to take over any found in a survival community. They will claim superior abilities to lead, the right to replace lost possessions, or any other right they can assert, loudly. Expect those with concern for the common man to be at last in their element,

able to place this priority as the rule, the Golden Rule, in their survival communities and operating with great

consensus in this mode. Those valuing assets of caring over others will be identified quickly and ejected. Thus ejected, they will band together and spend their energies making demands upon each other. Karma, at last.[2/5/2012 11:21:54 AM]

ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

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ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

written June 27, 2004

So far we have been hearing and reading about disasters hitting, as always happens, poor, defenseless,

innocent people all over the world. Would please the mighty Zetas let us know if there are any chance to

be hearing or reading about some of those who are and have brought us to this infamous and mischievous

point to be hit by some of those disasters?

In human society, it seems to those not ruthlessly clawing their way to the top of the pile that justice seldom occurs, and the mean spirited and self centered win, almost invariably. Or so the man behind the curtain would certainly have

the populace believe. A key element of any intimidation is to maintain this facade, that the hammer is poised, the unblinking eye never sleeps, and any setback to those in control is temporary and any rebellion is about to be

punished, horribly. Another key element in this facade is control of the media, so that any news that counters this facade is suppressed, but rather a falsehood prevails. By all means, keep the populace afraid to hope, trembling, and

deciding to join the ranks of the oppressors if they wish their personal circumstances to change. Given that the

Transformation period, ongoing at the present time and to prevail for at least another 100 years on Earth before it can truly be a Service-to-Other world, is a time of extreme polarization and desperate grasping at power and control by those in the Service-to-Self orientation, is this facade also an extreme falsehood? Indeed.

We have explained that those who have chosen the Service-to-Self orientation, when removed from the schoolhouse

where they were mixed in with a populace mostly leaning toward the Service-to-Other orientation, are in shock when

first encountering what life with other hardened Service-to-Self will be like. A place of horror, where entities are

allowed to hack at each other to establish the pecking order, a process we have termed Leveling Wars. This starts early during a Transformation. Polarization happens increasingly, where those in the Service-to-Other get increasingly serious minded and dedicated and group together in order to accomplish their goals, and those in the Service-to-Self

band together increasingly in order to likewise have an uninterrupted focus on their goals without the distraction of

discussions on whether the common man should be helped, with those undecided left to party and wonder about it all

on the periphery. Thus thrown together, and nervous about losing territory, the Service-to-Self are mean spirited with

each other.

If the War in Iraq has not gone well, the worldwide oil grab that was to be a fate accompli by the pole shift now

a disaster, then who is to blame and take the rage of the world on this failed affair? Why, the Bush

administration, and their cronies in oil interests. Not liking this role, this group of Puppets struggles to establish

a rebellion and the leveling wars, establishing the pecking order, become more vicious. Those delighting in the

Abu Ghraib prison scandal and Fahrenheit 911 premiere should realize that these were assisted by the Puppet

Masters who encouraged 911 and the Iraq invasion in the first place. This is a battle within the house, the

Service-to-Self turning on each other, to establish the pecking order.

If the greed and corruption that drives Wall Street is being exposed because the economic disasters worldwide

are catching up with this House of Cards, then a cascade of scapegoats will be presented to the public to

dissipate their rage. When Martha Steward proves insufficient, higher heads will roll, including SEC corruption

that allowed the markets to be maintained at a false level for years, despite the dictates of the law about free

markets. The Puppet Masters, owning the world via the banking systems and wanting these notes to come due at

some point in the future, will at all costs protect their interests. The markets may crumble, the Puppets hung

high, but the credit and debit system will be maintained on the books for the future.

If the point of the cover-up is to allow the elite to escape to their bunkers without the clutter of a panic stricken

populace in their way, then clearly their safety is a card in their internal battles. Thus, Cheney’s location during[2/5/2012 11:21:54 AM]

ZetaTalk: Leveling Wars

2001, Mt Raven in Pennsylvania, was recently exposed. There are enclaves throughout the United States that

Homeland Security was to protect by travel restrictions, orders to ‘shelter in place’, that will be allowed to be

invaded by hordes of escapees from collapsing cities for no other reason than to eliminate combatants during the

leveling wars of the Service-to-Self. Plans to poison these cities, to blow up bridges in fake terrorism attacks,

will be exposed during this process as the surest way to prevent the plans from proceeding.

Thus, where the Puppet Masters will not be exposed during these leveling wars, their much hated Puppets will be, and by watching this drama play out the populace can take comfort that there are no oppressors that reign supreme,

untouched, as all in the Service-to-Self orientation find others stronger and more

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