ZetaTalk: Ruth Montgomery

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ZetaTalk: Ruth Montgomery

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

Ruth Montgomery was among the authors reporting truthfully about the alien presence early in the Earth's

Transformation. A skilled and highly talented author, she spoke for many by compiling and reporting their stories.

Thus, her books covered a wide range of subjects, allowing contactees and Star Children to recognize their situations,

and thus their status, when described.

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ZetaTalk: Hopi Indians

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ZetaTalk: Hopi Indians

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

The Hopi Indians are instrumental in the Awakening, as their culture is open to contact with extraterrestrials and thus

they have had open contact ahead of most of the rest of the world. Unlike closed cultures, where denial rules so

strongly that those suggesting that visitations are occurring are punished and even killed, the Hopi honored their

contactees, and likewise treated their visitors with respect. Consequently the Hopi are being used as a communication

vehicle during the Transformation period. Those among them brave enough to tell their stories to the world are running

the same risk as all who further the Awakening, as the establishment wants the status quo to continue and death and

injury and endless harassment are common tools of the establishment. The Hopi are perhaps better suited than most to

be educators, as their true stories are often scoffed at as being just Indian legends, so the impact their stories make to a

great extent go unobserved.

The Hopi have long been visited, and this is one of the reasons they invite visitations. Children are told at their

grandparent's knee about such visitations, and take this all to be as real as the Sun and the Moon. As with the rest of

humanity, the Hopi fell under the rule that all visitations should be placed only in the subconscious after Earth's

Transformation vote concluded some 50 years ago. To reduce fear and anxiety, which would incline humans toward

the Service-to-Self, all visitations are to be recorded only in the subconscious, as the vote was overwhelmingly for the

Earth to become a home for those entities in the Service-to-Other. Knowing the likely outcome of the vote, those

visitors in contact with the Hopi set about giving them some ammunition to use during the coming Transformation

period. There were several significant visits, each with a particular purpose.

About the time of the deliberate crash at Roswell, the Hopi were visited by the same aliens that intended to

sacrifice themselves and die in the crash. This was to spread a countering message to any the military would

propagate, and in truth the Hopi message has been propagated as widely as the true information leaked about the

crash at Roswell. These stories of small hominoid aliens visiting the Hopi about the time of the Roswell crash

have often been interpreted as crash survivors taking refuge among the Hopi, which was not the case. However,

this detail is irrelevant in the scheme of things, as the point intended was made.

As has repeatedly been done during visitations, those aliens visiting the Hopi attempted to explain the meaning

and intent of those Star Children who incarnated as Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha. As is usually the case, the

message gets partly understood and partly distorted during repeated telling, as the ear of the listener hears what

it wishes to hear. In particular, as the Hopi live in a predominantly Christian nation, what they passed on about

the history of Jesus got immediately distorted by faithful Christians who chose not to offend the church elite.

Where the Hopi were told that the legacy of Jesus continues, many chose to hear that he had progeny, wishing to

cling to a living remnant of Jesus rather than having stand on their own.

The coming cataclysms were relayed in great detail to the Hopi, who feel a responsibility to alert as much of

humanity as will listen to their warnings. As with most warnings about the coming pole shift, these warnings are

discounted as poetry, or the usual dressing the passage of the millennium is given. The Hopi plan to escalate

their warnings, and as the American Indian is revered throughout the world more so than they are revered in

their own land, they are ideally positioned to be the messengers of such a devastating message. We wish them

well in this endeavor.

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ZetaTalk: Hopi Indians

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