Consider, when listening to these many voices, that a
of what you know human behavior to
deny it? Consider second that alien groups relaying information to humans may likewise prefer to save the really bad[2/5/2012 11:40:11 AM]
ZetaTalk: Sylvia Browne
news until the last minute. We ask only that those looking for the truth consider the ZetaTalk accuracy track record,
which is impressive to the point of standing alone in information received from a source outside of the human vehicle
relaying it. There is[2/5/2012 11:40:11 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ramtha
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The entity claiming to be Ramtha, speaking through a channel, is widely viewed as a
This is not via a channel, but from a male associate of the channel, a woman. Why the deception? In the world of
man, it is
assumed to be illogical and emotional. This in conjunction with the stage presence and appearance and confidence of
the individual who would be the public front, determined which of the pair would go on stage. The male contactee
determines the content of the Ramtha messages, but the newscaster is a woman claiming to be a channel. This
contactee is arrogant and in contact with Service-to-Self entities as was Tesla. He received information and projections
allowing him to have a substantial track record on predictions, in order for the Ramtha message to gather a large
following, which it did. As with the Service-to-Self aliens giving the original MJ12 group ships, supposedly to allow
them to secure the technology, this was a false promise. MJ12 never secured any technology, as dissecting the ships
energy source or navigation devices caused explosions. But the myths of a technology exchange for access to
American citizens exists today. Thus, Ramtha, after establishing his initial repute, was no longer given information, as
he was considered cutting lose from his bonds by his controllers. Frustrated in increasing his scope, he turned to petty
control games, revealing his true orientation in these later days.[2/5/2012 11:40:11 AM]
ZetaTalk: Barbara Marciniak
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Many channelers purport to be relaying information from the Pleadians, far out of proportion to the Pleadian influence
on Earth at this time. The reason for this choice, among the many channelers who are faking it, is that the Pleadians are
gentle speaking, not blunt, and focus on feel-good messages. It's all rather like the preamble to a sermon, without ever
arriving at the sermon. It's like attending lectures without ever having to take an exam. The Pleadians don't relay
messages that make humans uncomfortable, that's not their chosen role. They're greeters, the nice guys, easing humans
into the concept of an alien presence with pleasantries. Consequently, those who claim to be channeling Pleadians
don't get challenged to prove it, as no one is uncomfortable.
The drawback to the plethora of false channelers is the plethora of inaccuracies that follow. Barbara Marciniak claims
to channel the Pleadians - she doesn't. She claims an ancient civilization lives in Antarctica - none does. She claims
entities called Game Masters create civilizations - they don't. This is not to say that everything she might write would
be a falsehood, it's just that it couldn't be trusted.[2/5/2012 11:40:12 AM]
ZetaTalk: Alexander
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Channeling in and of itself has an impact on the human allowing themselves to be a channel. They allow themselves to
be used as an instrument, as a violin or piano is used by the conductor and musician to relay a composers work to the
audience. Many hands play the violin or piano, in effect, but all have more control over the process than the instrument
itself, or so it would seem. Yet if the piano is not tuned, it leaves its mark on what the audience hears, and if the violin
can't sustain a rich and resonant sound, the audience misses what the composer intended. The instrument matters.
When reading channeled material, the reader should bear this in mind, and look for the slant that may be there, the
persistent theme that seems out of keeping with the bulk of the content. The work channeled for Alexander carries