
Semjase. His very real experiences thus became further blurred with past reports just as flamboyant with untruths.

Humans use names to identify each other and their leaders or idols, but visitors from other worlds operating in the

Service-to-Others do not use names, being in telepathic contact with one another and thus not needing such props. By

giving in to his desire to have fame over fact, Billy Meier marked his tales in a manner that would eventually leave

him less and less believable. Contactees are increasingly coming forward with their stories, and stories that have been

augmented eventually will stand out as lacking in the ring of truth.

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ZetaTalk: Andromeda Contact

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ZetaTalk: Andromeda Contact

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

Many contactees feel the need to identify where their visitors come from, and press for this endlessly. Alex Collier as

a contactee felt rootless until he had some place in the sky he could point to. Where he is a genuine contactee, his

personal security needs should not be treated as fact. His visitors in fact are from some place he would not recognize,

so allowed his assumption to rest without contest. In processing input from this contactee, consider this insistence on

security, and interpret accordingly. More than most, he has muddied the waters with his personal interpretations.

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ZetaTalk: Scallion

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ZetaTalk: Scallion

Note: written on Aug 15, 2002

Where we, the Zetas, as alien visitors, are tightly under the Rules of Engagement and Rule of Non- Interference the

Council of Worlds imposes, this is not the case with human contactees. Most of our work, as Zetas, occurs because a

contactee, hearing the details of a situation, becomes motivated to act. We do not act, the contactee does. Scallion is a contactee, and is a very good sponge in this regard. He absorbs not only what he hears being discussed during this

visits, he also absorbs more than is on the table, the thoughts in the heads of his visitors, who are many. He puts his

own spin on this, fits in into the whole, and reports this to the humanity that hang on his words. Thus, his accuracy

track record, which is far above chance, is noted, as he is reporting more than a human in touch with Earth change. He is reporting what his many visitors, which encompass a large variation of life forms and interests, are aware of. He is

coming back from his visits with a smorgasbord of information, which he then sorts out during his dreams or

mediation sessions. This is not all 100% correct, but is close enough to bring him an avid following, as it ought. As a

human, not bound by the rules the Council imposes upon us, he can report his predictions on specific earthquakes.

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ZetaTalk: Communion

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ZetaTalk: Communion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding Whitley Strieber's book, Communion. This book is heavily influenced by the truth, by true experiences of

the author. The author is a gifted writer, and though reluctant to communicate with ourselves, the Zetas, and other

entities not native to the Earth, he is more driven by curiosity and fascination with the unknown that he is by fear. He

has grown past fear to a greater understanding of himself as well as what is termed the Alien Presence.

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ZetaTalk: Steve Neill

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ZetaTalk: Steve Neill

Note: written on Feb 15, 1997

Made famous an artist who did artwork for the Whitley Streiber books, some of the first books to break open the

formerly hush-hush world of contactees, Steve Neill is a relative unknown outside of Hollywood circles. A talented

special effects designer, Steve is also a genuine contactee, and his works of art on our thin bodies regularly entrance

other contactees who discover them for sale at UFO conventions or elsewhere. It was not by accident that Steve and

Whitley discovered each other, nor had either experienced the typical contactee agenda. Both these individuals were

considered highly talented and given to an independent mind set that would support their fight to have the right to tell

their stories. As a result, the first truly compelling contactee story to be mass marketed, Communion, was accompanied

by this man's spell binding art work.

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