just as mountains may be wrenched upward with such force that sheer rock is ripped apart during mountain building,

producing cliffs.

Individuals standing may be dashed during such times, and are safest if grounded in some way such that their

movement is limited. If grinding or sliding is to occur, lying on the ground will minimize being thrown. If the plate is

being forced up, then lying under a firm cover will prevent any more than a bruise as one it thrown against the ceiling.

If survivors are practical about their housing during these first few weeks of Aftertime living, there will in truth be no

disruption of living, other than having to sit down now and then for a moment or two. Leave the crockery in the boxes,

for the present! Do not build any housing you expect to be living in afterwards on a fault line, most certainly not on a

fault line that will be experiencing mountain building. Built more toward the center of a plate.

A dome or other structure designed by its shape or materials to withstanding jolting will not only survive, it will

protect the inhabitants. Any jolt the structure experiences will be passed on to the inhabitants, who should expect to be

tossed about the room and plan accordingly. Have no objects that can be thrown lose in the room, but tie them all

down. Lie down on the floor, buttressed by padded objects such as mattresses against walls or sofas, so that any flung

body has only a short way to go before being stopped. The worst case situation one should prepare for is an impact

after being dashed equivalent to a drop of 500 feet. This presumes no protections around the object or person to

prevent impact injury, and that the object or person is not prevented from being thrown.

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ZetaTalk: Rapid Shift

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ZetaTalk: Rapid Shift

Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Man is used to measuring motion on the surface of his globe by his travels into space, via airplane, and the like. Air

planes can take off slowly, increase in speed in upper atmospheres where the friction is reduced, and reach speeds not

thought possible in earlier centuries. Space shuttles can rocket into space at high speeds, insulated by heat resistant

panels, and survive exit and entry. What should be remembered when considering the speed of the shift is that the

atmosphere is moving with the Earth, almost entirely. Just as the water in the oceans and seas moves with the crust

during the shift, lingering back to create flood tides and spending some time sloshing to find its level afterwards, in a

similar fashion the air moves. Hurricane force winds experienced by man are what the density of the atmosphere can

support. Greater winds will not occur because the air simply will resist being pushed in this manner. Calculate that the

atmosphere, almost entirely, moves with the Earth as it shifts, except for the 100 mph reluctance we have cited, being

the hurricane force winds.

Beyond this, what motion would man experience? None, except the jolting of the stoppage when the plates start

crashing into each other. Why would this be, when mankind finds itself facing several G forces upon exiting the

atmosphere in a space shuttle? In this instance, man is pushing against falling gravity particles, increasing the

exposure rate immensely. In a horizontal motion, there is almost no increase in exposure, as the increasing in particles

in the face is reduced by the falling particles avoided in the back. The sensation when riding in a roller coaster ride, or

in a rapidly accelerating car, is not caused by gravity particles. What is moving? The roller coaster, which pushes

against the human riding in it, or the car, which likewise pushes against the human. When all move as one, there is no

sensation of pressure. Thus, there is no logical reason to expect any adverse effect from a 90 degree shift, within an

hour, per se.

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ZetaTalk: Rampaging Water

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ZetaTalk: Rampaging Water

Note: written on Apr 15, 1999.

There is no safe place in the air or on the water that will not be affected by the pole shift, and water can shock you

with its turmoil. The ocean, like the atmosphere, is not isolated. It swims, and is affected by pushing and bumping air,

and pushing and bumping water that creates swirling. Just imagine the Earth’s air and water currents with a great deal

more turmoil - cold water rushing in, the sloshing that occurs when the Earth is turning under the water so that great

tides occur, and then a reversal, a pulling back, as water finds its level. Humans are used to thinking of slow moving

rivers and tides that ease in and ease out. Imagine if the press behind the water is strong and the waters move rapidly

and crash, bore up into the hillsides because they have no place else to go, swarm over the countryside beyond the hills

that might bridge along a coastline and come roaring back out to sea so that people find water coming from behind

them, coming from inland and from the ocean alike. Water can be very unpredictable, although it can be

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