
mechanical symbol-shunting rules imbuing symbols with meanings

mechanization of reasoning

medical care, unequal distribution of

medium vs. message

“mega inconsistency”, see omega-inconsistency

members vs. non-members of number clubs


memories of a loved one: coarse-grained copies in oneself; as infinitesimal soul-shards

memory: episodic; in reverberant barking; short-term and long-term; in video reverberation

memory organization packets

me-ness, see hereness, “Where am I ?”

Mendelssohn, Felix

mental spaces

mentalistic notions vs. physical substrate

metallic strip in Video Voyage I

“Metamagical Themas” column


metaphor salad

meteorites, absorption of, as metaphor for accretion of self

metric between minds

Michigan, University of

micro-events: invisibility of, in brain; irrelevance of


microscope examining own lenses

“might makes right” as moral principle

Mignotte, Maurice

milk-pouring, predictability of

mind and matter, chasm between

mind–body problem for tomatoes

Mind’s I, The (Hofstadter and Dennett)

minerals, emergent properties of


Minsky, Marvin

mirage of consciousness

mirrors mirroring mirrors

missing a plane, memory of

Mitchell, Melanie

mixed metaphors: for author’s plight; for Godel’s construction

modus ponens

modus tollendo tollens

molecular biology reduced to physics

Molecular Gods: How Molecules Determine Our Behavior

molecules: existence of; irrelevance of; life stories of; submissive to desires; vs. thoughts; virtual, in computers

Monet, Claude

Monroe, Marilyn

moonroof, power, as distinct from consciousness

Moravec, Hans

morphing between two people

mortality, one’s own

Morton Salt, (blocked) infinite regress on label of

mosaic portrait of another person’s essence

Moser, David: admiration for Carol Hofstadter; brilliant wit of; grousing about lousy hosts; likened to devil incarnate

mosquitoes; complexity of brains of; equally conscious as humans; experience of blood of; experience of purpleness of; friendlessness; having no conscience, mercy, or pity; “I”-ness of; likened to flush toilets; likened to heat-seeking missiles; likened to thermostats; nondistributedness of; not deserving of rescue; qualia and; soullessness of; as swattable; symbols in

Mother Teresa

motorcycle roar, experience of

Moulin, Jean

mountaineers’ view of scalability of peaks

Muldaur, Maria

multiple “I” ’s in one head

multiple personalities

multiple simultaneous locations of self

music as cause for neuron (not) firing

music boxes, dedicated and universal

musical meaning, as outcome of patterns

musical styles, contrast between

musical taste (likes and dislikes) as deep aspect of human soul

mutual-avoidance dance of powers and Fibonacci numbers

mutual control and mutual perceptions lead to blur of identity

mutual inaccessibility of first-person cores

“my”: as concept of dog; as concept of human

“my brain”, meaning of

My Brother’s Place

myopic view: of domino chainium; of traffic jam

myself vs. others; see also hereness

mysteriousness of video reverberation


Nabel, Roy and Bruce, twinns

Nagel, Alexander (“Sandy”)

Nagel, Ernest

Nagel, Thomas

naive view of self, as analogous to Newtonian physics

names of expressions

naming conventions as reinforcing naive ideas of identity


Natalie and Lucas, Twinwirld twildren

needle in groove, timing of

neither fish nor fowl

Nemo, Captain

nesting of concepts

Nether Wallop

Neumann, John von

neural loop in brain

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