their back
when their lives and livelihood were threatened, for persevering when they were treated derogatorily and stories about
their personal lives were spread. Consider the source broadly, for the many sources that may be behind any given
source. Do some discerning yourself, and don't expect to have the full answer to every question given to you, ready
made. You have a brain so you can think! So share some of the burden with these brave reporters who labor long, with
little reward for their efforts, to bring you the facts[2/5/2012 11:44:17 AM]
ZetaTalk: Phil Schneider
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When this former government engineer involved in the construction of underground installations broke his security
code and talked, alarm lit up the elite within the CIA and military who saw their personal escape hatch to avoiding the
coming cataclysms closing. His death was not only to silence him, it was to send a clear and unmistakable message to
any others who might be contemplating breaking their security oath. Should he have been found dead in an apparent
suicide, the message would have been blurred. Thus he was gunned down, a simple engineer meeting a death that
Mafia kingpins might meet, a death that would
most of the subsequent information leaks have been disinformation designed to cloud the facts so that the truth fades
and begins to look silly alongside the company it must keep.
References to the Service-to-Self aliens the CIA had so quickly allied with are most often misunderstood, as where
they were present in the underground installations, and where their technology was being examined by the military, the
rules of engagement they were operating under are
was warned not to tamper with certain devices, but proceeded anyway under the assumption that the warning was to
keep them from knowledge, rather than harm. The orders to proceed endangered
vicinity, but the Service-to-Self aliens cared only for their own safety and reacted in a manner that escalated into what
has been interpreted as a shoot out. Each side thought they were defending themselves.
The alliance with Service-to-Self aliens occurred in the old days of MJ12, and matters are much different in the
present day. MJ12 has come to the realization that they were lied to, and that the alien visitors come in two flavors,
and have steadily migrated to an alliance with aliens in the Service-to-Other such as ourselves. Little of the old
alliances remains today.[2/5/2012 11:44:18 AM]
ZetaTalk: Bob Lazar
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Like Bill Cooper, Bob Lazar is truthfully telling his experiences, and like Bill Cooper he has been attacked and knows
he is at risk and could lose his life. Both these men walk a fine line and are playing a dangerous game. Where others
are talking about their passing exposure to documents or peripheral details about possible crashed ships, the
information Bill Cooper and Bob Lazar are providing is neither hearsay or rumor, but first-hand eye witness accounts
of their activities when in direct contact with MJ12. They are both breaking a security oath in this, beyond the point
where those wanting to control the outflow of information about secret government activities allow.
The line must be drawn somewhere, and they both stepped over this line. They are, in fact, both only alive because
they went public, and noisily so, before they could be killed. Bob Lazar has been embroiled in scandals designed to
discredit him, and has allowed this to occur as the alternative stands behind this discrediting campaign, snarling and
hissing at him. As with Bill Cooper’s cooperation with rumors about his mental health, Bob Lazar has learned to live
with a smear campaign as the lesser of two evils. He would rather live, discredited, than meet with an accident.
Bob Lazar truthfully relates his experiences while hired as a contractor to assist military engineers and physicists
attempting to reverse engineer space ships loaned to MJ12 by aliens in the Service-to-Self. His insights into the
bumbling nature of a military operation purporting to be scientific are not fantasy, nor would they surprise anyone in
the private sphere exposed to how the military works. Discipline and a long history of cooperation with superiors
comes before competence. However, even if the most competent scientists were to be assigned to back engineer these
ships, they would not succeed, as the secret of how they work is locked where they cannot peek! The power source on
these ships is truly a Pandora’s box, which disintegrates when opened, taking all in the near vicinity with it.
True to the need-to-know basis under which Bob Lazar worked, he learned little of the information already gathered
by the military. He filled in the blanks with his own hypothesis, but did not arrive at the correct conclusions.