
threatening circumstances without fight or flight in people and their pets.

In the real pole shift, all will hit at once. There will be no rescue, no roads or railroads supporting travel, no

communications by any means, no electricity or hope of power restoration, and certainly no functioning government.

Survival groups must rely on themselves, cooperatively, and be practical. The real pole shift is not fiction, as are the

movies.[2/5/2012 11:40:03 AM]

ZetaTalk: Discovery Channel

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ZetaTalk: Discovery Channel

Note: written during the Dec 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Discovery Channel has wanted to produce informative programs to prepare the public, but been denied. They have

been leaned on to emphasize the Sun as the cause, but resisted. They early approached Nancy on Planet X and

Troubled Times type content, but this was squelched. They are doing their best with a difficult situation, like

Spielberg. Depending on human hands, and which way this or that jumps, many dramas could ensue over the next few

weeks and months.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:04 AM]

ZetaTalk: Fire in the Sky

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ZetaTalk: Fire in the Sky

Note: written on May 15, 1996

The media portrayal of this true contactee experience did not adhere to the facts as relayed by the contactee. This is a

common complaint from contactees who lose control of the process - their stories, faithfully relayed in exquisite detail,

emerge from the hands of the media artists, painting an entirely different picture.

This episode was intended, by the good-hearted aliens and contactee involved, to promote the Awakening. The event

involved a significant amount of missing time, witnesses to lights in the sky and the sudden disappearance of the

contactee, and intense focus by the entire community on the sudden reappearance of the disheveled contactee. To that

extent, matters went as planned. Thereafter, the contactee was subjected to the hostile denial that is so common as to

be almost be routine in visible visitations. Where anticipated, this brutalizing of the contactee leaves its mark, and

standing up in the face of this hostility is no small matter. To add insult to injury, the media presented what was

essentially a healing process as a terrifying capture, confinement, and experimentation. Horror stories pack the

theaters, and this is, apparently, all that mattered.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:04 AM]

ZetaTalk: Stargate

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ZetaTalk: Stargate

Note: written on Dec 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

The movie Stargate was a success in great part because it carried a grain of truth on many fronts, and this was

intuitively recognized by those in the audience. The relationship between pyramids and human enslavement; the use of

cruelty by those in the Service-to-Self as a form of control and the catalytic effect the courage of a single individual

can have in the face of such a reign of terror; and the obsession those who built the Great Pyramids had with

calibrating their flights into space. However, beyond these aspects, the movie had little relationship to facts, nor was

this a movie sponsored by the government to aid in the Awakening.

Rapid space travel does not require a portal. This is a primitive view foisted on humans by humans who regularly walk

through doors to move from one world to the next on Earth, whether this be from indoors to outdoors or from a

corridor into private chambers, portals or doorways are assumed to be required by humans for the magical change that

takes place. Nor are humans held in slavery elsewhere in the Universe by the hominoids from the 12th Planet or any

other alien race, as such practices work against the free will that 3rd Density forming entities are to experience and are

simply not allowed. This is why such arrangements in the past, during visits by the hominoids from the 12th Planet,

were stopped shortly after they arose. However, both cultural and spiritual memories exist to remind humankind of

such practices, however brief, in the past, and thus the genuine appeal of the movie Stargate.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:05 AM]

ZetaTalk: ID4

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ZetaTalk: ID4

Note: written on Apr 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

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