handling the dead rats, those with a cold or mild flu might pull out a hanky to blow their nose. What is causing the

spread of the pneumonic plague at this time in the Ukraine is fear of the swine flu. This fear is ramped up by

authorities intent on immunizing the public to the greatest extent possible, due to their own fears of another genetically engineered flu virus being released. Thus nervous, those who empty rat traps and wipe their runny nose with a hanky,

also put this hanky up as a face mask when encountering others. They thus send any plague bacillus to their lungs, and the cycle begins.

Pneumonic plague outbreak in Congo sparks WHO response

February 18, 2005


http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta543.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:41 PM]

ZetaTalk: Ukraine Plague

An unusual outbreak of pneumonic plague that has killed at least 61 people and potentially sickened

hundreds of others is the focus of a World Health Organization (WHO) mission in a war-torn area

of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Plague is endemic in the northeastern province of

Orientale, near Uganda, but this outbreak is unusual because it appears to be exclusively the

pneumonic form of plague, which accounts for only 2% of reported plague cases overall. The

pneumonic form can spread from person to person via aerosolized bacteria, bypassing the usual

route of flea bites or infective materials. Antibiotics can treat the disease and prevent a secondary


Quarantine: Pneumonic Plague Outbreak in China

August 9, 2009

http://thefastertimes.com/globalpandemics/2009/08/09/quarantine-pneumonic-plague-outbreak-in- china/

Pneumonic plague has killed three during a recent outbreak which began at the end of July.

Pneumonic plague is extremely rare, but is the most deadly type of plague. Since the start of the

outbreak, nine additional human infections with Yersinia pestis, the bacteria which causes plague,

have been confirmed in this Tibetan Area of Qinghai Province. The threat of disease spread was

considered serious enough that the Chinese authorities took aggressive measures to keep 10,000

inhabitants of Qinghai province under quarantine.

http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta543.htm[2/5/2012 1:27:41 PM]

ZetaTalk: Abortion

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ZetaTalk: Abortion

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

We, the Zetas, hold all life in respect, even such life forms as plants and insects. In creating nourishment for ourselves we destroy as little life as possible and are essentially vegetarian in our practices. We most certainly do not hunt or

fish for pleasure, and the thought of harboring domestic animals in boring or unhealthful quarters horrifies us, to say

nothing of the virtual torture done in the name of food production by many humans.

It is not surprising that we therefore view abortion with alarm. The tiny life, in truth only a potential, represents the most sentient kind of life among the life forms on Earth - a consciousness aware of itself as well as its environment.

However, the matter of abortion is not so simple, as there is more than one life to consider. The mother, whom anti-

abortionists consider not at all, bears at least equal importance. Should she not be considered? To fail to consider the

mother's situation deems her inconsequential, and herein lies the crux of the abortion issue. It is not over abortion at

all, but over control of the decision making process that mothers, fathers, and humans in general hold. Where anti-

abortionists cry they value life in the extreme, their practices are the opposite.

Much is made of the moment when sentient life begins. When does the human embryo embody a spirit or soul? At the

moment when genetic material from the mother and father combine to form the potential for human life? Most

certainly not. At the point in fetal development when the fetus could potentially live outside the mother? This

argument also is absurd, as this point in the past was close to term and now has moved along the continuum to just

past the second trimester. Have God's birthing envoys moved the point when a fetus is joined with a soul to keep pace

with modern medical advances? Clearly these arguments are not logical nor are they meant to be. Anti- abortion

arguments are meant to intimidate, not clarify.

So when does the fetus become human, filled with a spirit and deserving of the same consideration given to living

births? This varies, but generally it is no earlier than birth and frequently sometime after. We will explain. The tiny

fetus, in the early months, does not provide the entity waiting to incarnate with a learning experience. This is also true of severely injured bodies, in coma or gravely injured so as to be focused incessantly on pain management. The entity

leaves, to observe from the sidelines. Likewise, before birth the entity becomes familiar with its future home not within the tiny fetus, who lives helpless amid surging fluids and in an environment where the lessons of life cannot be learned

because action and accountability are impossible. And does the life of a tiny infant present much else? Sleep is the

order of the day, and when not asleep the infant is consumed with hunger and security concerns. The entity waiting to

incarnate is allowed to be Out-Of-Body for some time, months in fact, before being required to take up

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