[2/5/2012 2:44:36 PM]
ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown
Source:[2/5/2012 2:44:36 PM]
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010
New interesting crop circles in Czechia. It will be useful to hear any comments from Zetas about this
Both these crop circles have different meanings. The first, in South Moravia, indicates by the black and white flipping a rapid change. This crop circle is describing the severe wobble that precedes the static lean to the left. We have not put a time period, a day or week length, to this severe wobble but here you are given it - 9 days. The Egyptians
described this time as the Earth 'spinning round like a Potter's Wheel', meaning flopping from side to side. It finally flops to the left and there stays until the N Pole of Earth moves away into the 3 days of darkness. For those looking to pin down the time frame during the last weeks, this is another piece of the puzzle.
Vysocina is showing a series of eclipses, where one planetary body eclipses another. The first, in the central circle, shows the size of Planet X as a Second Sun seen from the northern hemisphere as the Earth and Planet X draw closer.
The radiance of the Sun is eclipsed by this. What lies behind represents an earlier stage, when Planet X is less visible in the line of sight as viewed from Earth.
My basic Q is how the Zetas and Nancy's bluntness and courageous honesty has impacted human cultures,
particularly contactees and ZT readers? I think this was briefly mentioned in the Cultural Exchange
writeup (and perhaps its been addressed in more detail but I cannot find it in ZT and do not readily
recall), but I feel it is pertinent particularly now with the poleshift looming. Are a lot of people, STO-
leaning or STO, seeing Nancy and Zetas example of being blunt and honest rather than sugar coating (like
Sylvia Brown, for example) and seeing that it is more effective in approaching not just the poleshift but life
in general? I would hope those fostering the cover-up who have a conscience takes this example to heart.
I realize this influence is probably more apparent in the STO or STO-leaning, but they will (hopefully) be
the leaders in the aftertime and I hope the Zetas and Nancy's inspiration prevails among the STO-leaning
in the Aftertime when hard split second decisions will have to be made.
Also, I realize that the Zetas were chosen to be so involved with humans due to a similarity in
physiological background and hemoglobin blood type, and some similarities that are concurrent with
mammalian culture (the tendency to destroy our world when given the power in 3rd density). But I was
thinking about how much of a well fit the Zetas blunt and honest approach is given the unusual human[2/5/2012 2:44:39 PM]
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010
brain tendency (unusual in terms of lifeforms throughout the universe) to be able to repress information
and deny and escape reality. No offense to any other STO E.T. cultures, but I couldn't imagine one that is
more prone to sugar coating things and avoiding uncomfortable realities being in the role that the Zetas
are in. Was this compatibility a big component in the Council of World's allowance of the Zetas as having
the role they have in Earth at this time?
Man has dual brains, the conscious which is selective in what it wants to remember and can repress emotions, and the subconscious which remembers and is aware of all. This is not true of lifeforms elsewhere in the Universe, and is the exception in the extreme. We, the Zetas, do not have this duality. Man can fool himself as to his motives, deny and
ignore reality, or twist reality into a version that makes him feel comfortable. Thus, man can see the Earth changes and pretend what he saw does not exist, can see the Moon in a part of the sky far outside of where the Moon travels, and simply dismiss this from his mind. When we speak to mankind through ZetaTalk, we are speaking to the subconscious
of man, the part of the brain that does not repress or forget or twist facts. We are speaking to the whole man, his whole essence, and not a surface cover that only allows certain facts to be on the table. We work well with Nancy because
she also has this approach, and does not play games with reality. She has faced the hard facts and determined that she wants to help the innocents who will be hit the hardest by the cover-up and by mankind's tendency to deny the
unpleasant. This takes courage, which she has in almost boundless amounts. Would we like to see survivors take this
approach, in setting their priorities in the Aftertime? Absolutely.
Did the failure this week of DARPA's Falcon HTV-2 experimental space plane have anything to do with
potentially dangerous tail elements or properties of Planet X interacting with earth's atmosphere? Along
with the recent worldwide news about earth's atmosphere suffering an unexplainable collapse, are these
signs of an increasing push and interaction of the tail elements and properties of Planet X? [and from
another] space-
weapon-plan/ Plane's Flameout May End Space Weapon Plan [Jul 22] In the language of Beltway defense wonkery, the results of this year's test launch of the hypersonic unmanned U.S. aircraft designated Falcon
HTV-2 might be called sub-optimal. In plain English, it appears certain that the experimental space plane