particles: disrespect for macroscopic categories;
Pascal, Blaise
pattern implies reason
pattern-searching in number theory
patterns: causal potency of; infinite; reasons behind
Peano, Giuseppe
peanut-butter sandwich as flexible medium
“Peanuts” episode
pearl found in the Caspian sea
“peck-order” hierarchy in brain
peer pressure
Penfield, Wilder
pennable lines, dramaturgical conventions for
people, as represented by symbols in brains
perception: in brains; in careenium; coarse-grainedness of; of consequences of one’s actions; of dancing symbols; as germ of “I”-ness; impossibility of suppression of; indispensability of, in creating an “I”; as level- changing shift in strange loop; of microscopic causes; of mosquitoes; of perceiver itself; primitive
perceptual systems: growing over time; impoverished
perfect numbers, potential infinitude of
person: as point of view; shallower and deeper aspects of
personal gemma (Lem), as core of human identity; obliteration of; riding, diminished, on another’s hardware;
personal identity: coalescing slowly over time; as determined by brain, not vice versa; as determined by dollop doled out; as determined by most intense source of perceptual input; as determined by naming conventions and pronoun conventions; as determined by serial number; as determined by slider on wire; as determined by strange loop’s content; as incoherent notion; lacking in sewing machines; puzzles about, in a world with Consciousness; shared by the two halves of a pairson; untrustability of claims about
personality: layering of; space of
perversity of metamathematical results
Peterson, Nancy
Pfeiffer, John
philosophers: falling for Searle’s ploys; having ambitions of rigor; fear of being a zombie; knurking and glebbing without need for a brain
philosophizing like Roger Sperry
photograph: as evidence for reality; felt as meaningless; as set of soul-shards; triggering-power of
physical activity: hypothetically inadequate to explain feeling; as insufficient for skeptics; as sufficient for SL #641
physicality and “I”, conflict between
physics: as opposed to free will; as the sole type of causality
picket line in play, analogous to picket line outside theater
Pickwick, Samuel, Esq.
“Pig” (Roald Dahl short story)
piggybacked mappings
pig head, severed, on display
Pig Latin as language
piglet in Sardinian banquet
pigments in eyes
pinball machines and careenium
pistons pushed by pressure of gas
pitch: of audio feedback system;
pixel patterns on TV screen: as coding for events; as meaningless patterns when seen by dogs; as teleportation technology
planetoids, growing by collisions
plant and shoots, opposing caged-bird metaphor
plants as potentially having souls
Plath, James
Plato, as dialogue character
plays about plays
pleasure and displeasure as flipped sensations
Pluto, dubious category membership of
poems: found in the text; self-writing
point of view: missing in physical activity; as transportable and modular
pointers: in a mind, to other things; inwards-pointing; outwards-pointing
Poland surviving as abstract landless entity
Policansky, David
political feelings, innate
Pollock, Jackson, painting by
Pomponnette, straying cat
porcinal identity
Porter, Cole
portrait of someone else in one’s brain, grain size of
Poulenc, Francis
powers in the Fibonacci sequence; powers in the wff numbers
“preceded by itself in quote marks”
precision, lack of, in language
predictable macroscopic phenomena
preludes and fugues
Presley, Elvis
pressure, as emergent phenomenon
pressures collectively dictating pathway in life
prim numbers; as apex of 46-story abstraction tower; infinitude of; mirroring provable formulas; recognized by Goru; sums of two; uncanny power of; unpredictability of; as valid subject of study in number theory
primary location of being, blurriness of