“If it is hard for westerners” Klebnikov, Godfather of the Kremlin, 6.

“Most journalists think of themselves” James Michaels quoted in Men’s Vogue, August 21, 2006.

“He had this messianic belief” William Baldwin quoted in New York magazine, October 25, 2004.

The Russian edition of Godfather Sales figures of the two books obtained in an author interview with Valeri Streletsky, Klebnikov’s Russian publisher, May 3, 2007.

“He was doing investigative stories” Author interview with Leonid Bershidsky, May 3, 2007.

“I don’t know if” Quoted in New York magazine, October 25, 2004.

“spend a month on a” Author interview with Bershidsky.

Streletsky told me that Klebnikov Author interview with Streletsky.

“were marred by the assassination” Klebnikov, Godfather of the Kremlin, 4.

Klebnikov also overexerts himself Ibid., 298–302.

“didn’t really understand what” Author interview with Alexander Politkovsky, April 18, 2007.

“He was naive. He worshipped Russia” Author interview with Oleg Panfilov, March 25, 2007.

“Everything is topsy-turvy” Author interview with Berezovsky.

For his part, Berezovsky sank tens Figures on Berezovsky’s spending to oust Putin from Goldfarb and Litvinenko, Death of a Dissident, 316.

“to demonstrate in the West” Author interview with Berezovsky.

“Russia’s flawed transition from Communism” Paul Klebnikov, Forbes, March 17, 2003.

“Dynamism is one of the core” Paul Klebnikov, Forbes Russia, May 2004; repr. Forbes, July 22, 2004.

“too much an apologist for” Author interview with Mark Franchetti, January 21, 2008.

He made a series of phone Detail on calls from Men’s Vogue, August 21, 2006.

A man inside the vehicle pointed Some accounts speak of two weapons being fired. Absent an ironclad account of who precisely shot, I am using the single-shooter account.

A guard rushed into the Newsweek Account of aftermath to Klebnikov’s killing from author interviews with Alexander Gordeev, April 19, 2007, and Mikhail Fishman, August 29, 2007, in addition to Gordeev’s written account, e-mailed to author by Gordeev.

“None of us ever had” Author interview with Kashulinsky.

“I think Putin himself called” Ibid.

“Not long ago one” Vladimir Putin, annual news conference, official Kremlin transcript, February 1, 2007.

“Nukhayev had no role” Author interview with Streletsky.

Once in custody, both suspects Author interview with a Russian journalist who asked not to be identified because he feared losing access to his police sources.

“big job” Quoted in Forbes, May 5, 2006.

Franchetti figured that a journalist Author interview with Franchetti.

Chapter 8: Murder on an Elevator

“Putin has, by chance” Anna Politkovskaya, Putin’s Russia (New York: Henry Holt, 2004), 242–44.

“made her name by writing” Yuri Zarakhovich, Time, April 13, 2003.

“one of the bravest of Russia’s” James Meek, Guardian, October 15, 2004.

“We cannot just sit back” Politkovskaya, Putin’s Russia, 255.

In a 2001 story, she berated Anna Politkovskaya, Novaya Gazeta.

“Paul Lavurda had been deserted” Quote and details from Politkovskaya, Putin’s Russia, 4–13.

In class, Anna’s best friends Author interview with Masha Khaykina, April 15, 2007.

Their relationship puzzled her Author interviews with Khaykina, and with Elena Morozova, May 2, 2007.

Over beers after Anna’s death Author interview with Alexander Politkovsky.

One friend recalled her behaving Author interview with Morozova.

The two married after Information that Anna was pregnant from author interview with Politkovsky.

Her upper-crust parents were so Wedding-day detail and that parents cut off Anna and Alexander financially from author interview with Morozova.

“telling them how to work” Author interview with Morozova.

But Anna was mesmerized Information about Anna’s admiration for Marina Tsvetayeva, from author interview with Politkovsky.

Alexander had earned a toehold Detail on how the couple was scraping by and on Politkovsky’s instant celebrity from author interviews with Morozova and Politkovsky.

The resulting documentary, entitled Marina Goldovskaya, the filmmaker, was a professor of Politkovsky’s at Moscow State University. The documentary was financed by Turner Network Television. Goldovskaya is currently a professor at the University of California, at Los Angeles.

“a crazy mom, very” Author interview with Elena Kudimova, March 26, 2007.

“That note isn’t right” Author interview with Morozova.

As his television career flourished Detail on Alexander’s drinking and Anna’s attitude toward it from author interview with Morozova.

She wanted a career in television like Detail on Anna’s career desires and feeling that Alexander blocked her way from author interview with Morozova.

She was nearly blind without Author interview with Morozova, to whom Anna made the remark about her glasses.

“a dragon in her blood” Author interview with Morozova.

“slaves to tobacco” Anna Politkovskaya, Novaya Gazeta, June 14, 1999.

“infringing on my rights” Author interview with Morozova.

“but next to Anna, I am” Author interview with Yevgenia Albats, April 15, 2007.

“I’m coming by with the dishes” Author interview with Elena Baranovskaya, April 14, 2007.

“Now dead, Vakha lies” Anna Politkovskaya, A Small Corner of Hell (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003), 35.

“psychopathic and extremely stupid” Anna Politkovskaya, A Russian

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