“She has all her approvals.”

“Better hope it’s not environmental. When it’s the DEC, you’re never free, is what I tell people.”

“I think you got that from Yeats,” I said.

“Don’t start alluding. We had a deal.”

“This isn’t good.”

“She didn’t tell you?” she asked me.

“I don’t know where she is. I haven’t seen her since her house burned down. We’re back to offish.”

“Which reminds me,” said Jackie, looking at her pad again. “The same night you get into a fight with Robbie Milhouser—a builder who wants to horn in on your girlfriend’s construction project, but is rejected—that very project is torched. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?”

“Sullivan wonders the same thing.”

“So does Ross. And Lionel Veckstrom. Actually, they’re not wondering. They’re sure that Milhouser, in a drunken rage, burned down her house. And that a few nights later you confronted him and killed him. It hangs together very nicely.”

“That didn’t come up at the arraignment.”

“They don’t want to talk about it till they gather all the evidence and build their case.”

“Then who told you?” I asked.

“A little birdie.”

“You mean a big birdie with a blond crew cut.”

She smiled a tight-lipped smile and just looked at me.

“Okay,” I said, “so about this DEC thing.”

She pointed her pen at me.

“That’s not important now,” she said.

“You’re right. Why should I give a shit.”

“I’ll see what I can get out of McDaniel when he’s not trying to impress his homies.”

“Thanks, cutie.”

I spent another hour playing testimonial ping-pong with her before she had to go to another appointment, for which I was grateful. I don’t think what I said made her very happy, but she kept up a good face. I was glad to be back in the Grand Prix heading west with Eddie in the front seat, his head out the window, oblivious to the tempest this caused in the interior of the car. The air was too cool to be completely comfortable, but warm enough to qualify as another harbinger of spring. I rolled down my own window and propped my elbow on the door frame.

I felt an impulse to keep on driving until I was off the Island and through the City and on my way to other climes. Until I had a vision of being hunted down, pulled over, dragged at gunpoint from my car and returned to Southampton in chains. I had to accept being imprisoned in my childhood home, the place I’d left to engage the outer world, that I’d crawled back to beaten and deranged.

There had to be some weighty metaphorical significance in all that, I just couldn’t figure out what it was. Maybe if I kept reading Kant it would come to me. That might be all my memory- impaired, acuity- disrupted, faculty- degraded brain needed. A little philosophy to postpone the inevitable. The preordained moment when the center of consciousness either shatters or implodes, and like a dying star, shrinks down to a dimensionless point, a singularity where time and space, awareness and love, cease to exist.


I NEVER UNDERSTOOD the sentiment some people felt for their high schools. If you know high school kids, you know they’re a breed overwhelmed by anguish, selfishness, delusion and self-doubt. Not their fault, according to Joey Entwhistle, who said they were simply in a developmental stage designed to thoroughly alienate them from their parents, thereby facilitating the transition from dependence to reproductive vitality. To look back on that with wistful longing was evidence of how delusional that phase of life can be.

For my part, I hadn’t set foot in Southampton High School since the day I graduated. Only now it wasn’t the high school. It was the middle school. I knew they’d built a new high school, but I didn’t know where it was. So I went to my alma mater to ask. The woman at a desk inside the lobby told me the new school was over on Narrow Lane, just around the corner. We didn’t have a desk inside the lobby when I went there, and definitely not one with a large woman in a blue security blazer with a suspicious look on her face.

“What’s your interest?” she asked.

“Sentimental journey,” I told her.

“Uh-huh. Check in with security and have a good reason for being there.”

The hair piled on the woman’s head was the color of richly oiled walnut. It would have been more impressive if paired with a face not covered by half an inch of spackling compound.

“Do you know Rosaline Arnold?” I asked.

“Of course.”

Rosaline was the school psychologist. She’d taken a few years off to care for her father. He’d started selling real estate in Southampton during the Truman administration, but after hitting ninety-five was forced to give it up. I’d recently read his obituary, so I guessed Rosaline would be back on the job. I didn’t know her well, but she struck me as the type who would return to her professional responsibilities as soon as her father no longer needed her.

“She still at the high school?”


“I’d like to see her.”

“For sentimental reasons?”

“After a fashion.”

I wondered how Rosaline fared in a high school environment, the type not always distinguished by kindness and tolerance. On first meeting few realized how attractive she was, having trouble seeing past her nose. A big nose. Big enough to challenge the powers of exaggeration.

The security lady leaned back to take a look at my own nose.

“You two related?” she asked me.

“Same species.”

“No shame in it.”

“Think she’s there now?”

She shrugged.

“That’s a question for Rosaline. Though don’t expect answers. All shrinks do is ask questions.”

“That’s the Socratic method.”

“Well, everybody’s got a scam.”

The new school apparently wasn’t all that new, having been built around 1974. It was made of nicer-looking brick than the high school I went to, though it was not much more of an architectural triumph. More like a standard pre-postmodern, nominally Bauhaus institutional fortress.

They also had a desk in the lobby, this one with two people in blue blazers, both large men appropriately scaled up from the security staff at the middle school. Their hair wasn’t as colorful and their blazers barely buttoned over their distended guts. They watched carefully as I approached the desk.

“Is Rosaline Arnold here?” I asked.

They looked at each other, puzzling over the question. The taller one frowned.


“Rosaline Arnold.”

“Who’s that?”

“The school psychologist. I think she works here.”

“Who’re you?”

“Sam Acquillo.”

“She know you?”

“I think so. Let’s ask her.”

“You know Rosaline Arnold?” the taller one asked the shorter one.

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