
Likewise in the Himalayas, but the mountains in Europe will not be any less safe than elsewhere in Europe, as

the Atlantic will yaw and tend to pull Europe down in elevation. Thus, the mountains in Europe may be safer

than the lowlands which are subject to tidal influx. The spine of mountains running the length of South America

is also highly subject to trauma during pole shifts, in like manner to the Rockies. Here again the land west of the

Continental Divide is the worst hit.

In both the Americas the land east of the Continental Divide tends to go for a ride across the plains to the east.

Heat from friction is a factor here, but heat from compression is not present. The heat from friction is also closer

to the surface and dissipates faster than heat generated from lower plate friction where the heat builds until it

can actually melt surface rock.

Needless to say, caverns or man-made tunnels in traumatized mountain areas will not be safe. One need only

visit Yosemite park to see the forces that will be at play. The valley 2,000 feet below the surrounding cliffs,

standing as a statement to the shearing force that took place in solid rock in the past. Will caverns and man-

made tunnels in older mountains be safe? Yes and no, as in each case the structure of the mountainous area and

in particular the stability of the cavern or tunnel ceiling must be analyzed. Each case stands alone. As humans

run the risk of being trapped or crushed and could expect no rescue help afterwards, this option is far less safe

than other options.

Water softens the blows both from the jolts of earthquakes and, if one is underwater, from flying debris.[2/5/2012 9:55:59 AM]

ZetaTalk: Safe Places

However, water will carry one with it, and the swimmer or submarine may find themselves hundreds of miles

inland when a tidal wave recedes, or far from any shore.

All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 9:55:59 AM]

ZetaTalk: Safe Structures

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ZetaTalk: Safe Structures

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

In past cataclysms, faced with high winds and hailstones, many sought shelter in caves or caverns. This as often

brought death as salvation, as these hollow places were formed during mountain building in the past, so seeking shelter

in them is equivalent to trying to avoid traffic by standing in the middle of a busy highway. Subterranean cavities that

are safe are not open to the surface, which in and of itself indicate frailty in the surrounding rock strata. Subterranean

cavities that would be safe are so deep and thickly surrounded by rock that they are essentially a bubble in a slab of

granite. Underground structures, such as the one constructed by the government at Mount Weather, are insufficient to

withstand the violent compression that will occur during 15 Richter point earthquakes.

Note: inset written during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Mankind visits caves, which show their age in the slow accumulation of drip-fed rock, and think

underground caverns safe. At the same time, man-made mines collapse or fill with water, with horror

stories of miners buried alive. There are caves in rock that last eons, and mines that man made that

likewise hold up, but compared to the risks of aboveground shelters during the shift, they are high risk.

Mankind has little experience with Richter 9 force quakes, with only projection on what the Richter on

famous quakes such as the 1906 San Francisco quake were. Dramatic rock shattering, such as was

required to drive raw rock at a slant, skyward, during prior shifts, is not in the memory of man. Caverns

available then, for man to crawl into, which closed and trapped whatever crawled there, are lost to man.

On occasion, he digs bones frozen in what was formerly mud, a volcanic flow or river bed. How the

animals died is conjecture. If human bones are found in caverns, it is assumed they died of disease, not


If the force of a shift, in the recent past, has driven mountains over the plains in the US West, rumpled the

foothills of the Sierras, heaved the Himalayas higher, and melted rock with subduction, then why line of

thinking allows this rock to remain firm and undisturbed just because it is the wall of a cavern? It is not

immune from what is happening during mountain building, during the shift: shattering rock, rapid

sideways motions, flaking and separating, and snapping. In heartland’s, where mountain building may not

be occurring, there are rocks and caves which are assumed not to be affected. But stretching, growing

rifts, can likewise create collapse. Thus, to avoid being buried alive, crushed, do not be underground

during the shift. Allow yourself access to the open air.

Cities will not be safe. During these coming times, most of the cities, most of your existing structures, will crumble,

even if they are retrofitted. The types of quakes and shocks will be unexpected, and will find the weak link in the way

these building have been constructed. Beyond collapsing buildings that will be virtual death traps, gas lines and oil and

gasoline storage will be in flames, and the whole place likely to become an inferno. A building awry, cracking,

tipping, ready to crumble, is not a safe place to live in and they will be abandoned, and eventually will crumble due to

the weather. During violent earthquakes, those humans who survived were surrounded by the least structure. Those

who live in light housing will find that they survive, not crushed by their dwelling, but will be temporarily without

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