-in-law said. What is your plan?

I don't have no plan, he said.

Then what are you doing? my father-in-law asked.

I'm just trying to get to know her, he insisted.

But what's your plan? Where is this going? my father-inlaw snapped back.

Finally, under the pressure of the questioning, the squared shoulders, and two straight-faced black men making it clear we know the game, the boy.nally broke down and said those four fateful words: We're just kicking it.

My father-in-law sat there and stared at him for a minute, satis.ed,.nally, that he'd gotten to the bottom of it. He tasted blood. Okay, then cool, my father-in-law said quietly. Let's share that with her, that you're just 'kicking it.' Let's see how she feels being the kicked one. Let's take that back to her.

She looked so crazy when, a few minutes later, we let her know about her man's plans that they're just kicking it. Because she knows from our constant talks and updates and sessions about men that when it comes to relationships, you're either being kicked or you're potential long-term material. It can't be both. Clearly, he had a plan that was different from what she wanted.

Luckily my daughter had her granddad and me to help her decipher her man's plan. But not every woman has a father.gure around to hip her to the game. Now, when that man comes smiling all up in your face and talking like he's really into you, act like you know. Because now, you do: he wants to sleep with you.

What's your price?

If you let him know up front, he will let you know up front if it's too high a price for him to pay. And then you can move on.


Sports Fish vs. Keepers

Anyone who really knows me knows about my passion for.shing. I've always loved the tranquil moments that come with the sport sitting on the bank or the deck of a boat, out on the open water. There is no greater peace. But I also crave the sudden explosion of adrenaline that comes when I feel on the other end of my line; you can't imagine the thrill that comes when I have to use every bit of my might and mind to see if I can keep hooked, reel it in, and get it in the boat.

And then comes the hard part deciding whether to keep or throw it back. So in addition to.shing, hooking them, and reeling them in, I get another rush when I'm forced to look at them, see how they feel, and evaluate whether they make it on my stringer. And trust me: has to be really special to make it onto my stringer. Otherwise, it gets tossed back into the water, so I some more.

A man.shes for two reasons: he's either sport.shing or.shing to eat, which means he's either going to try to catch the he can, take a picture of it, admire it with his buddies and toss it back to sea, or he's going to take on home, scale it,.llet it, toss it in some cornmeal, fry it up, and put it on his plate. This, I think, is a great analogy for how men seek out women.

See, men are, by nature, hunters, and women have been put in the position of being the prey. Think about it: it used to be that a man picked a wife, a man asked a woman to dinner, a man had to get permission from a woman's father to have her hand in marriage, and even, in some cases, to date her. We pursued in fact, we've been taught all our lives that it was not only a good thing to chase women, but natural. Women have bought into this for years, too; how many times have you or one of your girls said, I like it when a man pursues me, or I need him to romance me and give me.owers and make me feel like I'm wanted? Flowers, jewelry, phone calls, dates, sweet talk these are all the weapons in our hunting arsenal when we're coming for you.

But the question always remains: once we hook you, what will we do with you? Taking a cue from my love of.shing, my philosophy is that men will treat women like one of these two things: a or a keeper. How we meet, how the conversation goes, how the relationship develops, and the demands you make on a man will all determine whether you'll be treated like a a throwback or a keeper, the kind of woman a man can envision settling down with. And the way we separate the two is very simple, as I explain next.

Doesn't have any rules, requirements, respect for herself, or guidelines, and we men can pick up her scent a mile away. She's the party girl who takes a sip of her Long Island iced tea or a shot of her Patr=n, then announces to her suitor that she just wants to date and see how it goes, and she's the conservatively dressed woman at the of.ce who is a master at networking, but clueless about how to approach men. She has no plans for any ongoing relationships, is not expecting anything in particular from a man, and sets absolutely not nary one condition or restriction on anyone standing before her she makes it very clear that she's just along for whatever is getting ready

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