Note: written during the Sep 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Jelaila Starr of the Nibiruian Council is not a valid contactee, nor channel, and in fact is in contact only with her

imagination and greed. There is nothing of worth in her reports, which cannot be proven and have no basis for

accuracy tabulations. Is what she says about the intentions of the hominoids on Nibiru correct? Can you ask them? Can

she bring one forward to report in person? None of her statements can be verified, nor will she allow herself to be

interviewed live, bombarded with questions ad hoc as Nancy has, from the start. She first discounted all that ZetaTalk

stated, but has lately adopted the message as her own, hoping to share the stage. She will not be the last wannabe.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: Anna Hayes

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ZetaTalk: Anna Hayes

Note: written during the Sep 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

There are, in the world of the Internet and alien voices, many who would take advantage of the native fear reactions of

humans. Anna Hayes, a priestess of the Service-to-Self, is one such, preaching not to enable mankind with information

by which they can gage truth or falsehood, but playing on fears. She will delude and win some converts, but most will

turn from her when the truth of our message emerges increasingly. Thus, in the end, like the claws of the Bush

Administration emerging when they are denied a reason to invade Iraq, her claws will emerge when she senses she is

losing, overall. This world is destined for those in the Service-to-Other, and those in the Service-to-Self who linger

and snarl in the shadows will not be with mankind for long.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Accuracy

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Accuracy

Note: written on Dec 15, 2001

We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, are in tune with all humans who are thinking about us or whom we are interested in,

their thoughts, as well as with Nancy. Likewise, Nancy has to do no more than think a request for a conference and

one is in process, as both of us can converse while doing our normal daily tasks. There is no need for a physical

proximity, only a syncing of the thoughts. In that there is this merging, how can the public be sure it is not nancy

rather than ourselves, who are answering? We step back during NancyTalk, and she gives us this stage during

ZetaTalk, but in between she and we converse with the normal open discourse we are very accustomed to. Nancy is

not shy, nor are we, and we both are comfortable with blunt talk. So when we say we are reporting ZetaTalk to you,

this is exactly what it is. And this is why she will sometimes correct, having put forth a word or phrase that does not

carry our intent, as we object, when this occurs. We act as a team, with both members having their identity, but the

overall goal a shared one.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:40:16 AM]

Document Outline

ZetaTalk: Awakening

Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

ZetaTalk: Not Alone

ZetaTalk: Alien Presence

ZetaTalk: TimeTable

ZetaTalk: First Impressions

ZetaTalk: Signs of the Awakening

ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome

ZetaTalk: Sightings to Increase

ZetaTalk: Not Just UFOs!

ZetaTalk: Mass Sightings

ZetaTalk: Glowing Ships

ZetaTalk: Mothership Sightings

ZetaTalk: Lights in the Sky

ZetaTalk: UFO's on Film

ZetaTalk: UFO's in the News

ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights

ZetaTalk: Initiation Rite

ZetaTalk: Shared

ZetaTalk: Faked

ZetaTalk: Power Outages

ZetaTalk: Alien Bodies

ZetaTalk: The Word

ZetaTalk: Arizona Coverage

ZetaTalk: Roswell Revisited

ZetaTalk: Demand for Proof

ZetaTalk: Discord

ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition

ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?

ZetaTalk: False Channels

ZetaTalk: False Claims

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