ZetaTalk: Machine Age

Note: written on Apr 15, 1999.

Consider what is necessary to run the average manufacturing plant, which runs heavy machinery. Gears, metal plates -

it all looks quite solid. Lets say the building stands after the pole shift, having been retrofitted and braced, and the machinery itself is pretty durable. Some parts break, but one can replace them, so why would it not run?

There are factors in this scenario that are not being considered. All the necessary small parts, the lubricants and

additives, that will not be available. Most lubricants are necessary, to maintain a certain chemical balance, or there is corrosion. Without these lubricants, parts burn out, wear out, and you can't simply pour water or any chemical in, you

need a particular chemical. The chemical industry will be very hard hit, as much of their stores are liquid and will

burst, spray, disburse, and require specialized ingredients to create in the first place. So you back up, endlessly, and anytime there is a break in the link, the link is broken and affects everything downstream. So it all goes down the

chain. Even a tiny broken part can stop the process, as perhaps a particular metal or particular alloy is needed. Without this a particular function won't occur, an electrical impulse will not occur, or an etching will not occur. If that alloy is missing, all the rest of the machinery becomes idle, and simply is not effective. And if it's not effective, what is the point of maintaining it.

What motive is there for staying and maintaining this factory? Who is going to feed the workers, or pay their salary?

There is simply no flow of money. Bridges are down. The grid is down. The government is in chaos, and gone off to

huddle and get drunk and discuss among themselves. Workers do not come out of loyalty, starving to death, to keep a

corporate fat cat in business. They go off, attempting to find food for themselves. If the industry loses its skills, what occurs? Any industry that finds that its skilled workers are no longer available fails! This is a common fact, and one

reason that bringing immigrants into the US, educated and with a skill set, is considered a necessity. 3rd World

countries can't even get started unless they have this educated skill set. If it goes off, because its more important to feed the family than keep the boss in power, who's going to run the factory?

It's for these reasons that industry will not run, but will go idle. There are cities discovered in Central American and in China, found under the jungles or under the shifting sands, with no explanation for where the inhabitants went. These

were great cities with grand steps. They had irrigation, water flowing through the city, so why did it collapse? Was it a great plague? Was it a terrible drought? Did someone come and slaughter them all? These are remnants of pole shifts,

where great civilizations have fallen in the past. The survivors wander, in search of a better life. They are often

confused, as they don't know what has hit them. They are sure this is a local event and they are off to find out where

the sun is shining and the grain is growing. They all wander. So your industries will be idle, for these reasons.

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ZetaTalk: Worthless Money

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ZetaTalk: Worthless Money

Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

Money will begin to lose its value long before the cataclysms hit. This will be worldwide, and in almost all human

cultures. Why should this be the case, when, as we have stated, the majority of humanity will either be unaware of the

coming cataclysms or in denial? The financial structure of the world's financial empires is really quite fragile. Look to the swings of the stock markets, the bond markets, and other speculations. Panic sets in at a moment's notice. The

problem is that financial matters are based on human perceptions of worth. This moves about, even in the most stable

of times. The value of an item increases during shortage, plummets during times of plenty, and otherwise is affected by various perceptions of being in the right place at the right time. There are gamblers aplenty in the financial arenas.

One of the reasons that financial giants among the elite seek to negate awareness of the alien presence is their fear of the repercussions on the financial markets. If they cannot negate awareness, they seek to minimize panic. Look to

history, to see how little it took to create financial panics. What with the millennium approaching, and all the dire

predictions made by many, true or untrue, many people worldwide will be on edge. Add to this the increasing crop

failures, with consequent food shortages, affecting the markets in commodities.

Humans of good heart concerned with survival through the cataclysms are advised not to look to the money markets

for assistance. Put your money into land and stable structures, documentation on the technologies and scientific

knowledge of today, and apparatus with which to grow hydroponic vegetables and tanks for fish and crustaceans on

the nutrients from recycled sewage.

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ZetaTalk: Precious Possessions

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ZetaTalk: Precious Possessions

Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

During the Transformation, human society will not only find their moorings lost, they will also find their priorities

changed and their sense of what is considered to be a precious possession drastically altered. During stable times,

civilizations build on the past, the past dragged forward as welcome or unwelcome baggage. The past is intrusive, something the young and old are constantly reminded of, and serves as models for the young, rules to be guided by,

and social norms for the newborn to adapt to. During tumultuous times the grip that the past has on society is broken,

and priorities are reassessed. What are termed great works of art by humans are considered valuable only

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