We went into his house, which 1 had seen once sAs 278 a

A Woman's Liberation

before, an old mansion of some owner of the Corporation days. He thanked the guards and shut the door. 'Dinner,' he said. 'The cook's out-1 meant to take you to a restaurant. I forgot.' He led me to the kitchen, where we found cold rice and salad and wine- After we ate he looked at me across the kitchen table and looked down again. His hesitance made me hold still and say nothing. After a long time he said, 'Oh, Rakam! will you let me make love to you?'

'I want to make love to you,' I said, 'I never did. I never made love to anyone.'

He got up smiling and took my hand. We went upstairs together, passing what had been the entrance to the men's side of the house. 'I live in the beza,' he said, 'in the harem. I live on the woman's side. I like the view.'

We came to his room. There he stood still, looking at me, then looked away. I was so frightened, so bewildered, I thought I could not go to him or touch him. I made myself go to him. I raised my hand and touched his face, the scars by his eye and on his mouth, and put my arms around him. Then I could hold him to me, closer and closer.

Some time in that night as we lay drowsing entangled I said, 'Did you sleep with Dr. Yeron?'

I felt Havzhiva laugh, a slow, soft laugh in his belly, which was against my belly. 'No,' he said.

'No one on Yeowe but you. And you, no one on Yeowe but me. We were virgins, Yeowan virgins. .. . Rakam, araha....' He rested his head in the hollow of my shoulder and said something else in a foreign language and fell asleep. He slept deeply, silently.

Later that year I came up north to the University,

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where I was taken on the faculty as a teacher of history. By their standards at that time, I was competent.

I have worked there ever since, teaching and as editor of the press.

As he had said he would be, Havzhiva was there constantly, or almost.

The Amendments to the Constitution were

voted, by secret ballot, mostly, in the Yeowan Year of

Liberty 18. Of the events that led to this, and what has followed, you may read in the new three-volume History of Yeowe from the University Press- I have told theAstory 1 was asked to tell. I have closed it, as so many stories close, with a joining of two people. What is one man's and one woman's love and desire, against the history of two worlds, the great revolutions of our lifetimes, the hope, the unending cruelty of our species? A little thing. But a key is a little thing, next to the door it opens. If you lose the key, the door may never be unlocked. It is in our bodies that we lose or begin our freedom, in our bodies that we accept or end our slavery. So I wrote this book for my friend, with whom I have lived and will die free.

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Notes on Werel and Yeowe


1. Pronunciation of Names and Words

GATAYAN, vowels have the usual 'European values': a as in father (ah) e as in hey (ay) or let (eh) i as in machine (ee) or it (in) o as in go (o) or off (oh) u as in ruby (oo)

In Voe Dean the accent is normally on the next-to-last syllable. Thus:

Arkamye — ar-KAHM-yeh

Bambur — BAHM-boor

Boeba — bo-AY-bah

Dosse — DOHS-seh

Erod — EH-rod

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gareot — gah-RAY-ot

Gatay — gah-TAH-ee

gede — GHEH-deh

Geu — GAY-oo

Hame — HAH-meh

Hagayot — hah-GAH-yot

Hayawa — hah-YAH-wah

Kamye — KAHM-yeh

Keo — KAY-o

makil — MAH-kihl

Nadami — nah-DAH-mee

Noeha — no-AY-hah

Ramayo — rah-MAH-yo

rega — RAY-gah

Rewe — REH-weh

San Ubattat — sahn-oo-BAHT-taht

Seugi — say-00-ghee

Shomeke — sho-MEH-keh

Suhame — soo-HAH-meh

Tazeu — tah-ZAY-oo

Teyeo — teh-YAY-o

Tikuli — tee-KOO-lee

Toebawe — to-eh-BAH-weh

Tual — too-AHL or TWAHL

veot — VAY-ot Voe Deo — vo-eh-DAY-o Walsu — WAHL-soo Werel — WEH-rehl Yeowe — yay-0-way Yeron — YEH-rohn Yoke — YO-keh Yotebber — yo-TEHB-ber Yowa — YO-wah As 282

Notes on Werel and Yeowe

Names formed with the name of the deities Kamye (Kam) and Tual tend to keep a stress on that element, thus:

Abberkam — AHB-ber-KAHM Batikam — BAH-tih-KAHM Rakam — RAH-KAHM Sezi-Tual — SAY-zih-TWAHL Tualtak — TWAHL-tahk HAINISH

(The extremely long lineage-names common among the Hainish are cut down for daily use; thus Mattin- yehedarhed-dyura-ga-muruskets becomes Yehedarhed.)

araha — ah-RAH-ha

Ekumen (from an Ancient Terran word) — EK-yoo-men

Esdardon Aya — ez-DAR-don-AH-ya

Havzhiva — HAHV-zhi-vah

lyan lyan — ee-YAHN-ee-YAHN Kathhad — KAHTH-hahd Mezhe — MEH-zheh

Stse — STSEH (like the capitalized letters in English 'beST SEt'A

Tiu — TYOO

Ve — VEH

Yehedarhed — yeh-heh-DAR-hed

2. The Planets Werel and Yeowe

From A Handbook of the Known Worlds, printed in Darranda, Ham, Hainish Cycle 93, Local Year 5467.

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Ecumenical Year 2102 is counted as Present when historical dates are given as years Before Present (BP).

The Werel-Yeowe solar system consists of 16 planets orbiting a yellow-white star (RK-tamo-5544-34). Life developed on the third, fourth, and fifth planets. The fifth, called Rakuli in Voe Dean, has only invertebrate life-forms

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