Pseudo-fiction in movies as a tool to speed the Awakening is a tool that can be used to serve those in the Service-to-
Self or Service-to-Others orientation. If
doom. In battles with those in the Service- to-Self, you will be conquered. This is the message. It is not by accident
that the conquerors arrived on a traveling red world, reminiscent of the
when viewed from a distance due to the iron ore dust in its tail. It is not by accident that the inhabitants have desires to
conquer the Earth, as the inhabitants of the 12th Planet have a long history of just such activity on Earth, and legends
abound regarding this.
ID4 is designed, by more than the producers, to make the populace uneasy, going into the forthcoming pole shift and Transformation. Who so desires this? The establishment, who wants
to proceed. Unlike the situation depicted in the movie[2/5/2012 11:40:05 AM]
ZetaTalk: When Worlds Collide
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Imagine the mindset of MJ12 when they encountered the Service-to-Self aliens who rushed in during the time of
Roswell to form bonds with the US government before the Service-to-Other could do so. This was the defense
department, the military, who are paranoid about intrusions in any case and tend to be hyper-organized and control
oriented. They found the rules and regulations the Service-to-Self aliens had in place a comfort, but were uneasy.
They sensed a coldness, agendas not explained. After Roswell, when the Service-to-Other made contact by crashing
and injuring themselves, they concluded that aliens were not
the Service-to-Self had not crashed during an introduction, they took this group to be more competent, and having the
upper hand. It took some time for the nature of the two groups to sort out in MJ12's mind, in fact long after Nancy's
recent engagement where she had to explain a few matters to them.
Consequently, members of MJ12 had long talks into the night with each other on the possible scenarios. Movies such
technologically advanced, but cold. They presented the agenda of a takeover, something the military mind would fret
about in any case. Intrusion into human society, infecting and influencing humans, and when the time was right,
eliminating mankind and taking the Earth for themselves. Look back over the menu Hollywood offered, during those
decades, and you see the mindset of MJ12 in the early days. Later movies, such as
to the alien presence plays into the Service-to-Self agenda, and set out to right their prior wrongs.[2/5/2012 11:40:06 AM]
ZetaTalk: Signs
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The message from the establishment on the meaning of crop cirles is:
1. cling to your government, who will protect you,
2. be suspicious of anything alien, they are out to eat or enslave you,
3. man wins out over aliens, even with inferior technology.
Nothing new in the movie business, sad to say.
Since the movie Signs generated interest and attendance, the powers that be have decided countering information was
required. Not enough that Signs presented aliens, once again, as desiring to carry off and eat humans, and that humans
could counter this by going mano-a-mano with aliens, hand to hand combat.
mistake of actually informing the public at large that crop circles, genuine circles, had a quality that humans could
perpetrate - bend but not broken grain. To the horror of the elite, who want the human populace to only cling to
and to fear and push away the alien presence, the public went to see this movie in droves, and commented among
themselves about the validity of crop circles being alien. Thus, two phenomena emerged, shortly after the premiere.
1. 1. fake crop circles, reasonably well done, emerged, which could be claimed later to be fakes, which they
2. 2. books and supposed experts emerged confusing the issue, claiming that fakes are real, real are fakes, and the
The real focus should be on those characteristics which
continues to grow! Is this being placed as the defining characteristic? Not at