and protection from the lava occurs. Hawaii, likewise, is expected to do better than one would think, because the
compression of the Pacific will
where that edge of the plate will tip
relieved. Likewise, where there is a stretch, as Iceland will experience, there will be continued oozing, but explosions
caused by lava under pressure unlikely to happen.
Inland cauldera, like Yellowstone, have their basis in pressure that has a
During the shift, the fact that they are and have been an outlet for pressure competes with what is occurring in the rock
strata. What comes first, for Yellowstone, will
Atlantic is stretched, the plates on the move, and the core roiling. Thus, there
lava, from volcanoes however active along the Sierras and Andes. The later part of the hour sees rock strata pushed
under the West Coast of the Americas, shutting off access of lava from those volcanoes, which should speed the easing
but not prevent the explosion in the first place. In areas under stretch in Europe and the Middle East, likewise, the[2/5/2012 9:55:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Volcanoes
roiling will cause oozing and where volcanoes are already open to the air, an outlet established, such as in Italy, they
or caulderas, to gauge their actions during the shift.[2/5/2012 9:55:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Yellowstone
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We have indicated in the past that Yellowstone would
stands. But the eruption will not be what many fear. It has evidence of being a super volcano at a time when the world
was in complete global turmoil, not due to a pole shifts but due to impacts and being careened out of its orbit and
closer to the Sun. The injury to the crust so deep it almost reached the core. So clearly that was an exceptional
situation, not
American Plate pushing all the way to the Continental Divide. Even though Yellowstone lies in an area which is a hot
spot, there’s enough crust flakes overlapping that it is not just a direct siphon of lava to go kaboom in an explosion.
But it will cause ash for some 100 miles in all direction, bad enough that life may be snuffed in those areas. So we
would recommend anyone wanting to survive the shift itself, not to be close to Yellowstone but to allow a 100 miles
buffer, more miles would be better.
Below recorded during May 30, 2004 F2F Live Radio broadcast
We have stated that Yellowstone will become an active volcano during the pole shift, but will not meet the fear of
many that it will become the super volcano that it was in the past. It is more to ooze than blow and will give plenty of
warning well before it starts to ooze which we do not expect to be until the Earth is grinding to a halt during rotation
stoppage. Right now the West Coast volcanoes, including Yellowstone, are increasingly worrisome but this is being
held back from the public because the government does not want to explain how Global Warming is causing all this.
Its all tied together. The cover-up is so tightly interwoven that everything that would point to the existence of Planet X
and the cover-up is held back. But when it gets to the point where it is worrisome there will be no denying it, because
local people will begin talking about it. Treat it like any other volcano with respect to when you should move away and
the worry about being down wind and out of the way of the lava flows. In this case you must worry about before the
pole shift and after. Before the pole shift, the Westerlies are blowing from West to East, but at the pole shift you will
have a 90d switch and your North becomes West. So you don’t want to be anywhere in that swath in either case.[2/5/2012 9:55:53 AM]
ZetaTalk: Survive the Quakes
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Depending upon where one is positioned, the force of the plate movements during the pole shift may be grinding,
sliding, or forcing the plate under or over another. If grinding occurs, then the earthquake will be felt as jiggling. If
sliding occurs, the earthquake will be felt as having the floor jerked out from under one. If forcing under occurs, then
the earthquake will be felt as a sudden jolt, then jiggling followed by an inundation by water if the sea level is being
reduced. If forcing over occurs, then the earthquake will be felt by a sudden jolt that may throw one up into the air,