Diary (New York: Random House, 2007), 134, 167–68.

“she started liking it” Author interview with Yuri Kudimov, husband of Politkovskaya’s sister, Elena, April 29, 2007.

“I’m afraid a lot” Anna Politkovskaya interview with Rzeczpospolita (Polish daily newspaper), April 27, 2002.

“the details of the interrogations” Anna Politkovskaya, Guardian, February 27, 2001.

Lapin said he was coming Author interview with Dmitri Muratov, April 19, 2007.

Anna’s editor ordered her to stay Anna Politkovskaya interview with Committee to Protect Journalists, November 13, 2001.

Soon her children Ibid.

“The people in Chechnya are afraid” Anna Politkovskaya, Guardian, February 27, 2001.

In fact, she did not believe Detail on Anna Politkovskaya’s belief that she was safe in Chechnya from author interview with her son, Ilya Politkovsky, April 27, 2007.

She telephoned Akhmed Zakayev Detail on Anna’s reaction from Sergey Sokolov and Dmitry Muratov, Novaya Gazeta, September 4, 2004.

“Are you Anna Politkovskaya?” Author interview with Elena Baranovskaya, to whom Anna recounted the incident.

According to Anna’s account Anna Politkovskaya, Novaya Gazeta, September 9, 2004.

“beat me on the face and” Anna Politkovskaya quoted by News- night, BBC, September 13, 2004.

“almost hopeless” Anna Politkovskaya, Novaya Gazeta, September 9, 2004.

Anna was irritated at her Author interview with Baranovskaya.

She told the onetime KGB officer Author interview with Marina Litvinenko, Alexander’s wife.

“Think about that” Author interview with Kudimov.

“at the point of breaking” Quotes and foreign visitor anecdote from author interview with Morozova. In an interview with the author, Kudimov confirmed the details.

“I am a pariah” Anna Politkovskaya, The Washington Post, October 15, 2006.

“If you want to go on” Anna Politkovskaya, Guardian, September 9, 2004.

“I know this is all going” Author interview with Baranovskaya, to whom Anna made the remark.

“I know I am not going” Author interview with Yevgenia Albats, to whom Anna made the remark.

“feel that this woman knew” Author interview with Mariane Pearl.

“I’m putting this document here” Author interview with Vera Politkovskaya, May 2, 2007.

“whose job, to say it softly” Author interview with Sergei Lapin, April 14, 2007.

“One could hardly believe” Author interview with Vera Politkovskaya.

“She never simply promised” Author interview with Vera Politkovskaya.

“return to a normal life” Author interview with Khaykina.

“Stalin of our times” Anna Politkovskaya interview with RFE-RL on October 5, 2006.

“You are close” Detail of October 7, 2006, and quote from author interview with Vera Politkovskaya.

A man in a baseball cap Details of murder from The Independent (London), October 8, 2006. All credible accounts coincide on these details.

Vera didn’t believe Author interview with Vera Politkovskaya.

Anna’s friend from childhood Detail and quote from author interview with Morozova.

Elena telephoned Masha Khaykina Detail and quote from author interviews with Morozova and Khaykina.

“Oi, Alexander, I have” Author interview with Marina Litvinenko.

Vladimir Putin was at Author interview with Yuri Kudimov, who knew of the birthday party from his KGB friends.

“influence on the country’s” Vladimir Putin, quoted by the BBC News online, October 10, 2006.

Oleg Panfilov, with whom I worked Author interview with Panfilov.

A while after Anna’s death Author interview with Fadeeva.

Chapter 9: The Traitor

“My name is Alexander Litvinenko” Alexander Litvinenko, appearance at the Frontline Club, YouTube videotape, October 19, 2006.

“like a person in a bazaar” Author interview with Marina Litvinenko.

His interrogation of a Chechen teenager Goldfarb and Litvinenko, Death of a Dissident, 89–90.

“He thought everyone was working” Author interview with Felshtinsky.

“The view inside our” Litvinenko quoted in The New York Times, December 16, 2004.

“his bosses learned that” Alexander Litvinenko, ChechenPress, July 5, 2006.

Some who knew him said Litvinenko This was a consistent assertion of those close to Anna. One of them was Ilya Politkovsky, Anna’s son, who expressed this opinion in an interview with the author.

He rang the London police British authorities briefly arrested Andrei Ponkin and Alexei Alyokhin after Litvinenko alleged that they had attempted to recruit him to help murder Putin, according to Interfax news service, October 21, 2003. Ponkin, who was one of the FSB whistle-blowers in the famous November 1998 news conference, said he met with Litvinenko and Boris Berezovsky to discuss a business affair, when they were introduced to British intelligence officials who attempted to get them to defect.

Yet he had solid sources Separate author interviews with Marina Litvinenko and Oleg Gordievsky.

Yet Litvinenko found an ear in Background on Litvinenko’s cooperation with British intelligence from a well-connected source who discussed it on condition of anonymity.

“There is no need to analyze” Boris Labusov quoted by Interfax, September 4, 2003.

“Discussing our involvement is really” Boris Labusov quoted by Nezavisimaya Gazeta, October 18, 2004.

“History knows a lot of cases” Boris Labusov quoted by Interfax, October 16, 2004.

FSB marksmen used large photographs The story of Litvinenko’s image being used in target practice by Russian special forces broke in Poland’s Dziennik Online, January 30, 2007.

The Russian embassy left a Author interview with Marina Litvinenko.

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