general public. His close associates certainly knew, occasional lovers outside of the FBI certainly knew, and talk
of his leanings would have been shared among acquaintances of these individuals in the wildfire manner that
rumors are spread about. How did the truth get suppressed for decades until long after his death? By threats of
harassment by the FBI and frank blackmail attempts, which succeeded in preventing anyone in the media from
cashing in on this juicy bit of gossip.
the death of John F. Kennedy, murdered by the CIA with more than
of witnesses and broadcasts on TV. The gullible public was told that a single bullet traveled through two bodies,
in and out of several organs that were not even lined up with each other, and came out intact. The fact that a
single bullet would have lost speed, and fragmented when breaking bones, stands loudly pronouncing that such
an explanation is
buy the story, it stands. How did the truth get suppressed for decades, up to and including the present? By the
fact that a handful of men in high government positions repeated the lie in solemn tones.
the bankruptcy of banking systems, such as the Savings and Loan fiasco that took place in the United States
during the past decades or the BCCI fiasco. The public stared at the figures, which showed billions gone to
fraud, and believed the government line that banking system controls put into place since 1929 would not allow
banks to fail. These two frauds took place back to back, perpetrated essentially by the same CIA money
laundering crowd seeking a money source for all the secret programs the CIA has run over the years, yet even a[2/5/2012 1:27:40 PM]
ZetaTalk: Conspiracies
what discomforts, so that unpleasant untruths are simply ignored.[2/5/2012 1:27:40 PM]
ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague
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Urgent. In Ukraine Walk Viruses Pneumonic Plague and Swine Flu.
November 2, 2009
Ukraine Closes All Schools To Fight Swine Flu
November 2, 1009
Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): 'Swine Flu Vaccine is Bioweapon'
August 21, 2009
Rumors abound, but the current outbreak of the plague in the Ukraine is
incentive to declaring martial law around the world. The great plague outbreaks, the Black Death, occurred in Europe
which obviously has the plague bacillus indiginous in its rat population. At the onset of winter, rats seek shelter
indoors, and invade human lodgings. The onset of winter is also a cold and flu season for humans. Traps are set, and in